Belfast Trolleys Pip Buses
Page 37

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THE profits of Belfast Corporation I transport department for the year !tided March 31 last show a surplus of :46,624. After providing for interest and oan fund expenses, the trolleybus section if the undertaking shows a surplus of 65,045 against which has to be set a tacit on the motor buses of £12,374, the pross transport surplus being £52,670. The department is responsible for ,ertain catering and entertaining enteririses which had a deficit of £33,399, )ut against this received £27,353 in ntercst on investments.
In his report, Mr. J. Mackie, general nanager, emphasizes that the trolleyalses are operated on busy routes and a arge number of unremunerative services ire run by the motor buses. The average :xpenses for the trolleybuses stood at 8.17d. per mile, compared with 36.23d. or the previous year. The correspondng figures for motor buses were 37.6d. nd 35.3d.
Fewer Passengers Passengers carried in 1960-61 numbered 79m., a decrease of over 5m. compared vith the previous year. The report states hat a steep decline in the number of iassengers carried on Sundays continues, 11 Sunday services now being operated t a loss.
Belfast, states the report, is one of the ery few municipal passenger transport ndertakings in the U.K. where there is o shortage of platform and workshop taff and, therefore, sufficient seats are rovided for intending passengers on very service at all times, always proided the vehicles can observe the inning schedules which are based on )w average speeds.
.962 Handling Exhibition
FHE 1962 Mechanical Handling Exhibition is to be held at Earls Aaurt, London, from May 8 to 18. Iundreds of manufacturers will display Se most advanced examples of aerial apeways, earthmoving equipment, static nd mobile cranes, trucks, conveyors, levators, grain, powder and chemical andling plant and bottling plant.
More in evidence than ever before will e manufacturers of ancillary equipment, kriging from electronically controlled ppliances and automatic weighing evices to batteries and bearings.
Further details can be obtained from le Exhibition Manager, Dorset House. tamford Street, London, S.E.I.
NEW YUGOSLAV LORRY rHE T.A.M. motor factory at Maribor, L Yugoslavia, has commenced producon of a 44-ton, 85-h.p. lorry. The .A.M.-4,500 is designed to replace the krlier " Pionir " model. The factory will roduce some 3.100 vehicles this year, eluding 2-tonners, buses and special ablic service vehicles. Annual output is cpected to reach 10,700 units by 1965.