Out and Home IlAaklet-armed Chairman.
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A Luncheon Party
of Thoroughbreds and a By "The Extractor."
Looking Ahead.
Our caricaturie contributor " G.A.S." was on leave last week, and found his way round to see us. lie has attained no stripe yet, but his eye is bright, his complexion clear, and his step jaunty, so evidently it was the early rising, the plain food and real work which he needed. Anyhow, it is interesting to hear from him that he has been offered a commission in the R.F.A., Which I gather he will have accepted em these lines see the light.
A C.A.V. Function.
On the afternoon of Saturday, 30th December, at the canteen of her husband's factory at Acton, Mrs. ,Vandervell gave a dinner and entertainment to a large party of our wounded men. Mrs. Varsdervell's wish was to give, to as many as possible, a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon, with the result that some 400 men from the Roehampton Hospital came over by motorbus and car in answer to her hospitable invitation. . Dinner was served at 12.30, followed by a variety entertainment that would have been_ a &edit to any of our leading London variety theatres. One half of the canteen, which seats 1500, was turned into a beautiful miniature theatre, Which was packed to the doors. The men were waited on by a staff of voluntary women " munitioneers," and, after tea, returned to the hospital at six; having spent a most enjoyable day.
Programmes and Pedigrees.
Most. business people have a little coterie of luncheon cronies in some special corner ; one invites or is invited to the mid-day meal at odd places, but, I, like many others, return faithfully if intermittently to my particular table at a club, being sure of finding friendly faces there. What was called a " Table Dinner" was recently arranged by the habitues, and finding me easy-going they put me in the chair. A popular director of provincial 'bus companies really suggested the function, so he was made dinner secretary for his sins. For these duties being thrust upon • us we jointly and severally evolved a subtle and. satisfying revenge. The subsequent menu card not only detailed the three-course war-time repast, but gave the pedigrees of all the guests, a few of which. I reproduce.
A manager of an oil company found himself described as by Coronas out of Contracts ; a motor Works manager and a first year golfer was • by Niblick out of Bunkers; a motor advisory expert who is called in to assess damages was by Cash out of Collisions ; a motor advertising manger blushed as he read himself dubbed by Full Pages out of Victims; a pushing insurance managing director "denied the soft impeachment" implied by Cocksure out of Premiums : a jovial belting manufacturer who believes in the adage "Laugh and the world laughs.
with you" by Much Mirth out of Everything; a well-known motoring solicitor who is said to drive fast, if not furiously, by Cabs man's Terror out of Broken Wings. " Two-minute " speeches followed. All names were put into a hat, and each guest had two minutes to propose the health of his unconscious selection, the same time being allowed for a reply. The Chairman had a watch in front of him and wielded .a mallet—every speaker,' when 'nearing the ,time "limit, was lured on to the middle of a glowing sentence then sternly commanded to " Sit down, sir," at which everyone but himself went into shrieks. A •" flying" handicap at billiards (20 up) completed a great. evening Lest We Forget.
Thornycrofts have sent a most useful letter wallet and treasury-note ease cotnbined. No more left of these, I should. say.
• On this page is reproduced a good picture by Will Owen which appears on the 1917 calendar issued by the Bowring Petroleum Co., Ltd., the vendor of the popular Alex spirit. Some of the best artists are doing work for the calendars.' A series of Lawson Wood's sketches appear on that of Brown Bros., Ltd., entitled "The Trials of a Sportsman." Dreadnought Motor Policies have issued an excellent little loose-leaf note-book with a limp leather cover. Will be much prized by those who hate to bulge out their figures.
The Karrier Works at Huddersfield have sent ma one of a useful type. It contains one big red tear-off number, and can be seen anywhere in the room. The body of the card represents a Karrier radiator.- Morris Garages, Oxford, always strike a dainty feminine note in their yearly contribution to the office wall. She is again a most alluring person, clad, as far as "I can judge, in a garment made of chiffon. True.
she wears a hat.
011a Podrida.
The friends of Mr. J. C. Moth, and there are many, will greatly miss hischeery • presence. He has accepted a commission in the RE., and believe his great knowledge of motor transport will he utilized.
A most interesting presentation was made on the 1st of January. Mr. Charles Thistleton on that day completed his twenty-first anniversary of service with the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd, The occasion was seized to present him with a gold watch, subscrib.ed for by twenty friends.
Don't fail to turn to the " Useful Names for Users," the new weekly feature which will be found adjoining the Index to Advertisements. A lot of care and trouble has been. taken over this list, and we shall welcome inquiries for addresses in the eases where they are not to be found in the papei.