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We have taken a decided view, since the earliest proposals were brought about by war conditions for the substitution of female...
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The Deficiencies of Accommodation at Private-car Garages. By the Editor. • It was remarked, in the course of Article II of...
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"Watch Leyland.' "Buy Underground A shares." "Don't condemn the chain drive." That more motors are turning on gas. That new...
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The Y.M.C.A. and Motor Transport. Night and Day Work by all Classes of Vehicles horn the Four-ton Lorry to the Small Car. A...
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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Electromobiles (Leeds), Ltd., Makes a New Departure and Markets a Range of Chassis Having Several Distinctive Features....
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Although we are of the opinion that the utility of the light van is by no means confined to any one particular trade, this...
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A Luncheon Party of Thoroughbreds and a By "The Extractor." Looking Ahead. Our caricaturie contributor " G.A.S." was on...
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:Modern .efficiency experts are always devising some new way of cutting tho costs of doing business, of making every minute...
There is no time like the present fOr the introduction of all forms of labour-saving deVices. Not only is the productive...
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Preparing an MS., A.S.C. Unit for Duty with a Siege Battery Overseas. • WITH A. SLEGE BATTERY, November, 1916. (ConMwed from...
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Large Stock of Finished Cases in fland at End of September Last. New Year Additions to Our List of Monthly Subscribers Wanted....
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Correspondence which Speaks for Itself. " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR, London, England. "Gentlemen,—With reference to Mr. John...
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The Wood-Milne Pump. It is undoubtedly a fact that the majority of tire troubles are occasioned by under-inflation. Of ten...
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Coal-gas Experiments. [4108] (Covent Garden).—If you want any gas supplies in the area of the Edmonton and Tottenham Co. for...
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Light your lamps at 4.47 in London, 4.37 in Edinburgh, 4.36 in Newcastle, 4.50 in Liverpool, 4.50 in Birmingham, and 4.57 in...
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Convertible Bodies. Silencer Construction. A Detachable Rim. Makeand-Break Devices for Magnetos. Copies of complete...