News and Comment.
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This journal has a genuine circulation, genuine advertisement support, and an Editorial staff whose members have practical experience and knowledge of the construction and use of commercial motors.
This is the first number of our eighth volume.
A member of the staff of this journal spent a day at the works of Alfred Herbert, Limited, last week.—See pages 2 to 4.
The matter of the official attitude of the trade in regard to non-motor exhibitions will again come before the Commercial Vehicle Section of the S.M.M.T. A further meeting has been summoned for Tuesday next, the r5th instant.
Parades and Careful Drivers. The matter of the second London parade and examination of the which is to be held in London on Saturday, the 3rd proximo, was before the Executive Committee yesterday.. Entries are numerous, and a repetition of the success which attended the parade of the t4th December last, on the Thames Embankment is expected. Nearly 20 new members joined the Commercial Motor Users Association in Aug-ust. This body is progressing very satisfactorily, and the membership is now well over 300.
Albion Deliveries.
One of this year's deliveries by the Albion Motor Car Company, Limited, of Scotstoun, Glasgow, is a ibh.p. vehicle for Charles Rattray and Cornpain, Limited, hardware merchants, of Glasgow, and, when the order for this van was placed, the purchasing company stated that it was required to use the .vehicle principally as a traveller's brougham. It was realised, however, that the traveller, when once in possession of a motor, could get over the ground in a fraction of the time previously required with horses, and it was decided to use the vehicle as a light deliviere van; during four days of the week. This plan has been in operation for more than two months, with com
plete satisfaction to all parties. The body is fitted with removable shelves of a convenient pattern for traveller's samples, and there are two seats to the rear of the interior : all these internal, fittings are easily taken out, and the conversion of the brougham into a van is a matter of seconds only. In the Sacred Cause of Charity. On Saturday last, we noticed a motoryan, it) the. service of the " Daily Express," distributing food amongst the destitute hoppers and fruit pickers in the Eynsfp-d and Farningham districts, Kent?'
Short Distance Haulage by Tractors Does it Pay ?
An example of heavy tonnage by a tractor is given on page 5. We doubt if many can show as good a result, but there is no reason why such instances should not be multiplied wherever similar opportunities await the good handlink, which Mr. Patrick Hallinan, of Midleton, County Cork, has bestowed upon his company's Wallis and Steevens machines.
General Cab Company's Results.
Further to last week's brief announcement, the profits for the 141 months ended the 31st July last are shown as „4.716.,1,438. It is proposed to write off ,6-7,000 from underwriting and preliminary expenws, to put L33.449 to a special reserve account against rolling stock, to wipe out the debit balance of 179,682 from the previous account, and thus to leave -/;t 18,3o5 for dividend:, the placing of ..67,o6.-, to ordinary reserve, and the carrying forward of .,;0,352.
A 16h.p. Lacre van was recently engaged in the transport of stores from London to Salisbury for the Territorial regiments, which the public knows as the Inns of Court, the London Scottish and the Artists.
New Cab Registration.
The London and North-Western Cab orripany, Limited, with an authorised capital of ..;20,000 in Is. shares has been registered with its office at the Club house, Madeira Road, Streatham, S. \V.
Motorcabs for Bath.
The Provincial Motorcab Company, Limited, on an application lodged from its Bristol office (31, Victoria Street, Clifton), has been recommended by a sub-committee of the Bath Sanitary Committee for the granting of four licenses. Opposition by local jobrnasters has been organised.
Renard Trains.
A Renard train is being supplied, at the request of the War Office, by the Renard Road and Rail Transport Corporation, Limited, for transport service in the Aldershot Command manceuvres. The train will be attached to an A.S.C. mechanical transport service company. A further order for a Renard train has just been placed by the Russian Court, the previous one supplied for the use of His Imperial Majesty the Czar having given complete satisfaction. Two Renard trains have also just been delivered to the order of the Turkish Government.
In the Colliery Districts,.
Earl Fitzwilliam's Collieries, Elsecar, are served by a Mann steam wagon (illuwated by us on the 3oth July), and this machine performs various services. One of these is the conveyance of props, and Mr. Durnford, Earl Fitzwilliam's manager, writes, in reference to this application of the machine our collieries are widely separated, and it is not always convenient to bring props to each by rail, we find our motor wagon of the greatest possible advantage for conveying the timber from our central yard to the various pits as required." This is a new use. The Torkington Tire.
In our issue of last week (see page 6o41, we illustrated and described the Torking ton solid-rubber fire which is beingput on the market by Torkington Tires, Limited, of r6, Victoria Street, S.W. We are now able to supplement that description with another view, and this clearly shows how the rubber rings are recessed in order to accommodate the articulated steel band which gives strength and stability,
An Aberdeen Develoumant.
We reported, last week, the trial of 20h.p.'size chassis in private-hire and hackney-carriage work by Campbells, 1_,rnited, of Aberdeen. We now learn that this local company's premises in Bon Accord Street were, on the 2nd instant, the scene of a special function to mark the completion of extensive alterations_ Another old-established horse-jobmaster's connection is now to be developed on the motor side, and every facility for users will be pro vided ; arrangements have been made for storage, supplies and repairs.
