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The Automotive Trade Show's move to Earls Court was a gamble—but judging by the variety of exhibits it paid off.
Many of the 300-plus exhibitors at the relocated ATS were displaying car-related products and equipment, but there was also plenty to interest the CV workshop manager.
The latest innovations came in all shapes and sizes—the most significant potential cost savings could come from one of the smallest items on show: a tyre pressure checking system which was exhibited by its Austrian distributor. It comprises metal valve caps and an electronic key fob. The caps are screwed on to a correctly inflated tyre and automatically "memorise" any pressure up to 12bar (174psi).
To check the pressure in the tyre the key fob is placed over the end of the valve cap and a button is pressed. If the pressure is correct a green light on the fob illuminates; if the pressure has dropped a red light flashes. Sensitivity to pressure loss is pre-set in the factorybetween 1-10% depending on operator requirements.
On the Continent caps costs around £4.50 each and the fob is about £20. Workshop will let you know when UK distributors are appointed: until then circle Turbo 73 for more information.
Sottriau (Turbo 74) displayed its new ECU fault code reader, the Pro-link 2405. It reads the "slow'' codes and can be used to send messages t(.: the ECU to activate any valves or relays attached to the system under test.
While most of the initial applications are car-based. in the US the 2405 can be used with Allison automatic transmissions and electronically controlled Detroit Diesel engines.
Both Hoppecke (Turbo 75) and Varta (Turbo 76) displayed new CV batteries fitted with the spill-proof lid that they teamed up to develop. It takes the form of a maze of channels into which excess gas is vented to be returned to the cells later in the charging cycle. It is claimed that the batteries can lie on their side without spillage and can be left upside down for up to 20 minutes before any acid will leak.
New products and concepts abounded on the paintshop side. For those struggling with EPA compliance, Spraybake's new air system Aura (Turbo 77), could be the helping hand they need. The system uses a single main fan to recycle 80% of the air on both the spray and bake cycles. Small twin fans are used to control the 20% bleed-off and fresh air entering the system: the balance between them 's used to create the negative pressure in the booth.
The reduced volume of expelled a allows the stack diameter to be reduced 300mm making the use of activated cha coal filters practical, says the company.
Even without this type of filtration, rea ings from the exhaust of a prototype boo registered between 4-0.71 mg/ni3• clepen ing on the paint and spreying equipme used. This compares with the EPA limit 10mg/m-3. Operating costs are said to I reduced from around £2 to 50p anhour . TI system can be retrofitted to older booths b. prices have not yet be set.
Celette (Turbo 78) showed its new C cab jig, Menyr 3. This is a portable unit wi a 3m-high tower capable of pulling : tonnes: twin towers are optional. The ci mounting points are picked up to secure it the base frame using a series of blocks.
As an introductory offer the base frarn pulling tower, basic mounting blocks, re anchorage points and chains will cost le than £16,000. Adaptors for various mak' of cab can be bought or hired from one of : Celette outlets.
Levermore (Turbo 79) exhibited Zim, hand tool which removes the ridge from tl top of a worn bore before fitting a new pi ton or rings.
After lowering the tool into the engine tl central bolt is turned to push the locatir feet out against the cyclinder wall. The to is then moved out on an eccentric slide ar clamped in position, allowing the pivot( cutting tool to lie flat against the worn ho wall. By turning the larger hexagon the a: ter is rotated round the bore diameter ar traverses upwards on a fine screw threa The tool comes in two sizes: 75-100nun at 100-150mm. Other products from the sho can be seen on the following page