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6. The wheels of wealth Will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by Me roughness of the roads over which it eters."—(fohn. Beattie Crosier.
Where Honour is Due.
We beg to extend our heartiest congratulations to the following gentlemen prominent in or connected with the motor industry, upon whom his Majesty, the King has been graciously pleased tocon fer the honour of knighthood ;—Sir Alfred S. Mays-Smith, president of the Society of Motor Manufacturers • and Traders, who rendered important services to the Disposal and Liquidation Commission Sir:. William Malesbury Letts, K.B.E. (promotion from''...he. -ank of Commander, of the*Order), managing: director of Crossley Motors, Ltd., ren,-, derecl important services toitlae(Ministry of Munitions in connection with aircraft manufacture; Sir Harry Greer, M.P., 'director_ A. J. Wilson and Co., Ltd., chairman of Board of Trade Committee, Merchandise( Acts, etc.
Co-ordination of Clearing Houses.
An interesting announcement appears in our advertisement pages, on the instigation of Road Transport Clearing Houses, Ltd. It gives the first complete list ,ever published of the branch clearing houses brought together in the chief organization. The co-ordination of the efforts of the clearing houses as a use fnl and valuable move for the task of pro viding return loads is a matter that calls for attention on a national basis, a single clearing house working from its own centre being limited in its scope. Road Transport Clearing Houses, Ltd., has its offices at 59, Mark Lane; London, B.C. 3, Mr. J. F. Shaw being its managing director. He is a live wire, knon-s.the needs of transport in the matter(of the avoidance of empty running, and, above all, knows how to organize his intelligence department for securing knowledge of loads and the needs of manufacturers and traders.
Provincial Tramways Co. 's Report.
The report of the directors of the-Provincial Tramways Co., Ltd., for the year ended September 30th estates that, the net revenue received from their local• companies is £20,901, compared with £401016 for the previous year, to which must be added the amount brought forward Irons 'met year, transfer .fees, income tax deducted fromidividenct warrants, making a gross total of £30,395. Of this sum administration expenses absorb £2,31, interest to-the debenture holders for the year £8,750, income,tax £7,448. preference _ clivideeds f or ' the year £6,000, and various. other items bringing the total deduction sspto £27,720, leaving a balance( of £2,675e • The director report, that the emu strike, together With the increased oasts of coal end wages, shorter working hours, endincreased _maintenance charges, as well as the`general tronditions of trade prevailing during the y‘ear are.refiected in the net'revenue of 1 ho eompany, which, as already shown, is £19,116 less than that received' for 1920. On this account no dividend is to be paid in respect of ordinary shares.
BO During the year £12,455 has beenipaid to the C•orrunissiotiers of the Inland Reventie in respect of the claim for _excess profits duty re 1918, and this has had the.effect of causing a big strain on the company's resources. •
'The report states that negotiations with the Plymouth Corporation for the taking over of the company's bus service within the municipal area are still proceeding, whilst the Cardiff -Corporation has given notice of its intention to take over the buses and depots belonging to the Cardiff Tramways Co., Ltd., in respect of which negotiations as to the amount to be paid to the company are now proceeding.
Trial Vehicles for Johannesburg.
To enable comparison to be made between mule and mechanical transport, the4ollannesburg Municipal Councibhas at last decided to purchase a Clayton wagon for £1,450, a Sentinel wagon for £1,600, and a Yorkshire wagon for £1,575.
Compulsory Rear Lights Again.
South Shields Corporation reports receipt of a communication . from the Ministry of Transpert,tn the effect that certain recommendations of a Depart' -mental Committee on Lights on Vehicles are at present before the Government, and there will probably be embodied in a Bill the suggested. compulsory use of red rear lights on vehicles at night.
The Jarrow Town Council proposes to spend a sum of £9,900 on the provision and equipment of motor omnibuses.
It is stated that the directors of Leyland Motors, Ltd., regret that they cannot recommend the payment of dividends on the 6 per cent. and Th per cent. preference shares of the company at present.
Lt--Col. J. A. Cole, J.P., chairman of Humber; Ltd., is regarded.as the likely f-nture president of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and (Traders when Sir A. S. Mays-Smith's term of office ends.
