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Wider Municipal Traffic Powers
• New provisions freeing local authorities in England and Wales from the need to get Ministerial approval for a wide range of local traffic orders will apply from April 21 when,......
'old Charm' Containerizes For Continent
• As part of new expansion and marketing plans by Wood Bros. of Ware, Hertfordshire, makers of Old Charm period furniture, three specially designed "transcontinental" container......
Pallet Pool Seminar
• To enable representatives of British industry to meet the author of the recent report on the possibility of establishing a UK pallet pool before his return to America, the......
I A Chance To Join Cm Commercial Motor Has A
vacancy for a keen young man as an editorial assistant I I on the London staff of the journal. I Applicants, who should be aged between 20 and 23, must be able to write I......
Citb Levy Charge
• A proposal to change the way that the Construction Industry Training Board raises its training levy has been put to Mrs. Barbara Castle, Minister for Employment and......
In Westminster
from our Parliamentary correspondent NFC borrowings • Any borrowings by the National Freight Corporation from the National Loans Fund will attract interest at the current rate,......
Seat Belts Compulsory?
• Seat belts may become compulsory fittings in heavier commercial vehicles—when the cabs themselves are safer. The Minister of Transport said in the Commons last week that he......
Br Testing
• By February 22—the latest date for which figures were available-14,244 vehicles and trailers transferred from British Railways, had been tested, according to the National......
Fair Fares For Pensioners
• Proposals are being prepared for an Order under the 1968 Transport Act dealing with the costs of travel concessions fair to both local authorities and operators, announced Mr.......
Pta Appointments
• Although the first four Passenger Transport Authorities to be designated under the Transport Act 1968 came into being officially on April 1, the Minister of Transport has not......