Our First Volume.
Page 12
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The Editor, "THE COMMERCIAL Mama."
Sir :—I have to congratulate you upon your enterprise in issuing at this season the first volume of your paper. I cannot imagine a better way by which you could have appealed more effectively to your many friendly supporters, as the volume is, by the very nature of things and quite apart from literary merit, valuable for its gallery of motor vehicle progress, and for its mere record of exceptionally rapid progress in connection with one of the most extraordinary industrial and commercial developments of which history has any record. So far as the literary merits are concerned, I do not profess to be able to criticise, except to say that I have always found the reading matter interesting and to the point, and written in such a way as to give no impression that it conies under the heading of "padding."
I consider you have been exceptionally successful in not only obtaining with your first number, but in holding, even in an increasing degree, the interest and support of all those who welcomed the appearance SO opportunely of a special publication dealing with commercial motors.—Yours faith
fully, FRED. TILORESRY, General Manager, Car (and General) Insurance
Corporation, Ltd.
Queen Victoria Street, E.C., December 29th, 1905.