Mr. R. G. Maxwell (inspector of the Ministry of Healthlihas held an inquiry at Stoektoninto a proposal by the corporation to 'make a charge of is. for chars-a-basses when standing in the High _Street.
Straight Facts about Welding" is the title of a folder just issued by Berliner, Ltd., 10 Poland Street,-, Louden, W 1, It contains illustrations of difficult welding repairs effected by Barimar experts. A copy marbe had 'on application to the company.
Tractors did some capital work at the annual competition of the Monkton, Boldon and District Ploughing Association, held •at. South FollinslaY farm. In all six machines competed,and Messrs. Dixon and Co., ,Darlington, took first prize for the work done by their Austin tractor, whilst Messrs. Mason and Co., Gateshead, were an excellent second with a Samson machine.
Tenders for Hire Wanted.
The Commissioners of H.M. Office of Works in the London district are prepared to receive tenders before January 19th for the hire of petrol-driver] lorries in the London postal area during a period of six months from February 13th. Forms of tender may he obtained on application to the Controller of Supplies, H.M. 'Office of Works, King Charles Street, Westminster, London, S.W.
• Scarborough Buses.
There was a possibility of the withdrawal of the electric tramway service at Scarborough with the end of:theyear. Following negotiations, the service was continued, however, and on January 2nd a service of motorbuses was commenced in addition.
The Scarborough and District Motor Bus Service started vehicles on that date2 and that company's South Cliff services of buses have been doubled. A service of buses was also run to South Cliff by Messrs. Seaton and Co., who mu stated to be concerned in the negotiations regarding the trams.
An Appeal to Drivers.
The licensing authorities for Northum. berland County Council and the Newcastle, Gateshead, Sunderland, and Tynemouth Corporations are co-operating in issuing a circular to the owners of heavy motor vehicles, asking them, on azeount, of the exceptional -damage done to roads by the.driving of vehicles at a speed exceeding the legal limit, to instruct drivers not to exceed the speed authorized for the particular type of vehicle.
New Zealand Figures.
Figures issued in New Zealand reveal that 139 motor services exist in the Dominion, all run by private firms and connecting with railway stations. In addition there are 384 motor mail services conducted by private enterprise. The Post and Telegraph Department owns between 300 and 400 motor vehicles, which are engaged on departmental business.
The C4maras Sindicales Espaiielas del Autornovil have agreed to organize an international exhibition of motor vehicles, to be held next May, in the At-to Moderno palaces recently built in the Montjuich Park.
Rotax Motor Accessories), Ltd., Willesden Junction, London, NW., inform us that they have appointed Mr. E. A. Turner, of 163, London ,Road. Kingston-on-Thames, as their official agent for Kingston and Surbiten for electricalequipment and accessories.
Republic Trucks, Ltd. announce a reduction in the price of their chassis, the new price at the two-tonner new being £495, and for the 30 cwt. £445, these prices representing a nclaction 80 and £50 respectively. The price of the new model one-tonner on pneumatics remains at £430.
American Exports.
According to official returns, the number of oemmereial !motor vehicles exported from America during October of last year was 595 vehicles, with a total value of 755,096 dollars, these fignres comparing with 2,435 vehicles to the value of 4,025,161 dollars for the same month of the previous year. The various countries to which these vehicles were consigned is shown in the following table:—
No Foden Dividend.
The directors of Fodens, Ltd., ars-unable to reconunend an interim dividend for the current year. Twelve months ago an interim dividend at the rate Of 10 per cent, per annum was distributed, and for the whole of last year's working to June 30th a tax-free dividend of 10 per cent, was paid on the ordinary share capital of 2307,400.
The prevailing depression in trade has been responsible for this state of affairs, and in the circumstances the directors "-consider it wise to conserve the company's resources."
Japs Study London Bus Services.
The members of the Japanese Commercial Mission, who, during their stay in London, have been making a close and careful examination of transport organization in the Metropolis, inspected various aspects of tho motor omnibus side of the Underground Co.'s organization a few days ago. They learnt much of the efficiency of the service, and were particularly impressed with the flexibility of the organisation.
Isle of Thanet Passenger Transport.
