Vehicles and Appli
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A Forecast of the Wide Range of Municipal Vehicles and Appliances to be Displayed at an Important Event that Opens at the Royal Agricultural Hall, London, on Monday Next
THE Commercial Motor Show at Olympia closes to-morrow (November 11), but a number of the concerns represented at this show will also be staging examples of their products at the Public Works, Roads and Transport Exhibition, which opens at the Royal Agricultural Hall, Islington, London, on Monday next, November 13, and continues until November 18.
This municipal exhibition is one that has now become well established, It receives considerable support from the principal associations of local authorities and their officers, and there is every indication that this year's exhibition and congress will be one of the best attended for several years. The exhibition will be open daily from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., the price of admission be'.ng Is. 2d.
During the course of the congress a number of papers will be presented, and one of outstanding interest to our readers is that by Mr. J. E. Swindlehurst, M.A., A.M.I.C.E., borough engineer of Hampstead, who will read a paper on "Vehicle Design in Relation to Public Cleansing." Then there is another on "The Design and Construction of Municipal Aerodromes," by Mr. T. L. Roberts, assistant engineer, Anglesey County CouneiL From the comprehensive forecast we publish, which has been prepared from material supplied by the various manufacturers concerned, it will be seen that this year's exhibition will house a representative collection of vehicles and appliances built by British makers for service in many municipal spheres.
In addition to its comprehensive nature, the display will hold much of novelty, and no better method of becoming acquainted with the most up-to-date machines and appliances employed in connection with public works and similar undertakings could be adopted than visiting the Royal Agricultural Hall and inspecting, under one roof, the products of the large number of manufacturers exhibiting.
Amongst the exhibits of direct interest to our readers to be shown on Stand 109 by John Allen and Sons (Oxford), Ltd., will be a 10-ton steam roller that has been converted to run as a quick-reverse oil-engined roller, the idea being to demonstrate an economical method of modernizing rolling plant. The Oxford Handy light roller with a water-cooled engine will also be shown.
e20 Several types of Arnold patent waveless roller will he shown on Stand 110A. by Mr. A. T. Arnold, Kelvedon, Essex. This useful machine is made in a variety of sizes. The i-ton model has a watercooled petrol engine, as have the 1-ton and 2-ton models, but those from 5 tons to 14 tons are equipped with crude-oil engines. The smallest machines are useful for bowling greens, golf courses and the like, whilst the medium-capacity outfits are suitable 'for aerodromes, byroads and footpaths, the largest machines being intended for main-road work.
Stand 47 will house products of Aveling and Porter, Ltd., and Barford and Perkins, Ltd., and the exhibit will offer a good opportunity of inspecting rollers for every purpose, from the 12-cwt. model to the 18-tonner. Two of the Aveling machines will be oilengined products, whilst the third will be a steam roller.
It is intended to show six Barford rollers, the smallest being equipped with petrol engines and the largest with oil engines, although certain models are available with one form of unit or the other. Included in the exhibits of Blackstone and Co., Ltd., Stamford, on Stand 79, will be a new six-cylindered oil engine, developing 60 b.h.p. at 1,000 r.p.m., of which we hope to give fuller details at a later date.
Three machines will comprise the ex
hibit on Stand 128 of E. Boydell and Co., Ltd., Old. Trafford, Manchester, these being a Muir-Hill loading shovel, a Muir-Hill dumper and a Muir-Hill surface excavation plant, the last comprising a track-type tractor,. a 1i-cubic-yd. tbtary scraper and a 5-ft. ripper. The dumper, of which we publish an illustration, has a Fordson 25 h.p. tractor engine and a gearbox giving three speeds and a reverse. The machine has a tipping body of two cubic yds.' capacity and turns in a circle of 21-ft. diameter. The angle of tip is adjustable up to 90 degrees.
The outstanding exhibit on the stand (146) of the Chaseside Engineering Co., Ltd., Enfield, will be the new Hi-Lift shovel, the basis of which is an industrial-type tractor ; the capacity of the machine is from 5 tons to 40 tons an hour, according to the class of material being dealt with. On the solid-tyred model the scoop holds half a cubic yd., but those on the pneumatie-tyred ma
chines hold one-third cubic yd. The Chaseside shunting tractor has strong buffers of 4-in, ash, faced with i-in. steel plate at the front and the rear.
