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News and Comment.
This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses, We offer the season's greetings to our large circle of Overseas readers seeing that this issue will read; many of them on dates between taristmas Day and New Year's Day.
Col. Crompton's Paper, Colonel R. E. Crompton, C.B., will read a paper at the next .ceneral meeting of the Institution Of Mechanical Engineers, on Friday cd cuing, the lgth inst., on the subject of " Mechanical Engineering Aspects of Road Construction."
The Word" Berna."
It appears, from proceedings in the Chancery Division on the 5th inst., that British Berna Motor Lorries, Ltd., is well forward with a. motion in connection with the use of the word " Berna." The hearing will be taken to-morrow (Friday).
Birmingham's Register.
The Secretary of the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, in the course of his reply to the inquiry which we promised to address to him, states :-" Up to the moment, only the principle has been agreed o, and a committee is now working out the details."
C.M U.A. Lectures.
Colonel C. F. T. Blyth presided at the third of the lectures to petrol-vehicle drivers on the 3nd inst., when Mr. Watson dealt with ignition apparatus of all classes. The thind steam lecture will be delivered on the 17th inst., at the Royal Automobile Club, also by Mr. Watson.
• Sir Boverton Redwood, Bart., RIO., D.Sc., in his presidential address to the Junior Institution of Engineers, on Friday last, gave very strong support to the claims that have at any time been properly advanced in respect of the likely yields of motor spirit from mineral sources.
Argyll Results.
Argylls, Ltd., made a profit of 127,008 for the year ended the 30th September last ; various charges reduce the sum that is carried to IThe balance sheet to £8131. After bringing in 21973 from the previous year, the disposable profit is £10,104. The directors recommend that ;E6500 be transferred to depreciation account, leaving X3604 to be carried forward. Germany now has 1250 military motor lorries, reckoning those which belong to the authorities and to subsidized owners.
Highway Engineering.
The current issue of " The Surveyor " contains a forceful letter from the pen of Mr. H. Percy Bonlnois, M.Inst.C.E., in which he emphasizes the need for Chairs of Highway Engineering, possibly upon the model that has been already adopted in the United States, in some of our British Universities.
Parliamentary Bills.
We have to make the following addition, on receipt of a notice concerning the Bill, to the list of such Bills Which appeared on page 314 of issue ssue of last week :
The Western Valley (Monmouthshire) nailless Electric Traction (./.;'.z.t.iii.on).-Power to extend the authorized routes for trolley vehicles. in Abertillery. Parliamentary agents, R. W. Cooper and Sons, 5, Victoria Street, S.W.
Tylor Engines.
With: the granting of the War officesubvention certificate to Clayton and Co. (Huddersfield), Ltd., it .o.f course goes without saying that the Tylor engine, as fitted to the Kazaier vehicle which recently underwent successfully the trials that were organized by the War Department, has 'been approved by the War Department. We may add that ,TYlor and Sons, Ltd., of Belle Isle, York Road, King's Cross, N., is at liberty to supply similar engines to other commercial-vehicle builders, From Dublin.
Mr. E. S. Robinson, a director of W. W. Robinson and Son, Ltd., coal merchants and shipowners, of 19, Westland Row, Dublin, writes to us, under elate the 6th inst., as follows :-" It may interest you to know that the four-ton StrakerSquire lorry of which we took delivery on the 24th ult. has since overaged eight deliveries per day, or 32 tons, except Saturdays, on which the number was five. All the deliveries were fairly-long distances, mostly to the outlying suburbs, in some cases into the country. The short runs,are being done by our horse drays. The motor is running beautifully, and we see nothing on the road we fancy so much as Straker-Squires."
The Daily News, Ltd., has secured judgment for £303 12s. 2d. against Macnamara and Co., Ltd., in respect of money which it paid to one of its motor drivers, who died as the consequence of a collision with one of the defendant company's mail vans.
The Mossley Hill Motor Car Works, of Liverpool, is in a strong position to supply the French Waroffice model, and other morlels of the Aries commercial vehicle. The types range from those suitable for loads of to 7 tons on the vehicle. Mr. E. Mayet is sole concessionnaire : his telephone number is 79, Mossley -Liverpool.
Smithfield Show.
