News of the Week
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Membership of Proposed Institute of Road Transport Engineers
THE number of applications received
for the proposed Institute of Road Transport Engineers is now nearly 300, covering many fields of road transport, including that for hauliers, collieries, breweries, co-operative societies, laundries, dairies, coach and bus fleets, the N.F.S., Tanks, railways, gas companies, sand and ballast, the Post Office, motor hirers, and public-works contractors. Then, in what we may term the "associates' sphere," are repair specialists, bodybuilders and vehicle manufacturers, designers, vehicle examiners and inspectors, representatives of material suppliers, etc. There are would-be members from Eireand so far away as the Gold Coast.
We would like to hear particularly from others who might be included as associates, i.e., those who are not directly concerned as engineers with the repair and maintenance of vehicles, but who believe that the contacts which could be made and the information which would be rendered available would be of value to them, whilst their dintributions might prove of corresponding interest to the practical operators. Such associates could comprise manufacturers of vehicles, trailers and components, fuel and oil suppliers, bodybuilders, etc. Subject to the approval, first, of the committee, and then of the council, they would enjoy the full benefits of membership, but would not participate in the control of the organization. PERSONAL PARS MR. A. W. LODGE, chief assistant to the Bournemouth Corporation transport department, has retired after 41 years' service.
MR. W. R. GOODIER, A .M.I.A.E„ A.M.Inst.T., has been appointed general manager of the bus undertaking of Wallasey Corporation.
SIR MILES THosias, D.F:C., vicechairman of the Nuffield Organization, has been elected a life member of the Court of Governors of Birmingham University.
MR. C. F. LAWRENCE KING, M I.A.E., general manager of that well-known finance corporation, the British Wagon Co., Ltd., haS been elected a director of the company.
MR. ARTHUR SMITH, Deputy Director at Rubber Control, who organized the national rubber-scrap campaign, has resigned to take up his post as sales manager of tyre replacements and local director at Fort Dunlop, For several years he was Dunlop regional sales man ager for the Midlands. At Rubber Control, Mr. Smith was also responsible for organizing and installing reclaim plant and, latterly, he directed the Supplies Division.
AN increased number of new Ford 4-5-ton and Dodge 5-6-ton lorries will be available during the next few months for issue to operators as additional vehicles to be run under appropriate short-term defence permits. Operators should at once get into touch with their R.T.C. Additional vehicles will be issued subject to the proviso that they may, in emergency, be required to work with the R.II.O., or on special duty under the R.T.C,
UNDER S.R. and 0.1044, No. 184, Regulation 73B is added to the Defence (General) Regulations, 1939. By this, the Minister of War Transport' may, by Order, provide :—(a) For prohibiting the carriage of goods or any particular class of goods by road in mechanically propelled goods vehicles for a distance of 69 miles or more except in aciordance with an authority given by or on behalf of the Minister ; (b) for exempting any class of such vehicles from the Order; (c) for preventing evasion of the Order by the transference of goods from one vehicle to another and otherwise; (d) for any incidental or supplementary matters for which the Minister thinks it expedient for the purposes of the Order to provide.
The expression "mechanically propelled goods vehicle" means one constructed or adapted for use for the carriage of goods, or a trailer so constructed or adapted.
The Regulation does not extend to Northern Ireland.
NEW CONTROL OF RUBBER ORDER THE M.O.S. has issued the Control of Rubber (No. 21) Order, 1944, which came into force on March 6. It revokes Orders 2, 3, 9 and 14, and consolidates the statutory provisions prohibiting or regulating the use of natural, synthetic or•reclaiined rubber, liquid latex, gutta percha and balata in the manufacture of specified articles. There is a schedule of 676 of these in alphabetical order, with cross references. Copies, price 6d. each, may be obtained from H.M. Stationery Office, or through any bookseller.
AN amalgamation of. interests has taken place between Dualloys, Ltd., Croydon, the well-known concern of plain-bearing manufacturers, and Exactor Control Co., -Ltd., 14, Berkeley Street, London, WI.. Mr. j, W. Warringto'n, director and general manager of the latter; has joined the hoard of the former and has been appointed managing director of the coMpany. It will be recalled that, until 1942, he was chief engineerto the Glacier Metal Co., Ltd.
TYRE ECONOMY EXHIBITION IN RAILWAY COACH To help drivers in the care and conservation of pneumatic tyres, a railway coach has been fitted out as a Tyre Economy Exhibition. This is being done under the auspices of the M.O.S. and the M.O.W.T. It will be on view -at various southern .railway stations during March and April.
After the send-off from Waterloo Station on March 13, the itinerary will be as follows:—March 14-16, Guild
ford; 20-21, Portsmouth; 23-24, Bournemouth; 27-28, Salisbury; 30-81, Yeovil; April 3-5, Queen' Street, Exeter; 12-13, Barnstaple Junction.