The refuse collector to be shown on Stand 185 by Commer Cars, Ltd., Luton, has a capacity of 7 cubic yds. and the body is elevated by hand-operated telescopic screw gear. It has sliding steel covers to enclose the load and the loading height is 4 ft. 6 ins. The basis of this vehicle is a Centaur chassis, with a wheelbase of 12 ft. 9 ins., which is equipped with a 60 b.b.p. petrol engine.
Dennis Municipal Products.
Of the three machines to be shown by Dennis, Brothers, Ltd., Guildford, on Stand 174, two will be gully emptiers
and the other a refuse collector. Although one of the first-named is purely a gully emptier and has a capacity of 500 gallons, the other is virtually a multi-purpose machine, in that it can also be used for street watering and washing, etc.
The larger gully emptier has two tank compartments, one carrying 400 gallons of clean water and the other 300 gallons of sludge. The whtle 9f the rear end
of the tank forms the emptying door, and this feature, coupled with the use of hydraulic gear, giving a high angle of tip to the body, ensures the quick discharge of the load. For street watering the two compartments can be united to feed a gun-metal turbine pump.
The smaller machine is of similar construction, but as it has a 9-ft. 6-in. wheelbase as against 12 ft. 6 ins. for the larger model and is of the forwardcontrol type, it can readily penetrate narrow streets and alleyways.
The company's display will be completed by a 7-cubic-yd. refuse collector. The all-steel body has three sliding steel covers at each side and the loading line Is 4 ft. 6 ins.
W. H. Dorman and Co., Ltd., Stafford, intends to display a range of its well-known power units and, apart from two petrol engines, there will be a number of compression-ignition engines on the stand (27A). Certain of the latter are designed for road vehicles, these including the type-411TIL and the type4JUR. All these Dorman-Ricardo
engines are equipped with the C.A.V.Bosch fuel pump and injection equipment. Another oil engine will be the 4DS, which has a bore of 90 mm. and a stroke of 120 mm.
Once again the Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd., Warwick, will have a good selection of its municipal products on view. One of the two machines on the stand (162A) will be a 7-cubic-yd. refuse collector, the body being mounted on a Thorn ycroft A-type chassis. The type of cover adopted for this body prevents the dust from being blown about while loading is taking place, .and the shutters are operated by means of foot-bars. The body is of all-steel construction and it tips to the rear by the use of Eagle hydraulic gear. _
An Articulated Gully Emptier.
The other Eagle exhibit will be a 600-gallon gully emptier, for which the SCAMMell 3-ton "mechanical horse" is being employed.
Only a chassis will be shown by Electricars, Ltd., Lawley Street, Birmingham (Stand 92), this being the company's 4-ton battery-propelled sixwheeled model, which is suitable for carrying a 12-cubic-yd. body.
Two exhibits will be displayed to draw attention to certain of the municipal products of Fodens, Ltd., Sandbach, thesebeing a 3-ton petrol-propelled chassis, equipped with a 7-cubic-yd. lowloading refuse-collection body and a 4-ton oil-engined chassis which is suitable for carrying a 10-cubie-yd. refusecollection body. The former has a fourcylindered engine, developing 46 b.h.p. at 2,000 r.p.m., whilst the latter is equipped with a Dorman-Ricardo four-cylindared oil engine developing 58 b.h.p. at the same speed. The stand No. is 107.
Examples of the latest Fordson vehicles and tractors will be shown by the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., Dagenham, Essex, on Stand 119. It will be noted that detail modifications and improvements have recently been made in all the vehicles and a fully floating rear axle is now used in the 30-cwt. chassis. The Fordson range of 2-tonners includes a hand-tipping lorry, a three-way hydraulic tipper and a range of vans.
An exhibit of interest to many contractors will be the Fordson-Sussex doubledrive six-wheeled chassis. The design of the rearmost axle and the rear suspension system are features worthy of note. The Fordson-Surrey single-drive six-wheeler is similar in certain respects, but with its trailing axle is intended' normally for carrying 3-ton pay-loads.
