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rI [EY learn quickly at Austin Rover and I'm sure we're all glad [ear that. Because the company is aboratnig with Honda, the engineers u had to learn to read Japanese. Learning Japanese usually takes four rs," Austin Rover tells me.
.iwever. engineers were only required inderstand technical words and ibols and this reduced the learning .od to iliSt 10 days thanks to a unique inese Business Unit at Warwick iversity.
The team has taught Austin Rover ineers to read symbols on Japanese wings thereby easing their
aboration tasks and speeding up imunication." Are they, meanwhile, ning English ill Ill days in Japan, or (Mg do with American. learned in -the t: me?
VASTE disposal is a "natural" or euphemisms. After all, o wants to ,idmit a connection with ioxious smells? The Road Haulage mciation has itlIported a built-in idorant into the work of the Waste ;posal Contractors Functional Group changing the title to Waste
nagement Functional Group.
'h is is tin/tight to emphasise the lamation of waste, in which, says the IA, "the group's committee is already articipant through its chairman, Mr G. P. I lawkins, at the United igdoni Reclamation Council."
'Rim what the UK is being reclaimed ii not clear.
Jnder a new Government Bill rducers of hazardous waste will not able to pass the buck to a haulier, but .1 be legally obliged to ensure that it is iperly disposed of. Meanwhile, RHA mbers w..ill still bask in the hnological glory of their new iseptic title.
VI.USICAL notes: Leyland's company band, selected BBC nd of the Year, l985, will represent itail ill this year's "New Music for ropecompetition. Glasgow-based inston Commercial Vehicles is msoring Scottish Opera to the tune of 51110.
THE National Union of Marine, Aviation and Shipping Transport Fficers has been watching the Westland licopters row with interest, deputy neral secretary John Newman wrote the Daily Tch:qraph. Our merchant et carried many of these aircraft to the Iklands. he said, and since 1980 "more 10 half of our traditional fourth arm of fence has been allowed to fiill into
total foreign control withOLIC the Merest political whimper.
"Is it possible we might now look forward to a gladiatorial contest between the Ministry of I klence and the Transport Secretary, Nicholas Ridley, to ensure that helicopters we control can still be sent to areas of need in ships we also control?"
Any decision next month to go ahead with a Channel fixed link won't help, will it?
HEAVY commercial vehicle operators who may feel they are the victims ot.the political machinations of die Greater London Council over the London lorry ban, should spare a thought for the operators of another form of heavy transport in Assam. During the run up to the Indian state's elections last month elephants were banned for use by election officials. The reason was that the pachyderm is the symbol of the Assam People's Front, one of the parties contesting the election.
SPAIN'S major tourist itiLl travel exhibition Rodatur 86 promises to he a most for the professional conference intender and collectors of acronyms.
In addition to a dazzling array of trade exhibits and an exhibition of the best in Spanish coaches the event is to include no fewer than six major congresses as well as what are described as "high level rtunid 'these include: the Annual Camping Grounds Assembly (A( GA); the congress for the National Association of Coach Transport Managers (AN ETRA); and the conference of the Catalonian Managerial Federation of Motor Transport of Travellers (FECAV). Also scheduled are meetings a the National Managerial Federation of Bus Transport (FENEBUS), the Independent National Association tOr Group Travel Transport (ASINTRA) and, if these are not enough to whet the appetite, the annual conference of the General Association of Autonomous Small -and Medium Sized l)iscretional Transporters of Passengers (A( ;APYMET) could well be included.
Rodatur 86 will be held in Barcelona from April 9, to April 13.
TI MEE disabled Dublin teenagers who have found conductors very helpful have written to the Irish Times about their concern over one-person buses. They have a point. But 1 wonder whether I have understood Orison Carhle, of Gneeves, Boherbue, Mallow, Co Cork, who wrote:
"Sir. The idea of driver-only buses is ridiculous.
How does CIE expect to make a profit if it doesn't carry passengers?"
by the Hawk