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Country Motorbus Services. There have been flamboyant announcements, in the shape of advertisements, during the past few days,...
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By the Editor. With the Overseas Annual for 1914 approaching completion, the writer can turn with all responsiveness to answer...
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An American Production which Embodies Heating and Atomizing Methods. We have pleasure in presenting particulars of another...
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An Editorial mandate was issued recently to the writer to do a one (lay's work hauling paper for Temple Press Ltd. An Original...
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Although Bonnot's outlaw band has been exterminated, and, we trust., forgotten by most people, the various Paris bank officials...
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Wimbledon Town Council has ordered a Mann steam road-roller at £185. The Birmingham Motor Omnibus Co. is not satisfied with...
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News and Comment. This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses, We offer the season's...
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A Good Larkin Tale. Out and Home. A Cartoon on the Next Page. By "The Extractor. a A friend is responsible for the following,...
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Points which should be Known to Every Dealer and User. The consumer of motor spirit in the engine of any type of commercial...
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Particulars of a Remarkable Tractor for the Farm are to hand from Detroit, U.S.A. The Rein Control is Unique. From the...
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This Model is Being Exhibited at the Smithfield Show. We have received particulars and photographs of a new motor hoe, from...
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Our illustration shows a very fine example of steam-wagon manufactured by the well-known North of England firm the Yorkshire...
Our photographs show special features of the recent Maudslay delivery to the G.W.R. Co. Three of these machines were supplied,...
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r Ise Editor invites correspondence on all sabjects connected with the use of consmer:ial motors. Letters should be on one side...
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Petrol by Tank Wagon. [2248] (Borough).—You should obtain an advantage of lid. per gallon„ in respect of delivery by tankwagon...
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j Where to Buy your Supplies. " C,M.S." (Birmingham).—You can obtain towerwagon outfits from Messrs. Rawlinson and Sons,...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...
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Mounting the Magneto. A Sleeve Valve Two-stroke Engine. J. VAUGHAN-SHEBA:LIN, No. 25,034, dated 1st November, 1912.—This...