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S OME commercial-vehicle operators have expressed doubts regarding the quality of the new " red " petrol. We have been assured...
Cleansing Official IN his recent paper on statis Deed esUse of tics, Mr. J. Stephen, director "Spiv" Statistics . . of public...
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Of a new Dunlop tyre. That one mustn't be "unfair to the railways," but coaches seem to receiv e less official consideration....
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11,849 VEHICLES MADE IN APRIL C OMMERCIAL vehicles produced in April, a four-week period, numbered 11,849, compared with...
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MR. W. C. WILSON has been appointed a deputy-director of finance at the Ministry of Transport. MR. W. BRAMHAM has been...
Upward Trend A PRIL'S exports of new commercial vehicles, including industrial trucks, road haulage tractors and trailers,...
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to encourage manage.ment to show workers how their individual efforts fit into the background of company policy, has been...
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premises of Mann and Overton, Ltd., Wandsworth Bridge Road, London, S.W.6, the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., introduced its new...
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I HAVE frequently been taken to task for describing the internal-combustion reciprocating engine as an archaic anachronism...
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By Major E. H. B. Palmer, O.B.E. What Appears on the Surface to be a Modest Request may have Wide Repercussions on Other...
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Is it Neglected? By Laurence E. Field, A.M.I.R.T.E. Who Stresses the Importance of Using Modern Equipment in Maintenance I _...
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Road and Rail Co-operate in Distribution of Coated Granite Chippings for Building London Highways ( -4 0-OPERATION between road...
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upplies T HE story of Market Transport, Ltd., 166, Weir Road, London, S.W.12, a company which has been transporting meat and...
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Cold Welding G.E.C. Process Which Should Have Wide Applications in Building Light-alloy Bodies VOLLOWING the announcement of I...
T HE uses of the Jeep are already familiar to farmers, foresters and others, but Messrs. Motorcraft Garages, 317-323, London...
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B EFORE the war, when the bus or coach operator was able to procure any make of chassis without difficulty, the model selected...
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T TRAILER units that can be coa1 verted into show stands in a matter of minutes are being used by Associated British Oil ....
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in Terms of s. d. O N May 28 "The Commercial Motor" dealt with the influence that a general speed limit of 30 m.p.h. for...
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Oil Tanks One of three oil-storage tanks, 30 ft. long and 9 ft. in diameter, being erected on a site in Buckin.glearnshire by...
A N experimental chassisless bus built by the Birmingham and Midland Motor. Omnibus Co., Ltd., during the war had run more than...
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A 1R-EXTRACTOR fans, heaters and a clothes drier are a few of the comforts provided in a Bedford tractor and semi-trailer unit...
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NAANY self-energizing brakes of the W/leading-shoe type give an increased braking in one direction, but are not so effective in...