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Free Rides by Police A s a result of official dismay Give Rise to ri approval of free rides for
Favouritism . . . the police on both municipal
and privately owned publicservice vehicles at Southend-on-Sea, the watch committee has decided,to pay £200 a year to the corporation bus department for this privilege. The force has also been warned that non-observation of the system, by travelling on the vehicles of private operators without paying the fare, will be treated as a breach of discipline. The arrangement for the municipal buses resulted from the inspector pointing out that an invidious position might arise if it became necessary to summon for some offence the driver or conductor of a bus on which the police had ridden free, Bus Men Who Are (NE of the conditions Employed On Driving \--I which make rate cutting Hearses in the undertaking business easier than it might otherwise be is the part-time employment of bus drivers in that work. It is a common occurrence in provincial towns for a. bus driver, coming off duty at about mid-day, to go over to the local job-master and take the wheel of a hearse or a funeral coach. For this he may receive 2s. or 3s. as against the 8s. minimum which would otherwise have to be paid. It is a matter for conjecture whether, in so doing, the man is exceeding his legal span of working hours per day : moreover, it would he interesting to have the views of the trade unions on this matter. AN excellent reason for the more intensive development of the battery-electric vehicle
is its potential value in case of _a war affecting the fuel supplies of this country. Also, it is a type of vehicle Which is less likely to be commandeered for the Forces, and owners would, therefore, be better able to meet their transport requirements without undue worry in respect of the power supply and retention of vehicles. Good Reasons for Using Battery-electric Vehicles Doing Two Hours'wng and greasing
Work in Eight TILE washing
motor vehicles usually Minutes occupy considerable time, which, in many cases, might well be profitably employed on productive work. To save time in this respect, Kennings, Ltd., has opened a quick-valeting station at 407, Edgware Road, London, W.2. Although this is mainly concerned with private cars, it can deal just as effectively with commercial vehicles up to 2-tons load capacity, provided that they have single-tyred rear wheels. The time required for washing, greasing and spraying the springs is only eight minutes. The equipment installed enables 500 vehicles to be thoroughly serviced each day. The system consists of two separate roll-ways or conveyors mounted over specially arranged pits containing Tecalemit equipment, gangs of operators carrying out the work in sequence.
Traffic Officers in nN the application of the Manchester to be ‘-"Chief Constable of Man Floodlit chester, the highways com mittee has agreed to the floodlighting of traffic officers at 52 points, subject to the watch committee paying its proportion of the cost. It may be that, under such conditions, the officers will have to be made up; otherwise some will look unhealthily pallid. It is suggested that this might be a nice task for the station sergeants.