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A BOUT a . quarter of a century ago, when road transport was nothing like so large and important an industry as it is to-day,...
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What to Do to ComTHE Federal Bureau of bat Thefts of and from Investigation is advising Vehicles road carriers on the...
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That the " cabbies " are having a tipping time. Of grouses concerning clothing coupons and uniforms. That the habitual fare...
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Membership of Proposed Institute of Road Transport Engineers THE number of applications received for the proposed Institute...
P RESIDING at the 21st ordinary general meeting of the L.N.E.R., last Friday, Sir Ronald W. Matthews, chairman, made some...
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M have received a letter from Sir iles Thomas, vice-chairman of the Nuffield Organization, headed "Leave the Rule of the Road...
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ti A S an instance of improvement in the operation of the Government Haulage Scheme, * diversion of traffics from rail to road...
W ARNING concerning transport control under nationalization was voiced at Halifax Town Council, last week, by one of the...
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Our Versatile Contributor Has Received a Good Impression of the Policy of the Projected National Road Transport Fdera. lion as...
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Portable Equipment Which Can Cope With an Oil Flow up to 3,000 Gallons Per Hour C O NSIDERATIONS of space surroundin g a...
A Piece of Modern Equipment Which Can be Adapted for Several Purpose-s Other than Drilling mo workshop of any sat can be...
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In Support of the Original Content 'on that the Burgess Suspension System, Besides Achieving its Primary Object of Unusual...
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THERE are. many features to-day 1 which have contributed towards an upheaval in the normal domestic routine of many . thousands...
the ordinary way a reamer finish cannot be relied upon to produce a bore' that is completely free , from chatter marks,...
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U.LIC ENGINE TESTER E VERY operator who runs his own repair shop and overhauls his engines would, no doubt, like to be able...
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C ONSIDERED to be the only one of its kind in the country, the mobile kitchen which is used by the Ashton Cminty Division of...
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has, I think, done very well to I--Adraw attention to the invaluable and often heroic work done by the men of the R.A.S.C....
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A Résumé of Patent Specifications That Have Recently Been Published N UMEROUS attempts have, in the past, been made to run a...