Container Transport
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)avid Lowe
ablishment of Dart ntainerline Co. Ltd.
.10E Maritime Internationale, S.A., Ant, announces that the consortium estabI by the Compagnie Maritime Beige, S.A. 'erg), Bristol City Line (Bristol) and Clark c Services (Montreal) for the running of liner traffic between Canada and the on one side and the United Kingdom and '.3ontinent on the other side, has been Dart Continental Co. Ltd.
fore putting into use the superliners now under construction, a weekly Dart Containerline, between New and Norfolk on the American nent, and Antwerp and Southampton, )e run from June 1 1969 by four conrships of the Painter type chartered by ompagnie Maritime Beige.
Dart Containerline service to Canada 3e inaugurated at the end of June. For Durpose additional container-vessels have chartered. Initially sailings will take place , tenth day; later there will be weekly gs. The ports served in Europe are Antand Southampton and in Canada, Hali4 quick railway service moves the cons from Halifax to Montreal and Toronto.
—Eire lupage service :W container groupage service for Eire is peration at the BRS Parcels Ltd. depots at chester, Rotherham, Liverpool and Swan
sea. The containers will be shipped to Cork through Swansea. This is the latest step in B and l's link-up between the Republic of Ireland and the UK. The intention is to use the Freightliner service in Britain and the recently introduced Eire Freightliner service which will link Cork with Dublin.
Container standardization
AN INTERNATIONAL working party within ISO is meeting in Antwerp from April 9 — 11 1969 as guests of the Belgian Institute for Standardization. The party will be considering specifications, tests and the marking of containers. The Port of Antwerp Promotion Association and the Antwerp City Council are providing facilities for the working party which will include a visit to the container terminals in the port.
Containerization '70
AN INTERNATIONAL exhibition of containers at the Fair Grounds, Munich, will be held from October 21-25 1970.
The Muenchener Messe-und Ausstellungsgesellschaft is organizing this exhibition in conjunction with an international congress on systems and methods of containerization from the viewpoints of business, national and worldwide economy in which experts of traffic and transport nationalization from numerous countries will Participate.
Exhibits will include containers, transfer equipment, change-loading systems, ramp construction, load-securing systems and container operating by computers.
Air attractions
THE domestic airlines in the USA have run into trouble in their attempt to attract more air freight shippers into containerizing their goods. They planned to reduce container rates by as much as 10 per cent, with larger discounts where a large container was used in place of several smaller ones. But the Air Freight Forwarders Association announced that unless the proposed system was altered it would ask the Civil Aeronautics Board to reject it. Opposition was based on the contention that the rates changes were in effect a disguised increase; weight breaks above 3,000lb would be eliminated, and overflow goods would move at the normal bulk rate, which is higher than the new container rate.
International Freight Container Conference
A TVVO-DAY International Freight Container Conference, followed by a number of technical trade tours, is being organized in conjunction with the International Freight Container and Container Handling Exhibition at Earls Court on September 23 and 24.
Entitled "The container and the user", the conference will provide an opportunity for manufacturers to express their opinions concerning the practical use of containers, and also to hear the latest views of container handlers.
A short technical study mission will follow, covering as much as possible in practical terms of the ground covered by the conference.
Prospective visitors to the exhibition who wish to take part in the conference and /or the tours should apply to Independent Trade Missions Ltd., 25 Queen Anne's Gate, London, SW1 indicating their spheres of interest. The conference and tour programmes will then be published and circulated with registration forms to all applicants.
New routes
THE British and Irish Steam Packet Co. Ltd. will introduce on May 2 a new route between Swansea and Cork which will be capable of carrying 600 tons dead weight on the rollon/roll-off principle on each trip. With a capital investment programme in the region of £10m, B and I intends to develop the ports at Cork and Swansea, and put container ships into service. Ireland is the fifth largest consumer of British exports and depends largely on Britain for its own exports.
B and I is in the process of completing the reorganization of its routes which have been rationalized and now link Wales with Eire.
SOGETREX S.A. announces that it will start on April 15 a "regular weekly" container service between Antwerp and London. The new service supplies door-to-door facilities.
Antwerp on target
THE PORT of Antwerp handled 57,500 loaded containers with 605.000 tons of goods in 1968—slightly exceeding the target figure for the year. This compares with 481.000 tons in 1967 and 296,000 tons in 1966.