Men in the News
Page 6

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MR. C. SPENCER REDDIHOEGH, LLB, and MR_ J. C. RAsTtucx have become directors of Central Garage. Ltd., Bradford.
MR, R. G. NAPPER has been appointed a representative, covering Devon, Dorset and Cornwall. for _Henley's ilyre and Rubber Co.. Ltd.
MAJOR E. H. B. PALMER. 0.B.E., F.R.S.A.. has been appointed transport consultant to the London Retail Meat Traders' Assoeiation.
MR. P. G. STONE CLARK and MR. W. H. F. IvIEPserED have been appointed directors of Maidstone and District Motor Services, Ltd.
MR. J. SENIOR, of Hirst and Sweeting, Ltd.. Sheffield, is acting chairman of the newly formed Sheffield sub-area of the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association.
MR, H. J. BEOWORTH has been elected chairman of the National Association of Road Transport Groups, iii succession to MR. F. RuDsTAN, who occupied the office for five years.
M. R. CANAGARAYER, municipal tramways engineer of Colombo City Council, is_coming to England to study trolleybus construction and operation. He will spend two months with a manufacturer and a month with a transport organization.
MR. W.3. SEYMOUR. who left Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., last March, when he started as a public relations and publicity_ consultant and later edited the Government publication, " Target," has now joined the hoard of Godbolds. Ltd., the well-known advertising concern.
MR. W. R. T. THOMAS. formerly fleet engineer ot Northern Motor Utilities, Ltd., has been appointed by the Road Transport Executive to be divisional engineei, North Eastern Division 1Freight). The Executive has also announced the appointment of MR. A. PoRIER as district manager for the Norwich district of the Eastern Division (Freight), and MR. A. H. Wvenatunt LEwts to be divisional surveyor of the Western Division (Freight).
MR. H. C. EDMONDS. manager, overseas sales development. Oldham and Son, Ltd., last week left by air for South America. He will visit Brazil. Argentina, Uruguay. Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. He will return to England in May via. the British West Indies and Portugal. MR. A. H. Bun. export manager, is visiting Australia. His itinerary also includes India, Pakistan. Greece and Turkey. MR. JOHN OLDHAM. 0.B.E., J.P., chairman and joint managing director, is expected to return next month from South Africa. where the company recently set up a
new subsidiary. . A30. MR. B. 0. MASSE, chief executive of the International Roa-1 Federation, is at present on a tour of South and East Africa. He expects to return to London early in April.
MR. H. Q. HENIX has been appointed president of the Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund. He succeeds M. CLAUDE WALLIS, Who has occupied the chair for the pasttwo years
MR. STEPHEN PEERS has been re-elected chairman,of the Cheshire subarea of the Road Haulage Association. In the Wrexham sub-area, MR. Lt.Eve ROBERTS has been succeeded as chairman by MR. G. W. PARRY.
MR. N. C. BREARLEY, who has for many years been a director of Hepworth and Grandage, Ltd., is now a director also of Associated Engineering Holdings, Ltd., which controls eight companies. including Hepworth and Grandage, Ltd.
MR. R. F. NrwmAN, director and general manager. Transport Equipment (Thornycroft), Ltd., has recently returned from a visit to South Africa. He went to gain first-hand impressions of road transport developments in Bechuanaland, Swaziland and the Transvaal.
MR. GLEESON E. ROBINSON, formerly chairman of the Appeal Tribunal, was inundated with telegrams and other tokens of good will when he embarked for South Africa on March 3. He asks "The Commercial Motor" to announce that he will acknowledge them individually.
MR. C. JOHNSON, formerly secretary of Transport Services (B.T.C.), Ltd., has been appointed by the Road Transport Executive to be officer in charge of the Acquisition Section of the Executive's Organization Department. The Executive has also appointed MR. E. A. W. GADD as divisional surveyor, South Eastern Division (Freight), and MR. W. B. STREET as district manager in the Reading District. South Western Division (Freight).
MR. E. He MASON. deputy general manager and traffic superintendent of Manchester Corporation Transport Department, is to retire in May this year For the past 10 years. Mr. Mason has been chairman of the Traffic Committee of the Municipal Passenger Transport Association. Manchester is also losing the services of MR. W. A. BARRETT, constructional engineer, who retires in April after nearly 45 years' service with the department.