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A CONCRETE structure which may do much to help the Transport Advisory Council in preparing its Report was submitted to the...
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Cheaper and Lighter A N example of the simple Packing for Irish rm•methods of packing required Eggs for goods carried in road...
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Of some who hold that it is better for a road to be good than beautiful. Of others who see no reason why it should not be...
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L AST Monday an important joint memorandum prepared by the Liaison Committee on Road Transport Rates and the four main-line...
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W E learn that the road transport section of the Leeds Chamber of Commerce re-elected Mr. A. H. Butterwick as its chairman, at...
MR. C. J. BARTLETT, managing director of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., has been re-elected president of the Luton and District Chamber...
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of the week (continued) Railway "Cant and Humbug," Mr. Bibbings YORKS WAGES BOARD PERSONNEL. T HE new Yorkshire Area Board,...
R OAD-TRANSPORT interests had no desire to see the unquestionable usefulness of the railways crippled by out-of-date...
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THURSDAY of last week was set 1 apart by the North-Western Licensing Authority, Mr. W. Chamberlain, for the conclusion of the...
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RAILWAYS OUT-SMART EUCLID. S PEAKING at the annual dinner of Cumberland and Westmorland motor traders, at Carlisle, last week,...
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S ECRETS of the oil search in Scotland are to be revealed, at Glasgow, by Mr. A. R. Leper, of the Mines Department - when he...
'THE basis of the capaciousvan shOwn in the accompanying illustration is a Bedford passenger chassis, and despite the fact...
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T HE honours of the principal witness, on Thursday of last week, were very nearly carried off by Mr. J, S. Nichol', when Major...
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Must Be Soundly Organized I N connection with the activities now occupying the attention of local government centres, whereby...
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WITH one or two exceptions, almost 11' the whole fleet operated by Mr. F. J. Masters, of Hemel Hempstead, is composed of...
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R OAD-TRANSPORT rates are an absorbing topic in the United States, and some of the problems with which we, in Britain, are...
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lyikiitsr it is the tread which is subject to direct wear, it ri is the casing structure which eventually determines the...
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T HE re-entry by the Austin Motor Co„ Ltd., into the medium-weight goods-vehicle field is one of the matters of the moment....
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STILL MORE EXAMPLES OF THE JOINTING TRICK. WITH regard to the " Jointing Trick Revived' article " in The Commercial Motor...
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p ERHAPS it may seem, from my previous articles on tyres, that I have laid most of the blame for tyre failures upon the...
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I N a contribution . to a symposium on the starting of oil engines, arranged iecently by the Diesel Engine Users Association,...
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C HIEFLY through making a speciality of cable transport and other long-distance work, a steady growth of traffic has been...
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B EFORE the retonditioning of tyres became recognized as a serious business, the rebuild, remould or retread—whichever...
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ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP THE ROYAL ROAD TO UNITY. From the National Road Transport Employers Federation comes the information...
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TRAFFIC OUTGROWS ARTERIAL ROUTE. IN the House of Commons, this week, the London-Southampton road came _under discussion. Mr....
TIIE , railways are apparently • • suspicious that something irregular is happening," said Mr. D. Skelding, at Birmingham, last...
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says S.T.R. A GOOD example has been set, in some ways, by the Durham County Council's treatment of hauliers. Nevertheless, the...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT CARDIFF ORDERS PRODUCER-GAS BUSES Q UOTATIONS for the supply of two experimental producer-gas vehicles...
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T FIE monthly Aatistics of bus service operation in Eire during December last complete the full returns for 1938 and reveal an...
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T HE use of suction-operated brakes on oil-engined vehicles is complicated by the fact that a sufficient degree of suction can...