The report of the Isle of Thanet Tramways and Lighting Co., Ltd., for the year ended September 30th last shows that the traffic receipts, including those for the omnibuses, was 275,481 as against 274,110 for the previous year, and from the sale of electricity 228,598 as against 222,626 far the previous year. The total receipts for 1921 were 2105,628 as against 297,244 for the previous year, and the balance of profit carried to the appropriation account was 231,448, as against 232,144.
• The total expenses charged against revenue account were 274,180 as against 265,100, an increase which the directors attribute to causes arising out of the coal dispute and additional expenditure under the heading of maintenance.
The balance at the credit of revenue account in the balance sheet is 224,664, and this amount is to be distributed by writing off to the credit of reserve account 25,000, by crediting the permanent way reserve with 26,579, by crediting
rolling stock reserve with 24,500, and also by writing off 2854 from the cost
of motor vehicles. After these appropriations have been made, a balance of 27,722 remains to be carried forward; a dividend on the preference shares of 2s. 6d. per share, amounting to 23,750, was paid. on November 22nd, which will reduce the balance carried forward to 23,972.
Uniformity in Fares.
Chelmsford Town Council is conferring with the National Omnibus and Transport Co., Ltd., with regard to the apparent lack of uniformity in bus fares throughout the borough.
A Bus Engine Starter.
The.. motor omnibus department of the Sheffield Corporation, Tramways has re
eently carried out trials with a new, heavy motor starting apparatus, which is intended to overcome the difficulty of starting heavy engines on motorbuses or lorries on cold mornings. Mr. George F. Whipple, of Rushden, is responsible for the device, which is a portable one, and can be coupled up to the 'engine and disconnected in a very short space of time. It takes the form of a propeller shaft with universal joints, which is coupled to the engine, and is driven by electric motor through reduction gearing.
Speeding Up.
Instead of purchasing, as proposed, two more electric dust vans, the Layton Urban DistrictCouncil has prepared a reorganized scheme by which the present vehicles will do more loads, the men being paid an average of one hour's overtime per day.
Remarkable Tyre Longevity.
We learn that 60 taxicabs operating in Australia average over 6,500 miles per tyre. These figures, so far from representing an isolated instance are drawn from statistics compiled during a year's running, in which period no fewer than 661,116 aar miles were covered. " Railroad" pattern Dunlops were the tyres that achieved this creditable average of 6,521 miles per cover.
Keighley's New Buses.
It would appear that the petrol motor omnibus service recently instituted by the Keighley Tramwa,ys Committee on the Oakworth and Cross Roads routes at the beginning of last. month is proving satisfactory, both to the committee and to the travelling public_ Passengers have expressed the opinion that the vehicles are more comfortable to ride in than the trackless vehicles, and that the service is more expeditious compared with that of the trackless system.
That the new system is appreciated is shown by the marked increase in the traffic receipts. Although tho service is experimental, and the Tramways Committee, will not commit themselves to anything definite as to further developments until they are sure that the ser
vice can be economically run, it is confidently antieipated that further extensions will not be long delayed.
Difficult Bus Entrances.
Oxford Watch Committee has had correspondence with the manager of the City of Oxford Motor Services, Ltd., with reference to complaints respecting certain motorbuses having entrance from the front only. The committee baso inspected these vehicles, and • has ' decided to inform the company that the steps of the bus are too difficult, and should be made easier, and to suggest that if this cannot be done a short ladder should be provided.
Asking for Buses.
Heston and Isleworth Urban District Council reports that an intimation has been received from the London General Omnibus Co. that a service, running between Clapham and Hounslow via Isleworth, will be•reinstated, but that it is intended that this service should run at intervals of 30 mintites. The council thinks that a more frequent service is needed, and is in touch with the minibus company en the matter.
Bristol Corporation suggests seeking powers to enable it to construct and run rail-less vehicles.
A Year's Licence Results.
At a meeting of the South Shields Town Council, the town clerk reported that during the year 1921 1,402 licences were issued for mechanically propelled and horse-drawn vehicles, representing a total duty of 29,925 17s. 6d. Rebates on engines manufactured before January 1st, 1913, amounting to 217 14s. 6d., reduces this to a net amount collected of 29,908 3s., of which 2172 14s. 6d. was paid through the Post Office in respect of. 189 lioenees issued.