The coach is divided into alcove,s containing sections of tyres showing particular abuses. Each has art explanatory caption and a photograph showing the tyre so abused. In each alcove there will also be a coloured humorous cartoon _drawing attention to some particular form of maltreatment. Other sections are devoted to retreading, repair and an exhibit illustrating manufacture. An M.O.S. inspector will attend, to answer questions.
QAFETY in factories is a subject that Ois receiving increasing attention from factory managements and Government Departments. So much progress has been made that it is not now considered by modern managements to be sufficient that the provisions of the Factories Act, 1937, be observed, but initiative is being taken by them on additional safety 'measures.
. An examination has been made bythe Nuffield Organization Safety. Conference of records covering lost-time accidents over the past four years:As a result the Conference. has produced amemorandum s:{or the : guidance -of draughtsmen, which touches on prac tically every aspect affecting shop and plant layout, from the design of overhead conveyors to the use of white lines in gangways, and the mechanical removal of swarf without the necessity of operators using their hands. . It embraces the technical aspects of jig, tool and die designing, and whilstit is appreciated that some of the recommendations are not possible of fulfilment in war-time, it is a useful guide for future development.
DATE OF I.M.T. • EXAMINATIONS 1-NN April 28, examinations of the %-/Institute of the Motor 'Trade will be held at various centres throughout the country. Candidates are required to give notice of their intention to present themselves for examination by April 7.
PAPER ON TORSION SPRINGING ON Sunday next, March 12, at 3 p.m., Mr. C. L. James is reading a paper entitled " Torsion Bar Springs as Applied to Automobile Suspension" before the Graduates' Section (London Branch) Of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, 12, Hobart Place,
London, SAVA. se
pl almost every sphere of activity, / particularly in the war effort, papet is one of the most essential. basic materials. Any burnt or otherwise lost tends to weaken our strength. Hand every scrap to the collectors.
PROVINCIAL OPERATOR SEEKS LONDON DEPOT, ALONDON depot is required by a well-known provincial transport operator, loading-bank and other facilities being essential. The company has a preference for a North London location and is prepared to share the depot with another transport contractor. Particulars of suitable premises should 'be sent. to Brevitt, Ltd., Wilienhall, Staffs.
mixing, melting, foundingand. machining of white metals for use in bearings, gland packings and so forth has recently been published by Emmott arid Co., Ltd., 78, Palatine Road, Manchester, • 20. It is primarily intended to help in the attainment of successful technique and reliable results, and we feel it should achieve its objects. It is written in a manner which is easily understood, and is generously illustrated. The price is 2s. net.
WE learn that Brechin Roan Transport; Ltd., 7-9, South Constitution Street, Aberdeen, has acquired the garage and transport business belonging to Mr. George C. Robb, of Arbroath, and known as the Dundee and Arbroath Carrier. The Dundee depot has been changed from Dock Street, Dundee, to 9, Guthrie Street, Dundee.
WHEN the annual general meeting of the Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund was recently held, the president, Mr. E. L. Payton, J.P., chairman of the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., said that during 1943 the membership had increased by 588, and that, whilst £10,290 had been granted in relief (an increase of £1,700 over the previous year), the capital account showed an increase of £34,362. Mr. H. G. -Henly, honorary treasurer, explained that 213,100 of this repreSented the assets of the Coachbuilders' Benevolent Institution, which had been incorporated during the year.
Mr. Payton was re-elected president for a third term.
ON. March 15, at 2.30 p.m., at the Institution of• Mechanical Engineers, Storey's Gate, St. James's Park, London, S.W.1, Dr. W. HumeRothery, F.R.S., will give a lecture before the members of the Institute of Metals. It will be entitled " Modern Views of Alloys and Their Possible Application."
B.R.IF. MOTORWAYS EXHIBITION ' FOR BIRMINGHAM THE British Road Federation's " Motorways for Britain" Exhibition, which. was held in London in December, is to be shown in Birmingham in conjunction with the Birmingham Council for the Prevention of Accidents, at the rooms of the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists. It will be opened by the Lord Mayor on May 1.
ESTON (YORKS) URBAN COUNCIL La has passed a resolution protesting that the authority has not been invited to take part in discussions for the merging of passenger road services on Teesside. Discussions aretaking place on this matter between Stockton and Middlesbrough Corporation and the Teesside Railless Traction Board. Eston 'Council has a financial interest in the last-named body and contends, therefore, that it was entitled to take part in the negotiations.
A YR COUNTY COUNCIL has decided rt to adhere to a previous decision to support the highways committee in opposing an application by the Western S.M.T. Co., Ltd., to operate doubledeck buses between Girvan and Stranraer, via Lendalfoot and Cairnryan. The M.O.W.T. has suggested that approval might be given for the operation of such vehicles on this route provided certain precautions be taken.
