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T HE road transport industry is in debt to the oil companies for the outstanding progress that has been made since the war in...
I T is difficult to assess how much influence county and other local councils have on the Government; it. must, however, amount...
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M ANY business executives have bad the honour of laying foundation stones, but not so many can have taken off their jackets and...
Bird's Eye View — By The Hawk T TRANSPORT operators—along with other businessmen— must be particularly perplexed persons...
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A N attack on "the present excessive I – % motor fuel duty" is made in the Annual Report for 1960-61 of the National Road...
A WEST CUMBERLAND haulier, riJohn Scott, who had built up a successful business with six vehicles in 10 years at Arlecdon,...
A RECOMMENDATION made by the Common Market Commission that member ri Governments of the market bloc should take certain...
A LEYLAND haulier and his son were committed for trial at Chorley, Lanes, last week on summonses alleging the forging of...
EIROVIDING documents and figures prove to be satisfactory, an application by W. Keens, Ltd., to add six vehicles to an A...
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D EAR flashing direction indicators and .11%. stop lights which have increased daytime visibility without being too bright at...
I N a report to the highways committee of Glasgow Corporation, the chief constable, Mr. James Robertson, and the city engineer,...
THE Metropolitan Licensing Authority, Mr. D. I. R. Muir, last week granted an application by St. John's Garage (Kernan), Ltd.,...
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Mr. LA. M. Ginger has been appointed chief electrical engineer, London Transport, as from September 4 next, to succeed Mr. T....
the Leicester portion of the LondonYorkshire motorway was interfer ing with productivity and goods were not reachin g the docks...
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Franz our Parliamentary Correspondent ft/R. MARPLES intends to wait until Lvithe Economic Commission for Europe has considered...
From our Parliamentary Correspondent G OODS worth over a third of a million pounds were stolen from commercial vehicles in the...
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F URTHER wage increases could price municipal transport undertakings out of existence, the chairman of Nottingham Transport...
From our Parliamentary Correspondent T HE Metropolitan Police Commissioner last week put forward a six-point plan for...
A.E.C.s 10 SWITZERLAND: II. Kleine and Co. of Zurich have ordered four A.E.0 Mandator and one A.E.C. Mammoth Majo six - wheeler...
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T HE profits of Belfast Corporation I transport department for the year !tided March 31 last show a surplus of :46,624. After...
A T a resumed hearing in Cambridge last week, the Eastern Traffic Commissioners refused the majority of fares increases applied...
ri A NEW method of recruiting bus drivers is being used by the City of Oxford Motor Services, Ltd. It is thought that the...
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I N order to maintain an equal balance between household removals and commercial haulage, J. H. Hadfield and Sons, Ltd.,...
M.P. was "Grossly • Misleading" A SUGGESTION that Derby Corpon tion should sell their bus unde taking to a private company...
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I -1 A ROAD-RAIL switch by Scottish Agricultural Industries, Ltd., was proposed at Edinburgh last week when Wm. Dobson...
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WILLIAM SWAN (CONTRACTORS), VV LTD., of Edinburgh, were partially successful when they applied to the Scottish Licensing...
A S the U.S. economy makes a slow 1st sure recovery from the recessio earlier in the year, commercial vehicl output figures by...
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transfer of the entire plant of the David Brown Machine Tool division from Strangeways. Manchester, to Trafford Park, a...
VOLLOWING an accident between a cyclist and a Hull Corporation bus, the bus brakes were tested the same day and found to be...
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Common Market or Not, Britain's Ferry Services Are Already Well Able to Cope With the Increasing Flow of Cross-Channel Goods...
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TsHE Road Haulage Association and the British Transport Commission together achieved a resounding victory last week when they...
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T HE Pedestrians Association has recently publicly debated a draft of what is termed a "Pedestrians Bill of Rights." The final...
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D URING the past quarter century, as a result of the rapid development of road transport, a vast change has come over the major...
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I F the number of committees is any guide, a far more serious effort than ever before is now being made to solve the problem of...
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T WO new single-decker passenger chassis designed to comply with the new legal maximum length of 36 ft. have been announced by...
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nEMONSTRATIONS were given in London recently by Apaseal, Ltd., liailsham, Sussex, of a new process for repairing punctures in...
for application with electrostatic hand guns, is the latest addition to the range of Vulcan finishes manufactured by the...
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Unchanged— Perfor Refreshed Latest Version of Commer Forward-control 5-tonner Has Perkins Six 354 Diesel Engine : Highly...
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A N application, published just one day before the appeal court's decision in the Arnold case, could not be more topical....
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Provision of Personal Transport for Representatives and Executives is an Added Responsibility for Many Industrial Transport...
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A VEHICLE intended for the transport of coils of steel wire and strip and able to he adapted for general haulage is shown in...