The exhibitors of motor vehicles, tractors and agricultural motors at the Smithfield Show reported to us, in the course of a recent. visit, that interest is fully maintained in their particular specialities. It will be recalled that we gave the full list of exhibitors in our last issue. There is an increase in the exhibits over the previous similar display, and visitors were attracted in particular to the fine display of steam wagons and tractors, and, amongst the agricultwal implements, to the new Stock plough .and the IvelBauche motor hoe, both of which have been recently described.
New Registrations.
The London, Brighton and South Coast Motor Road Syndicate, Ltd., with an authorized capital of &:250,000 in ,e1 shares, and with its office at. 9, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., to promote a bill in Parliament for the acquisition of powers to construct a road from London to Brighton adapted for the passage of motor and other kinds of
traffic. First director : Otto Tarrdni.
The Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., with an authorized
capital of 1400000 in shares (150,000 six per cent, preference), by S. Morse, 1, Kingsway, W.C. The objects are, to carry out in the United Kingdom, Europe and elsewhere, the business of tramway, light-railway, motorcar, motorbus, motorvan, etc., proprietors, engineers, and carriers of passengers and goods, etc„ etc. First directors: C. S. E. Hilton, R. J. Howley, L. A. Atherley-Jones, K.C., M.P.. and H. S. Day.
A Recent Registration.
The Pipe Motors (England), Ltd., with an authorized capital of g10,500 (10,000 shares of X1 each, and 10,000 shares of Is. each) by Cox and Lafone, Tower Royal, Cannon Street, E.C.
Petters Pay Five Per Cent.
The directors of Petters, Ltd., of Yeovil, have declared a dividend for the half-year ended the 30th September last., at the rate of five per cent, per annum on the ordinary shares, free of income tax, and the usual preference dividend.
Halleys and Brewers.
A renewal of considerable activity, in respect of orders for heavy machines by the brewing trade, has recently to be noted. Amongst other deliveries last week, we learn that three examples of the Halley B-type were delivered to Messrs. James Calder and Sons; Messrs. Allsop ; and Messrs. Steel coulsons—all repeat orders. Two Further three-tonners are in hand in the company's shops for Allsop's for their Burton-on-Trent de liveries. A repeat order has just been placed with this maker for two tower wagons by th:e Glasgow Corporatio.n, which already owns 10 machines of the same make. Other recent repeat orders are two threetonners for the North Staffordshire Railway (a second repeat), bringing the company's fleet up to f!ve, and the burgh of Leith also placed a repeat order for a 25 lip. tower wagon.
Two Useful Booklets.
The latest Albion catalogue is before us, and this, although condensed to 24 pages, with an added double sheet at illustrations, is wonderfully concise. The contents are divided, by means of a thumb index, into the following sections: fleets ; governments and municipalities ; overseas ; public service ; drapers and warehousemen, bakers and confectioners ; launderers, cleaners and grocers ; brewers, Wine merchants and allied trades. The list of Albion customers is convincingly exhaustive.
We have just redeived a copy of the latest Austin industrial vehicle catalogue, and the highclass style in which it is got up is quite in keeping with that quality associated with Austin productions.
After some interesting introduc tory remarks, there follow clear and full specifications of a useful range of vehicles, from a 10 h.p. express delivery van chassis to a 23 bap. machine, capable of handling three-ton loads. The list is illustrated with a series of remarkably clear reproductions, showing many special features peculiar to this maker's constructions.
c4 Prizes for Coachbuilders.
The Worshipful Company of Coach Makers and Coach-Harness Makers of London, whose hall is in Noble Street, EC., is offering prizes for competition amongst British subjects engaged in the above trades and attending drawing or technical classes in connection with them. The prizes include those of seven guineas and three guineas for a set of drawings of the interior of the body of a motor ambulance for town work.
Another competition, with prizes of five guineas and three guineas, is for an essay on machinery and machine tools used in a motor-body factory, limited to 3000 words, and illustrated (by drawings if preferred). A further competition, open only to youths under 21 years of age, with prizes of three guineas, two guineas and one guinea, is for a nearside view and half plan of the body of a taxicab to conform to the London police regulations.
The clerk of the Company will furnish all particulars, on applica
tion in writing to 8, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C.
Commercial Motor Insurance.
Following the lead of the Car and General Insurance Corporation, Ltd., various companies are now making a considered bid for business in connection with utility vehicles of all classes. Various proposals, in fact, are before the Commercial Motor Users Association, to the end that a standard policy shall be prepared by that body.
