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Landlord's Representations Invalid In Licence Bid
A COVENTRY international operator's landlord has been ruled out of order in attempting to block the renewal of the firm's operator's licence. West Midland Licensing Authority......
Chalker Backs Local Ban Plan
TRANSPORT MINISTI Lynda Chalker is backing Suffolk County Coun proposal to ban lorries fron busy Suffolk road to try overcome traffic hazards at new road junction. But according......
A45 Blackspot Is Bypassed
EIGHT YEARS of cam paigning for safety improv( ments at an accident blackspc on the A45 near Felixstow have ended with the openin of a i:1.75 million underpass. Trimley......
Scotland-europe Ferry Service Closes Down
DUNDEE FERRIES, the operator which established a new Dundee-Rotterdam rollon/roll-off freight service last year, has gone into liquidation. The service began last July after a......
Waste Transport Symposium
A TRANSPORT of wastes symposium is being held in London by the Institute of Wastes Management, on January 22. The seminar will break new ground in looking at the overall......