In addition, 1,297 drivers' licences were issued, for which 2324 5s. wee received.
Miscellaneous receipts of 24 bring the total to 210,236 7s., which exceeds the estimated revenue les 8236 7s. During this period 182 new vehicles were registered.
Institute of Transport Meetings.
The third ordinary meeting of the current session of the Institute of Transport was held at the Institution of Civil Engineers, Great George Street, Westminster, London, S.W. 1, on Monday, January 9th, when a paper was read on "Transport Law," by Sir R. Francis Dunnell, Bt., K.C.B. rncmber). On Friday, January 20th, at 5 p.m., at the Royal Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, W.C., Mr. G. T. Hedge, ,O.B.E. {member), will deliver a lecture entitled " The Operation of an Important Railway Goods Terminal." Sir Henry P. Islaybury, K.C.M.G., C.B., occupied the chair at yesterday's meeting, as he will on the occasion of the, lecture.
S.M.M. and T. Body-builders' Section.
Mr. R. G. Alford has succeeded Mr. G. H. Thrupp as chairman of the coms snittee of the Body-bUilders' section of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. The section is one of the oldest in the Society, and was formed in 1906.
It was this committee which. in the past dealt largely with the question of railway rates, and carried through the proceedings which resulted in a rate for chassis being fixed below the carriage class rate. Before the war the committee settled for touring car bodies dimensions which were standardized by the British Engineering Standards Committee, and accepted as international automobile standards through the International Bureau. Consideration has since been given to similar work for commercial vehicles. The other work of the committee has included the arrangements for the section at the various exhibitions of the Society. In addition to Mr. R. G. Alford, the section is represented on the council of the Society by Mr. R. J. Mussellwhite, a past chairman of the committee.
A 1922 Show in Mexico.
Information has been received by the Department of Overseas Trade that the Automotive Group of the American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico City have decided to hold an automobile show in the City of Mexico. It will begin on April 16th, 1922.
The show will be open to all dealers in the States and in Mexico, and to all makes of motor vehicles and tractors of all countries. Motor vehicles and tractors, when imported, pay no Custom House duties, and one extra tyre is admitted free. Only accessories are subject to import duties.
. It would appear, however, that unless a firm is prepared to establish a depot carrying a fall stock of spares, etc., it would be useless for them to exhibit. Further information can be obtained from the Exhibitions Division of the Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, S.W.1.
Six hundred residents of Newton Mearns have petitioned the Glasgow Corporation to start a motorbus service from Eastwood Toll to Newton Mearns. The question has been referred to a sub-committee to consider.
Omnibus By-laws.
In regard to omnibus by-laws prepared by the Bournemouth Corporation, the Ministry of Health states that the Minister of Transport has appointed a Departmental Committee, which will deal with the general question of the control of omnibus traffic. In these circumstances, the Health Ministry doubts how far it is expedient for the authority of a district comprising parts only of omnibus routes to attempt to deal with the question for the present, and thinks the Bournemouth Council would be well advised to defer the matter accordingly.
Bus and Tram Fares.
According to a report of the Walthamstow Council's Tramways Committee, the L.G.O.Co. invited the tramway managers in the London area to confer on the question of bus and tram fares. At the conference the L.G.O. Co. agreed not to lower fares in any of the districts represented at the conference without first conferring with the authorities concerned. The managers, on their part, while not being able to bind their authorities, promised to act so far as possible in a similar manner towards the L.G.O. Co. when there is any proposal to reduce local fares.
Licences and Competition • Restriction.
At a meeting of the Hull Watch Committee the chief constable submitted an application from the Provincial Tramway Co., Ltd., for two hackney carriage licences in respect of two 31-seater corridor nester coaches, which would only be used during the summer months for pleasure parties for half and full day tours from Hull, and would not be run in competition with existing local services from Hull. The chief constable also reported the result of his inquiries as to the practice followed in other districts with regard to allowing omnibuses from outside to ply.for hire, and the committee thereupon agreed to grant the al-pH-cation. Revenue From Pimps.