Detachable Rims.
Wy have received from the Sewsbursand Challiner Tyre Company, Limited, of Kay Street, Ardwick Green, Marche-ter, a copy of its latest catalogue dealing with the Challiner detachable rim. Th;s rim is rapidly increasingin popularity, and the out put the works, from January to June inclusive (mo8), shows an increase cf over .+ou per cent, on the corresponding peril d for last year, whilst the output during. last month was over 32 per cent. greater than that for the precedingmonth. The company's London addr, •:s; is Page Street, Westminster, S.W.. ..ind this rim should be tif interiis. to cab companies.
The Dust Problem.
TE • dust-raising capacity of the ayer,....;re commercial vehicle is small, in contrast with the consequences of the speed and studs of a private car. We, none the less, echo the views if H.S.! I. Prince Francis of Teek, chairman LI the Royal Automobile Club, in his 1.4slower and inc mat considerate drivingin villages at all limes, and on the (Awn road at times when a particular vehicle is found—by observation, which it is the duty of every driver to make --to lw raising dust to an extent
which is likely to annoy or to discomfit pedest I iaes and other users of tfie high way. All drivers of vans and lorries should also be on the alert for overtaking vehicles, and should not " hold the road " against anybody for more than that reasonable period which enables them to draw to the near side.
A Neat Reflecting Device.
The accompanying photograph shows one of the recent deliveries to Messrs. Waring 's from Cornmercial Cars, Limited. This handsomely finished lorry, with movable sides and tail board, is suitable for the carriage of pantechnicon bodies, and is propelled by a fourcylinder 3o-3611.p. engine. Since its delivery, it has been fitted with a special canopy for the better protection of the driver, and neat reflectingglasses have been arranged on the two sides of the driver in order to overcome the difficulty experienced in seeing behind the large body work carried on the vehicle. The glasses have been designed and fitted under the supervision of Messrs. Waring's transport manager, Mr. Harrison.
Our photograph was taken in Albemarle Street while the lorry was awaiting inspection by the Commercial Motor Users' Association, which body is much interested in the special fittings which \ye have mentioned. The generel turn-out of all vans maintained by the " Commer Car " people is very good. We published, in our :--ue for the 27th ultimo, two exterior views of the Dennis bakery van (Vol. VII, page 589). Details of the body-work, and the yo shelves which accommodate a total of 1,750 two-lb. leaves will he found Opposite.
Oils and Greases.
NIr. Frank Goodchild, manager of the Lacre Motorcar Company, Limited, has sent a testimonial to Messrs. Charles Price and Company, of 13, Upper Thames Street, London, E.C., as to the economical consumption and efficient lubrication upon Lacre vehicles with the oils and greases of the firm named. The I.acre Company has decided to standardise the oil for future use.
Munich's Motorcabdrivers.
In view of I he number of motorcab accidents which have happened of late in Munich, and which have been caused by fast driving, the Bavarian Motor Club is issuing a circular to the men, begging them to drive more considerately, within the town limits and to
keep their cutouts closed, it . being no uncommon thing for a driver to give the inhabitants the full benefit of the explosions in the cylinders. The Cor poration, too, has cautioned the Mell, and has also suggested that, considering the accidents, the heavy cabs should be replaced by a lighter type.
The Kent Murder.
The newspaper motorvans employed by certain daily and weekly papers have le•en largely used, during the past three weeks, in conveying supplies to Sevenoaks, Tonbridge, and the locality of the bungalow murder. On Sunday week bisi,we noted a "Veekly Dispatch" van at Sevenoaks, this having taken special supplies of the paper early in the morning. The " Chronicle " van has also been prominent in this way. Never before, probably, has the motor been used so extensively after a crime of this nature. The police, Press, and photographers made use of cars in most instances. for the purpose of conveying messages to or from places in the surrounding. district.
Partnership Terminated.
The p;trtnership between Messrs. Clement Stanley Haddock and John Harwood Rothwell, carrying on business as motor carriers at Darwen, Lancaster, under the style of Haddock and Rothwell, has, by mutual consent, been dissolved us front September 1st. Debts due 10 and owing by the late firm will be received and paid by Mr. Haddock.
Sundry Repairs.
Brown Brothers, Limited, of Great Eastern Street, lie., asks us to mention the fact that it has put in a special plant for the repair of motor lamps and horns. The company undertakes to restore al i makes of lamps, no matter how badly they may be damaged, at reasonable cost to the owner, and to treat other accessories in similar fashion.
Huddersfield's Motor Transport Company.
The members of the Edgar Mavall Motor Transport Company, Ltd. (Huddersfield), have decided that, for the purpose of reconstruction, the company be wound up voluntarily. Mr. Fred Lockwood, chartered accountant, Market Place Chambers, Huddersfield, is the liquidator.
Ash for Motor Body Building.
Joseph Owen and Sons, Ltd., of Liverpool, is now receiving its first season's delivery of a cargo of " Green Dash Ash Logs." We understand that the timber is quite fresh, of good size, and of a texture which is difficult to procure; buyers would do well to obtain particulars of this consignment from the importers.