The highways committee of Ayr has reaffirmed its previous view .that the application is against the interests of road safety.
The offices of the London and Home Counties Division of the C.M.U.A. are now at 250, Coastal Chambers, 15, Elizabeth Street, London, S.W.-l-.
IFebruary, the Council of the Public Transport Association sent to the M.O.W.T. a letter concerning the future taxation of road transport. It was suggested that the licence duty to be paid in respect of a public-service vehicle should be computed on seat-byseat increments, based on a scale securing that the tax per seat decreases as the number of seats increases, This would obviate the present objectionable grouping of seating capacities.
JOINT MUNICIPAL PURCHASE OF EXPRESS BUS SERVICE NAANCHESTER, Rochdale and IVIOldham Corporations are to purchase the express bus service operated between Rochdale and Manchester by the Yelloway Motor Services, Ltd., of Rochdale, at a cost of £38,500. Manchester Corporation's share of the purchase price is believed to be twofifths—£15,400. Oldham will pay a similar amount, and Rochdale Corporation approximately £7,700—one-fifth. The purchase is subject to the approval of the Regional Transport Commissioner for the north-west, Sir William Chamberlain.
The change-over is expected to take place on May 1.
ANNOUN'CED as the first of a series, a lunch was given, last Monday, in London, by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders to inaugurate industrial relations with other nations. The first country to which honours were paid as China, with Dr. Wellington Koo and Mme. Koo as the principal guests.
Mr. A. F. Palmer Phillips, president of the Society, gave an address of welcome and said that the lunch would be the first of many with the object of co-operating with other nations for the benefit of the world in general.
Sir Stafford Cripps gave the toast -of the " Republic Of China," which he hoped would be the strong, leading Power of the Far. .East in the future. Dr. Wellington Koo, in his reply, said that transportation was the most urgent need of the post-war world. Viscount Nuffield also spoke and promised that this country would do all it could for • China.
THE transport committee of the Scottish Council on Industry is investigating the whole subject of costs of transport of goods in relation to their manufacture in Scotland, and particularly examples of differentiation between finished and unfinished products. Already a great volume of information has been received from Chambers of Commerce, local authorities and trade associations.
A further move has now been made • to invite direct representation from Scottish concerns with evidence to show how their industries are affected by transport costs in comparison and competition with industries of a similar type in England.
It is hoped that from all this information a strong case can be made for some system of rates adjustment which will not penalize concerns in distant points, and which will avoid the continued rush to find factories in centres of mass population.
iT is with a feeling of personal loss that we record the sudden death on March 3 of MR. CECIL H. BROADHURST. who was for many years publicity manager of C.A.V. Limited.
Cecil Broadhurst was a man of great charm, also he possessed those numerous qualities that go to make a successful publicity man. During the many years that he occupied his position at Acton, he had built up a wide circle of friends in the Press, all of whom respected his sound judgment. He also had a shrewd news sense—an invaluable quality in journalism.
IN 1043, L. Gardner and Sons,, 1 the well-known manufacturer of oil engines, made a profit, after provision for depreciation, tax and other reserves, of £51,555, compared with £46,379 in the previous year. Dividends received increase the amount to £70,365, as against £65,153 -a year earlier. The preference dividend takes £5,041, and the ordinary dividend.: at 50 per cent. (which is the same as for the previous year) £53,451, leaving £240,743 to be carried forward, as. against £170,006 brought in.
THE directors of the Potteries Motor Traction Co., Ltd., announce that the company has entered into provisional agreement for the acquiation of the undertaking of Associated Bus Companies, Ltd., of Hanley, Stoke-onTrent.
LAST week, South Derbyshire and Burton-on-Trent Joint Sub-area of A.R.O. held its annual meeting. The chairman, Mr. W. G. Cooper, reviewed the past year's work, and said that the Association and the industry had had a succession of difficult problems to deal with. The Government scheme had been under discussion for the whole of the year, and much as it was , detested, he was convinced that it would not at present be scrapped. He felt that the best interests of the industry would be served by continuing to press for the scrapping of the scheme at the earliest possible moment, and expressed the view that, in the present' national situation, the authorities would not yield to pressure.
Officers for the year were elected as follow:— Chairman, Mr. W. G. Cooper; vice-chairman, Mr. T. Watson; hon. secretary, Mr. E. Bucker; delegates (East Midland), Mr. W. G. Cooper and Mr. J. Osborne; (West Midland), Mr. T. Watson, Mr. W. (5. Cooper and Mr. W. Lloyd (passenger); deputy delegates, Mr. W. E. Chandler and Mr. C. E Boffey; sub-area committee, Messrs. C. E. Daley, C. Moore, F. Kirk, J. Osborne, T. Watson and W. E. Chandler.