At a meeting of the Wallasey Corporation Works Committee the borough engineer again submitted applications tor sanction to erect kerbside pumps for the supply of motor spirit, opposite a garage in Wallasey Road belonging to Mr. G. Roberts, and a garage in Poulton Road belonging to the Roscoe Motor Co. The committee granted the applications subjeet to the necessary agreements being entered into, and an acknowledgment rent of one guinea in each case being paid.
. Mileage Charge Appeals.
In the report of the Ministry of Transport on the administration of the Road Fund for the past financial year, the subject of omnibus mileage charges is dealt with.
Under Section 20 of the Local Government ;Emergency Provisions) Aot, 1916,, and under certain local acts, road mileage charges were payable to highway authorities in respect of the user by omnibuses of certain routes. These charges have always been somewhat illogical, says the report, in view of the fact that other vehicles equally heavy in character and equally damaging to roads, have unrestricted right to the use of the highways of the country. A circular letter was issued in January, 1921, to all highway authorities dealing generally with the question of road mileage charges, or annual payments in lieu thereof. In this letter it was pointed out that under the Finance Act, 1920, for the • firit.,tim:e, motor omnibuses, to gather with other heavy vehicles, cofe ti9.bute a substantial solo in taxation, the net proceeds of whi8ls will be wholly devoted to the maintenance and improvement of highways. The new rates of duty were fixed with the intention that they should be in substitution of all payments in the nature if mileage charges, save in exceptional circumstances.
In view of these considerations the Minister stated that he would usually be disposed to accede to applications made to him under Section 10 of the Road Act, by persons liable for the payment of these charges, to determine their liability, unless the highway authority concerned.were able to satisfy him that very exceptional circumstances existed, which would justify the continuance of the payments in connection with the particular route or routes.
In conformity with this decision a considerable number of appeals against mileage charges, imposed either under Section 20 of the Local Government (Emergency Provisions) Act, 1916, or under local Acts of Parliament, have been allowed since January 1st, 1921.
Changes of Address.
Messrs. Alld,ays Motors inform us that they have removed their offices from Bloemfontein Avenue, Shepherd's Bush, to 78, Jermyn Street, St. James's, London, S.W. New works have been acquired by the company at 643a, Fulham Road, Landon, S.W., where all repair work and reconditioning of vehicles will in future be executed.
Rubberine, Ltd., who, as many of our readers will remember, make a tyre filling of that name for pneumatic tyres, inform us that the company has been reconstructed, and will be removing into new offices and works at an early date. On and after January 16th their new address will be Church Works, Offord Road, London, N.
• In order to secure better co-operation between their works and offices, and owing th the fact that the company's turnover has increased during the last 12 months, the Birmingham Motor Accessories Co. have secured larger premises at Old .Quadrant Works, Sheepcote Street, Birmingham.
The members of the Southdown Motor Serviees, Ltd.,*rec1ently organized a suereef:dal concert in aid of the St. DonStan's local home for the blind and the Royal Sussex County Hospital. • • A Tractor Tip-cart.
A development in the uses of the agricultural tractor is promised by the prodnction by the West Kent Works, Ltd., Westerham, Kent, of a tip-cart to be used with a tractor. The size at present being manufactured has a capacity of 1 cubic yards, but sizes will be guided by further developments. This cart can be used for drawing out dung, carting roots, or any of the other kinds of work requiring a tip-cart. The tractor and cart are a one-man outfit, as the tip and return can he operated from the driver's seat.
Mr. A. R. Atkey, M.P., and Railway Companies' Designs.
Mr. A. R. sktkey, M.P., who speaks with authority upon matters connected with the"niotor trade, in dealing at the lal'emeeting of the Nottingham Chamber ofe-Commerce with a resolution, which was unanimously adopted, deciding to oppose anyBills introduced by railway conspanies for the purpose of obtaining powers to run road transport 'services. said that when the railway companies' plans were -defeated last year, it was felt that the next session they would seek for full powers to run on the roads, in competition with other forms of enterprise. Even if he did not believe that their real object was to drive other transport services off the roads, he would still oppose the scheme, The companies had already in front of them, in the working of the railways, a task which required all the energy, capital, brains and ability that they possessed, and it would be against the interests oft' the shareholders of the company to alloy/ the companies to spread their net further until they heel reduced rates and provided a snare efficient.service.