One of the latest companies to bring out a policy of the kind is the London and Midland Insurance Co., Ltd., whose head office is at 39-41, New Broad Street, E.C. Mr. Ernest I. Husey, of the well-known firm of Messrs. Jackson, Pixley, Browning, Husey and Co., Chartered Aecounta,nts, of 5S, Coleman -Street, EC, is chairman of the company, of which Mr. Oscar Gray is the managing director.
Inquirers who wish to have the assistance of a broker should address W. R. Punting and Co., Ltd. 54-62, Oxford Street, W.
News and Comment —con. c.m.u. A, General Committee.
A meeting of the General Committee was held on Wednesday, the 3[ inst., at S9, Pall Mall, S. W.
Present.—Col. R. E. Crompton (Chairman), Major H. C. Wilder, Iliessrs. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, E. W. Rudd, H. W. Wigan, Barnard Humphrey, T. E. Harrison, J. C. Mitchell, L. G. Oldfield, T. B. Browne, A. H. Seammell, and F. G. Bristow, Secretary.
Ueneral Committee.—The Secretary reported that Mr. D. S. Kennedy hail accepted the invitation of the Committee to continue a member in his personal capacity, and that Picktords, Ltd., had nominated Mr. Guy V. Baxendale to represent the company_ •
The Electric Vehicle Committee of the Incorporated Municipal Electrical ..4eq)ciationeOn tlie. motion of the Chairman, it was resolved that Mr. E. S. Shrapnel!. ••■olith should be appointed the C.M.U.A. representative. Parade..—The Secretary reported that 130 entries had already been received for the Eighth Annual Parade, and that the •sum. of S.=58 17s. had been subscribed to the Prize Funds.
The report of a, meeting of the Parade Committee held on the eth November was received. The Committee had considered the question of the venue, and, after consiering reports from the , Chief Marshal and Inspecting Engineer as to the suitability of the Alexandra Palace, the Crystal Palace, and Grosvenor Road, had come to the conclusion that the Grosvenor Road site, as in
previous years, was the best. It recommended that the Cash Awards be forwarded to the firms after the Parade, instead of their being given to the drivers on the Parade Day.
The report and recommendations were adopted.
Royal Commission on Railways. —The replies received from members as to giving evidence before this Commission were reported. Resolved that the replies be referred to the Extraordinary Traffic and Bridges Committee and the Public Carriage and Traffic Committee jointly, for them to Con sider and report.: .• , Aright Shelter. Conimittee.—The report of the Night Shelter Committee was received, and a pro-of of the first edition of the Night Shelter Handbook, which it was proposed to issue on the 1st January next, was submitted. A copy of the Handbook will be issued free to members of the Association, to the Chief Constables and the Night Shelter Depots mentioned in the Handbook. Enamelled signs will be issued to the various depots.
The report was received, and. authority given for the issue of the first edition of the Handbook.
Conference on Arterial Roads.— Mr. E. S. Sheapnell-Smith reported that he had attended on behalf of the C.M.U,A. a Conference of 80 Local Authorities in Greater London, which Conference had been coevened by the L.G.B. to consider the method by which Greater London traffic could be better served by improving roads and approaches. Mr. John Burns presided, and as a result of the Conference the L.G.B. was now -proceeding to initiate group conferences of local authorities to deal with local improvement.
Road Users Conference.—The final report of the Road Users Conference, previously circulated to the Committee, was received. Drivers Division.—The scheme prepared by the Finance Committee for the formation of a Drivers Division of the C.M.U.A. was received. All drivers who are in the employ of members of the C.M.U.A. are now eligible for enrolment, if their characters and records as drivers are considered by the Association to be satisfactory. The Annual Subscription will be 2s. 6d., and enrolled drivers will be entitled to free admission to all the lectures arranged by the Association for them, and to receive the C.M.U.A. driver's badge free of charge. The scheme was approved.
Defective Vehicles and Tramway Tracks.—The new by-law of the L.C.C. was reported. The matter was discussed, and it was resolved that the Home Secretary should be approached with a view to the following words being added --" or that the accident was due ton projecting or defective tramway rail, conduit, or inspection-hole cover!' Roads Improvement Association. —Resolved that a grant of 10 guineas be made to the Roads Improvement Association for the
year 1913. Mr. E. S. SkirapneltSmith was elected the representative of the C.M.U.A. on the MLA. Council for the year 1914.
New Members.—Thirty-one new members were enrolled.