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Mobile Studio to Televise Olympic Games

11th June 1948, Page 53
11th June 1948
Page 53
Page 53, 11th June 1948 — Mobile Studio to Televise Olympic Games
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A1R-EXTRACTOR fans, heaters and a clothes drier are a few of the comforts provided in a Bedford tractor and semi-trailer unit accommodating the television equipment which will be used by the B.B.C. at the Olympic Games and other outside events.

The body, constructed .on a Dyson semi-trailer, has been designed and built by Marshall Motor Bodies, Ltd., of Cambridge. As well as housing the three television cameras and mixing unit, it has accommodation for the show producer, his secretary, camera men and sound engineers, to a total of eight personnel Desks and chairs, which form part of the unit, may be removed with the other equipment and taken into a hall, should they be required for an interior show.

Accommodating Accessories

The engineers have a cupboard and bench, and their equipment is con, tained in lockers in the skirt of the semi-trailer. Cables and wiring for the cameras are carried in ducting in the floor, with individual traps for each duct. Electrical sockets provided are connected to a system for mains or battery supply. The interior is illuminated by strip lighting, when a mains supply is available, or pillar lighting when running on the batteries.

To maintain a reasonable temperature in the interior, the vehicle is

equipped with three air-extractor fans and a strip heater system. Balanced drop windows, on each side of the body, are fitted with concertina-pattern blinds. The rcur-quarter windows Rt".. fixed.

Special provision is made for drying the _clothes of the camera-operators.

The interior of the body, which is 17 ft. long and has 6 ft. 9 ins, headroom, is painted maroon and grey. Heavy linoleum covers the floorboards. Detachable light-alloy aircraft-pattern steps may be fitted into position at the side and rear doorways.

A mobile library body for Kent has also been built by the Marshall concern on a Bedford passenger chassis. It is divided into three sections, with fiction and non-fiction at the front, and a separate juvenile section at the rear. Seating is provided for the librarian, and an assistant.

To improve the lighting, the body is fitted with a clerestory roof. 111 addition to roof lights, the lower bookshelves are further illuminated by a strip lighting system, an additional battery in the cab supplying the current.

Controlled Heating

Two Vent-Asia fans are fitted into the roof, irt conjunction with two Colt ventilators. The rear section of the body is warmed by an ambulancepattern heater, whilst the front section incorporates a Clayton Dewandre heater system.

The bookshelves, which are grouped in tiers of seven, are secured to the sides and across the body. A total of 300 ft. of shelf space is provided in the three sections. A cabinet, secured to