V ARIOUS efforts have been made in the past to compile
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lists of wharves and docks in the metropolitan area, but nothing like so comprehensive a scheme has been evolved as that which we now publish. The compiler, Mr. R. Barry Cole, who is well known as a practical transport man, commencing about three years ago with a few personal notes of addresses of unfamiliar wharves, gradually built up a considerable list, and its reception in draft form by numerous transport contractors and drivers convinced Mr. Cole of its value to the general-haulage industry.
It was at this stage that it was brought to us, and realizing its usefulness to our readers we commissioned Mr. Cole to prepare the list for publication.
The maps and diagrams upon which the positions of wharves and docks are indicated are not intended to challenge the excellent work of the Ordnance Survey, and are purposely drawn out of scale, where necessary, to ensure greater legibility. It is hoped, however, that they will serve to indicate the relative situations of the principal wharves and the main roads of approach.
It must be emphasized that, when considering the actual list of wharves, a street number may not be the actual postal address of the wharf, but the nearest number which will indicate the position of that wharf.
The extent of the compilation may be realized when we mention that it includes some 850 names, and to look for some of these wharves without such prior knowledge is like looking for a needle in a haystack. In fact, the search is often so difficult that drivers may travel miles out of their course, and sometimes they do so intentionally to visit some concern for guidance.
During our preliminary investigation as to the value of this information a number of concerns which has been constantly giving advice of this nature where they could do so informed us that the scheme would be invaluable both to the haulier and ancillary user, whilst relieving those who had some knowedge from these constant demands upon their time and patience.
The list should be just as useful and informative to transport users outside the metropolitan area as to those within it, for most of them engage upon transport work to and from the wharves and docks concerned.
We propose, if the need shows itself, to reprint the maps and list in brochure form.
In the meantime we shall be glad to receive from hauliers and others details as to any wharf and dock which may possibly have been omitted, but which Could be included in the reprinted list. It is important to point out that it has been quite impossible to include the whole of the names on the actual maps, those given being the most important. The situation of the others, however, can easily be found. •