On the stand (117) of John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., will be shown an oil-engined road roller and a gully emptier. The latter is a well-known municipal appliance, for which the Albion chassis is used. The machiue to be exhibited has been built to the order of the Wakefield Corporation.
The roller to be shown weighs eight tons and is of an entirely new design. The engine fitted is a new Fowler 33 b.h.p. three-cylindered unit, in which the fuel pump, governor, in fact, the entire injection system, are totally enclosed—a feature of much importance in the case of road rollers, which work under conditions where dust and grit are often present to a large extent The accessibility of the components is not affected by the arrangement. The roller has four road speeds, direct overhead steerage, a quick-reverse action, etc. The sole exhibit of Garner Motors, Ltd., Tyseley, Birmingham (Stand 148) will be a dual-purpose vehicle intended for refuse collection and general Purposes. The chassis is the maker's model-AMIE' forward-control type, a feature of which is the accessibility of the power unit. The wheelbase is 10 ft. and the steel-lined body is designed to carry 6 cubic yds. of refuse. A feature of the exhibit is the easily detachable body top, embodying dust covers of a Garner patented type. When the superstructure is removed, an ordinary lorry body enables general haulage work to be undertaken.
Medium-capacity Collectors.
To those officials who have to face the problem of clearing refuse from confined spaces, the Colt Major collector, to be shown by Keener Motors, Ltd., Huddersfield, on Stand 172, will be of particular interest. It is a threewheeled machine which can turn in a circle of less than 20 ft. The wheelbase is 9 ft. 1 in. and the track 4 ft. 81 ins.; the chassis, which is powered by a 10-30 b.h.p. four-cylindered engine, weighs 1 ton 5 cwt. The body of 5 cubic yds.' capacity has sliding steel covers.
A bigger machine is the Bantam refuse collector, which is suitable for general utility work in urban districts. This is a four-wheeler, arranged for forward control, and it has a capacity of 6 cubic yds. The wheelbase is 7 ft 101 ins., and the track is 4 ft. n ins.
The company's final exhibit will be an example of the RSC-type sweeper and collector—a machine which has achieved much popularity in municipal circles. One of the most important features of this ingenious appliance is the curved road brush.
A Bedford 2-ton chassis, suitably modified, forms the basis of the Lewin patent road sweeper and collector, to be displayed on Stand 111 by Lewin Road Sweepers, Ltd.. Leeds. The Kross patented brush is mounted so that it automatically adjusts itselft to road cambers. Another important point is that the road is not artificially watered when this machine is being used, but the system is made practically dustless by the sweeping and suction apparatus that is employed. The sweepings are delivered into a conveyor and thence into the body.
Two oil-engined road rollers will comprise the exhibit of Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., Gainsborough (Stand 48A). One roller will be a 10-tonner, equipped with the Blackstone three-cylindered engine developing 30 b.h.p., whilst the other will be a 4-ton machine following, generally, the constructional lines of its bigger confrere, but equipped with a Blackstone single-eylindered engine developing 10 b.h.p.
Included in the numerous exhibits '(Stand 54) of Millar's Machinery Co., Ltd., Pinner's Hall, London, E.C.2, will be the company's Tructractor, which has a Ford industrial engine, Dunlop pneumatic tyres and a 30-cubic-ft. endtipping dump body.
Several types of Auto-Track will be shown on Stand 42 by R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd. Type FRHC.,is an elevating platform model with largo road wheels and a hinged driver's platform in front of the power unit. Another model on view will be the Auto-Truck unit with interchangeable sweeper-sprinkler trailer and refuse-collection trailer.
Amongst the exhibits of H. Pattisson and Co., Stanmore, on Stand 183, will be a Super-Beta Mark V tractor with a detachable body and a Pattisson motor roller.
Representative types of Atco motor mower will be shown on Stand 142 by C. H. Pugh, Ltd„ Filton Road,_ Bir mingham. These handy little outfits are used for mowing work in municipal parks and for verges and grass islands on arterial roads. In addition, the company has chosen for exhibition wide-cut trailer units.
