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T HE Road and Rail Traffic Bill is now before the House of Lords, and it is highly probable that it will be passed within a...
a feature which v should prove of the utmost value to all those hauliers and ancillary users who have occasion at any time...
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ONE of the surprising features of the Show is the decreasing weight effected in many chassis without a corresponding reduction...
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Of difficulty in reaching the Dennis 40-45-cwt. chassis at the Show. That G.M. readers can learn more about it at their own...
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roods over which it...
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Co-ordinal ing Ambulance Arrangements. The Minister of Health has suggested that all county councils and local sanitary...
The watch committee of Cussran Corporation recommends the purchase of a Dennis five-stretcher ambulance. NEWPORT (I. Of W.)...
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Vehicle Design Compared R EVISITING the Olympia Commercial Motor Show after many years' residence in France is a must...
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ances at the ROADS and TRANSPORT EXHIBITION A Forecast of the Wide Range of Municipal Vehicles and Appliances to be...
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and STYLE REVIEWED The Trend of Developments as Exemplified by the Commercial Motor Show. The Tendency Towards Lighter...
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A Well-known Bodybuilder who has Recently Visited Canada and the U.S.A. Gives Our Readers the Benefit of His Experiences By R....
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Read During the Show, Under the iEgis of important Associations Concerned with Road Transport Bus Design and Maintenance A T...
" r‘FPORTUNITIES for Development of Road Trans port" was the subject of a paper read by Mr. F. A. P1M, vice-chairman of the...
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T UE paper prepared by Mr. F. a. Bristow, C.BX., F.C.I.S., Minst.T., for the Conference of' the Commercial Motor Users...
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C. D. Law, B.Sc., Technical Expert, Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. The Concluding Part of an Article Comprising an Informative...
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lists of wharves and docks in the metropolitan area, but nothing like so comprehensive a scheme has been evolved as that which...
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O N general principles, there is no doubt that the rule that longer journeys call for larger machines applies to air transport...
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PO Following Up Last Month's Article on Aerodrome Requirements, a Typical Aerodrome is Described I N the Air Transport...
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now on sale The Purpose of Our New Handbook'Briefly Explained : A Summary of the Contents of its 15 Chapters. A Practical,...
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Atlantic: An Anglo-American Agreement. Following up our news published on October 27, it is now stated that an agreement, the...
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Turns Up Trumps Economical Running, Durability and Easy Maintenance Among Prominent Characterise. tics of Interesting and...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT MINISTER UPHOLDS PRE-BOOKED-PARTY LICENCES "Adequate Control can be Exercised by Suitable Conditions" T...
LORRY AS BUS: PASSENGERS AND THEIR GOODS. PUBLIC service vehicle and road ser vice licences are required for lorries carrying...
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M.H.C.S.A.'s Work for the Industry Explained at an Open Meeting A N open meeting of operators was convened at Olympia, last...
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Two Interesting Papers Read to an Olympia Meeting of Omnibus Society Members D EVELOPMENTS In chassis design and 100 years'...
A SURPRISE development in the organization of hauliers has taken place in Yorkshire. It is the formation of a goods-transport...
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The Editor, TOE COMMERCIAL Moron. [4188] Sir,—I am extremely interested in the letter from Mr. Hood Barra, also the editorial...