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Speed Code Issued
• The Bus and Coach Council has re-launched its driving standards code of conduct as the main part of a major safety orientated campaign to try to avoid anti-coach publicity......
Norfolk Firni Loses Licence
• Financial problems have led to old-established Norfolk operators Alan and Lucy Carter, trading as Carters Coaches of Thetford, losing their PSV operator's licence. Eastern......
E Midlands Slams Limiters
• East Midlands independent coach operator members of the Bus and Coach Council have expressed unanimous opposition to mandatory fitment of maximum speed limiters. The BCC......
National's Own Fleet Of Four
IN National Express has tamed its own operator licer and is setting up a small operating fleet of four coach to supplement the 1,000-plu fleet of coaches hired in fro' National......
Travel Britain Told: Get Better
• Harpenden, Hertfords independent Brian Murray, trading as Travel Britain Co Hire, has been given six months by Metropolitan Trz Commissioner Ronald Ashfc to put his operations......