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S TABILIZATION has not robbed road passenger transport of initiative and opportunities of expansion. It is true that...
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fiANY leading operators in the provinces are Vinneasy about the action which Parliament is likely to take on the Baillie...
Free Rides by Police A s a result of official dismay Give Rise to ri approval of free rides for Favouritism . . . the police...
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National Demand for Big Rise in Wages IT is understood that at a recent meetLing of the National Joint Conciliation Board new...
Fail A T Edinburgh, last week, the Justiciary Appeal Court gave judgment in three cases in which the Procurator-Fiscal at...
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Parcels and Luggage on Passenger Vehicles THE operator of public - ser1 vice vehicles comes into contact with goods-in-transit...
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Exeter Corporation is buying four Leyland Titan oilers. Manchester Corporation is to purchase a new travelling-library van....
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Orders for 145 buses and trolley-. buses were received by Transport Vehicles (Daimler), Ltd., Coventry, during the first three...
MR. H. Ceavelex-WitionT, who deals with equipment for the motor and allied industries, is shortly leaving on a visit to the...
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EIOR the purpose of demonstrating 1 the special features of Wayne petrol-pump equipment, Spurling Motor Bodies, Ltd., Edgware...
following (latest dates given in parentheses):Ealing B.C., for cement, lime, bricks, coke, granite ehiopings , tarred macadam,...
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Along What Lines Are We Moving? Towards Better Service and Greater Safety A T the present time, in the sphere of...
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WAGES NOT FIXED BY PARLIAMENT. T HE Minister of Labour was asked by Mr. Grant-Ferris whether he would take steps to ensure...
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' ITH deep interest, the watching and waiting while the Highland Transport Co., Ltd., Inverness, tries out its producer-gas...
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A Rigid Eight-wheeler, Added to the New CX Range, Available with Oil or Petrol Engine and Standardized with Double Drive R...
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T HE level of charges for the contract hire of motor coaches, is far below what it should . be. In the majority of cases, no...
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T HE conflict of interests between combine and independent operators is likely to be intensified by the movement that is...
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Road Beats Rail in Bid for Fish Traffic from Aberdeen QINCE 1932, fish traffic carried by the L.M.S. Railway Co. from Aberdeen...
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A T the end of next month, the joint transport committee of Btu-nley, Cohn and Nelson will have completed five years' working....
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Vehicles Which Promote Greater Ease and Comfort for the Man at the Wheel W HILST many of the fatiguereducing features to be...
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T ° govern speed by a device driven from the transmission, which automatically cuts out the engine when the predetermined limit...
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Designing for Maximum Visibility for the Driver and Passenger, for Utmost Seating Capacity and for Attractive Appearance...
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T HE maintenance of a huge bus fleet must always present many features of interest. To a great extent, of course, matters have...
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The Oil-engined Cab Adopted Our Contributor is Confident that the Taxi Oiler would Swell Profits and that the Modern 'Oil...
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the increase in efficiency of lowvoltage lighting and starting . equipment that has taken place during the past ten years or...
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On these two pages are given brief specifications of the passengervehicle chassis marketed in this country, trolleybuses being...
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LONDON . is favoured with an , extraordinarily complete system _of passenger transport, of which buses form an important and...
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Under Certain Conditions the Use, on Road Vehicles, of Blowers is Definitely justified, Despite Inherent Difficulties. Their...
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on passenger vehicles Some of the Major Considerations to Which the Coach and Bus Operat or Should Give Attention. The...
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expenses, so that this side of the question must be examined closely. In this connection The Commercial Motor Tables of...
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1930 and 1933 Acts and of 1937 Variation Order Explained P ROVISIONS relating to the statutory maximum working hours of drivers...
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A STATEMENT on policy was a feature of a speech by Mr. W. A. Winson, president of the C.M.U.A.. at the annual dinner of Mortons...
S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert, is to address meetings in the northern area of A.R.O. on five consecutive nights,...
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occasion of the annual dink...Iner of the Wellington and Market Drayton Sub-area, A.R.O., held last week, there were nearly 200...
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r ATESHEA D Town Council has decided to petition against the Bill, being promoted by the Gateshead and District Tramways Co.,...
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of Transport, on appeal, to south coast coach operators, against what are now widely known as fantail tours, is being asked for...
A LREADY wen known and of established reputation, the Beclawat Typhoon half-drop window has now been improved still further. In...
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QUERIES SHOULD TRAFFIC % ROUTES BE COLOURED? [5267] May I use your columns to reply to the remarks of the Automobile...
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Details of an Easily Fitted Protector that is Adaptable to Practically Any Type of Wheel P NEUMATIC tyres—even of the finest...