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Breathe Easy With Duststar
• Dust and fume removal is made easier using Blackhawk's Duststar BSP200. The portable machine is connected to the electricity and air supplies. Power tools and vacuum hoses are......
Kwik Route To A Cold Welder
• JB Kwik is a version of J B Weld which sets in four minutes. The fast drying version has a lower tensile strength and will only resist heat up to 160°C, compared with the......
Smoother Action From Connection
• A clutch ratchet is being imported by Tool Connection. its available on combination spanners and ring-drive socket as well as traditional 1/4. 3/8 and 1/2in ratchets. Instead......
Smith Bros Cleans Up With A Sledge
• Chassismaster is an automatic under-body wash from Smith Bros and Webb. The sledge-mounted unit has a nozzle which rotates through 90° fore and aft and is secured to an arm......
Staying Tough In The Wet
• Kitntex Classic wipes from Kimberly-Clark can wipe large volumes of oil, will absorb four times their own weight of water, and keep their strength when wet, says the company.......
Cargo Calipers Beat Rust
• Carbideform can now supply reconditioned lveco Ford Cargo rear brake calipers that have been modified to resist corrosion. The guide pin bores are reworked to accept of Glacia......
Ready To Test
• FM Crypton is ready to go into production with the diesel test programme for its CLTDOS 2, COMET and CADET analysers. Two versions are available, with or without smoke meters.......
Check-up For Batteries
• Motoplat has added a battery tester to its range. It can check output voltage and current while imposing a load. Batteries of up to 140A/hr can be checked on or off the......