Notable amongst the exhibits of Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Lincoln, on Stand 40, will be a three-wheeled crudeoil roller for road and footpath work. It weighs 21 tons in normal working order, and by the use of wider wheels at the rear the rolling width can be increased from 4 ft. 1 in. to 6 ft. It has distinct uses for aerodrome and publicpark service.
Scammell Lorries, Ltd., 52-54, High Holborn, London, W.C.1, will have two examples of its "mechanical horse" on view on Stand 161, one carrying an 18-cubic-yd. refuse-collection body and
the other a 600-gallon gully emptier. The refuse container of the former interesting three-wheeled outfit is of steel construction and has a moving floor of Scammell design, this consisting of a composition of rubber and fabric. A partition which moves with the floor is used to consolidate the refuse. The machine is loaded from the rear, a rubber slatted curtain being used to give an adequate seal.
With the exception of the undercarriage and rear-axle assembly, the gully emptier is the prod net of the Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd. The two-compartment cylindrical tank is built on the Scammell patent frameless principle, in which the tank shell forms the frame. The rolling-drum-type vacuum pump is mounted on the " mechanical horse," and is driven by roller chain from a power take-off.
As a specialist in the production of many types of municipal vehicle, Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd., Letchworth, intends to exhibit on Stand 156 five distinct types of its well-known S.D. Freighter dust-cart, in addition to a 750-gallon cesspit emptier. There will be three 10-cubic-yd, machines and a 15-cubic-yd barrier-type collector with a movable floor and an extmple of the container system.
A Collector with a Movable Floor.
John I. Thornycroft and Co., -Ltd., has chosen for display. on Stand 162, a type-AA-Forward 12-cubic-yd. refuse collector having Eagle bodywork and a movable floor by Transport Engineering,
Ltd. The all-steel body has interior dimensions of 15 ft. by 6 ft. 6 ins., and the roof is 5 ft. above floor level. The tail door is hinged at the top, and has a ratchet device which retains it in the open position during the discharge of the contents. A bulkhead is fitted at the front for compressing as well as discharging the load.
Of the exhibits to be arrayed on the stand (88) of Puke and Bell, Ltd., Lichfield, Staffs., that of chief concern to our readers will be the 750-gallon cesspool emptier, for which the Scammell "mechanical horse" is employed.
The application of the movable floor to refuse-collection vehicles is an important development, and one that should attract much notice from municipal officials. Examples of the type made by Transport Engineering, Ltd., 561, Old Kent Road, London, S.E.1, will be shown on Stand 169. One specimen will be displayed on a 12-cubic-yd. body mounted on a Morris-Commercial 3-ton forward-control chassis, and the other on a trailer working in conjunction with a Karrier Cob tractor. The floor of the former is power-operated, but in the ease of the latter it can be hand-controlled from the front or the rear.
Two capacities of refuse-collection body will be exhibited on Bedford chassis on Stand 126 by Vauxhall Motors, Ltd, The Hyde, London, N.W.P. One is a 7-cubic-yd. machine• having the company's 2-ton long-wheelbase chassis as its basis, and the other a 10-cubic-yd. model, for which the 3-ton long-wheel base chassis is employed. The top of the body of the former can be detached so that the vehicle can be used as an ordinary lorry, The larger machine has an Eagle dustless-type steel body with foot-operated covers.
On Stand 178 Vulcan Motor Services, Ltd., Crossens, Southport, will display a 21.-ton forward-control vehicle with a movable floor. If required, the body ' can be divided by partitions which move with the belt, thus enabling mixed bulk loads to be carried. The lorry to be shown will also be fitted with the Edbro hand-operated hydraulic tipping gear to show another method of uploading.
A refuse collector to be shown by Walker Brothers (Wigan), Ltd., Wigan, -on Stand 163, is one of 20 now in course of delivery to St. Marylebone Borough Council. The vehicle is known as the Prodigy and has a useful capacity of at least 15 cubic yds. The body is of the rear-loading type, the bins being emptied inside the body.
Several examples of Advance roller, made by Wallis and Steevens, Ltd., Basingstoke, will be shown on Stand 70.