• Our Campaign Comforts Fund.
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Large Stock of Finished Cases in fland at End of September Last. New Year Additions to Our List of Monthly Subscribers Wanted.
The Official Fund for the Mechanical Transport Columns and Units of the Army Service Corps.
President : H.R.11. Princess Arthur of Connaught.
Ladies Committee : Mrs. A. R. Crofton Atkins, Mrs. Shrapnell.-Smith, Mrs. R. K. Bagnall-Wild, Mrs. H. E. Slain, Mrs. W. E. Donohue, Mrs. H. N. Foster.
Remittances to the Hon. Sec. and Treasurer, E. S. Shrapnell..Smith, Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C.
PRINCIPAL SUPPORTERS FOR 1916-1917. £120 (October to March): Albion ; Associated Equipment ; Belsize ; Car and General Insurance; Clayton (Huddersfield); Commercars ; Crossley; Daimler ; Dennis ; Hoyt Metal ; Leyland; Thornycroft ; Wolseley. £60 (October to March): Alley and MacLellan; Ferodo ; Halley; Hans Renold; Scottish Commercial Cats.
£10 Monthly: Froden , Four-Wheel-Drive Auto Co. ; Hanford; Pratt's and Taxibus Spirits. £5 Monthly: Lucas; Macintosh ; Maudslay ; George Spencer Moulton and Co., Ltd. ; St. Helens Cable and Rubber ; Shrewsbury-Challiner ; Wolf (Solex); Wood-Milne. Lump Sums: A.S.C. (Corps) Fund, £460 two grants); Dunlop, £100; Gaston, Williams and Wigmore, £100; Halt (Caterpillar), £100; M.T. Sergeants' Mess, Bulford Depot, £40.
We omitted to attach a foot-note of our own in explanation of one item of expenditure in the 1915-1916 accounts, as compared with the corresponding outgoing expenditure in the 1914-1915 accounts, when publishing the auditors' report for the two years side by side, which we did in our issue of the 28th ult. We refer to the relative figures for "Cases, packing and dispatching." The comparison is : 1914-1915, £394 18s. 6d.; 1915-1916, £746 13s. 11d. We take this opportunity of making it clear that the increase of £351 15s. 5d. was due in part to the larger number of cases dispatched, but more expressly to the fact that, in order to protect our Fund against the rising prices of timber, We had bought and paid for. enough extra materials to end the second •financial year with a surplus of 600 cases in hand. The surplus at the end of the first financial year was less than one-sixth of
• Further Cash Receipts.
We last published a list of cash receipts in our issue dated the 14th ult. (to the 9th idem), and we now have Pleasure in completing the receipts in respect of the month of December. We anticipate that, before our next issue goes to press, we shall be able to include material additions from leading members of the industry, by reason of receipts in respect of the current month and ensuing quarter. It is with pleasure that we have to record the addition of George Spencer Moulton and Co., Ltd., in the category of £5 monthly. Other members of the motor and allied industry, now "missing," will possibly, on perusing the representative list at the head of this page, and on realizing that they are not in it, wish to mark the first month of the New Year by a letter of authority—with initial cheque enclosed. Typical Extracts of Appreciation.
Receipt of our pre-Christmas dispatches of 338 cases (12, 6 or 3 bottles, according to strength of unit) of whisky appears to have cheered the hearts of officers, warrant officers and non-commissioned officers of the M.T.' A.S.C., in all parts of the world. Acknowledg, meats from East Africa, Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Balkans are scarcely yet available. Typical views by the columns, units and detached parties with the B.E.F. in France may be gathered from the following references :—
" On behalf of all the officers and myself of this unit,
wish to express my sincere thanks to THE ColtTHEMA!, 3.10Tos, and the Committee of your Fund for the gift of one case of whisky which you were good enough to send through Mackie and Co. At our dinner on Christmas night, the health of all those cennected with your Fund was drunk; and I can assure you was responded to by every member of the mess.
"I also wish to thank yau on behalf of the N.C.O.s and men for the very handsome gifts which you sent to them, which were distributed on Christmas Day after dinner."—O.C. — Canadian Div. Sup. Col.
"I am desired by the officers of this unit., amongst wHom I. am included, to convey to you. their very grateful thanks for the ease of whisky which has iust arrived. The contents are intact, and in good condition, a fact which I ant able to testify personally after having made the only infallible test.' —0.C.
Div. Sup. Col.