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E Midlands slams limiters

10th May 1986, Page 14
10th May 1986
Page 14
Page 14, 10th May 1986 — E Midlands slams limiters
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• East Midlands independent coach operator members of the Bus and Coach Council have expressed unanimous opposition to mandatory fitment of maximum speed limiters.

The BCC regional committee suggests that legislation should allow speeding prosecutions to he founded on tachograph evidence and should permit on-the-spot fines of drivers.

It also wants compulsory use of tachographs on all regular services of over 50km.

The committee says speed limiters will add to capital and maintenance costs and their failure in service will decrease fleet efficiency.

It supports the BCC code of conduct and argues that the possibility of retrospective prosecution of drivers — for example after tachograph checks at service areas — would be more appropriate than the requirement for operators to enforce speed limits through internal disciplinary measures under threat of action being taken against operators' licences.