Hull Corporation has decided to carry parcels on omnibuses, and fixed the following maximum charges :--3d. for the first 71b., and 1d for every additional 7 lb. up to 28 lb.
Local Proceedings.
Two motor lorries are to be purchased by the Chesterfield Corporation.
Ilford Council proposes to increase its plant for the charging of electric vehicles.
Bath City Council has decided to purchase a Ford ton truck, end tipping, at a cost of £285.
Walthainstow Urban District Council has prepared plans for the erection of a new fire-station.
Ilkeston Corporation Gas Committee has decided to invite tenders for the supply of a motor lorry.
Manchester Corporation Cleansing Committee has purchased a Karrier motor sweeper and collector.
Preston Corporation has asked a subcommittee to report as to making a charge for motorcars entering the cattle market.
Rochdale Corporation has asked its Transport Sub-committee to consider the adoption of mechanical transport in lieu of the present horse transport.
Wallasey Corporation Works Committee has decided to purchase a 4 ton Peerless motor tipping wagon from C. W. Donkin and Co., Ltd., of Liverpool, for £417.
Hull Corporation Works Committee has decided to purchase a 5 ton Sentinel steam wagon for £1,055, which is stated to be a special price to municipal authori ties, The committee now has several Sentinel wagons.
The Ministry of 'Health has written to the Andenshaw Urban District Council that it will sanction a loan for a motor tipping wagon when the council Is in a position to state the amount of loan actually required.
The Solihull Rural District Council invites tenders for a motor fire-engine. Particulars can be bad from the Surveyor, Council Offices, Streetsbrook Road, Solihull, and tenders must be delivered not later than January 14th. Layton Urban District Council has again adjourned the question of the purchase of a motor ambulance.
The Fire Brigade Committee of the Heston and Isleworth Urban District Council recommends the purchase of a combined motor fire-engine and escape.
Birkenhead Corporation has decided to purchase a 5 ton Sentinel tipping wagon for the gas department at a cost of £1,075.
Jarrow Corporation has deposited its Bill, which seeks power to enable the establishment of municipal motorbus services in the borough.
Preston Corporation Cleansing Committee has adjourned the consideration of further tenders for the supply of tipping wagons until its meeting in March.
Ilford Council's Works Committee recommends acceptance of the tender of, the Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., for the installation of a 500 gallon petrol storage tank for £130.
At a meeting of ehe Bath City Council Surveying Committee, a letter was read from the transport manager, Halifax Corporation, offering two electric vehicles for tale, but the committee declined to purchase.
Bus Tenders Wanted.
The Tramways Committee of the Blackpool Corporation has decided to invite tenders for the supply of four 30-passenger saloon single-deck buses. The balance sheet of the corporation tramways shows that last year the net profit was only £143, though the traffic revenue was £276,000. The tramways manager indicates that to restore the department to a sound financial position the revenues must be augmented.
Magneto Conversion Sets for Fords.
Many users of Ford vehicles have considerable trouble with the Ford ignition system. They often look with envy at other cars equipped with snagnetos, but there is no need for the Ford owner to despair. He can convert, his ignition system to high-tension magneto simply and cheaply, and our illustration shows a useful little conversion set which fulfils this purpose.
It consists of an aluminium bracket, two chain sprockets one to screw on to the camshaft, a Renold chain and the necessary fastenings, and., is sold complete either for the Ford vehicle or the Fordson tractor, at 30s. A new B.T.H. magneto can be supplied at a cost, of £4, and will be guaranteed for six months. In the case of the Ford tractor, if it is to be used for belt work, the set is supplied to fit the left side, and will require an extension of the oil filler pipe; For those who require a better quality outfit, there is a shaft drive set marketed at £5, less magneto. The makers, the Super Power Co., Si, North Side, Clapham Common, London, S.W. 4, are willing to send a sample set on 14 days' approval, immediately on receipt of remittance.
A Manchester Arterial Road.
Manchester Corporation has a scheme, which will cost £64.500, to construct a new arterial road from Oldham Road, Royton, to Oldham Road, Failsworth. This road will run through Royton, Chadderton, Manchester, and Fails. 'worth,