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New Omnibus Route Suggested.
The Editor, " CONIMERCIAL MOTOR. " Sir :•• I take in your informative journal every week, and I read it front cover to cover. It is without exception the host paper devoted to......
A Popular Term.
The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :—Some interesting letters have appeared in the public Press congratulating Air. Fletcher Moulton, K.C., on his introduction of the word......
Apprehension Re Petroleum Supplies And Prices.
The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :—I am a small buyer of petroleum spirit, having two delivery vans which use, on the average, 40 gallons a week between them. It would......
Horse Hauliers Buy Motor Plant.
Tire Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :--The whole business of the Motor Cartage and Transport Company, Limited, has been purchased by Charles Websters (1899) Limited,......
Our First Volume.
The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL Mama." Sir :—I have to congratulate you upon your enterprise in issuing at this season the first volume of your paper. I cannot imagine a better way......
Inspection And Trial.
Our engineering department undertakes the inspection and trial of new or second-hand motors on behalf of readers of "THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Examinations will be made prior to......