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Those Who Are Directly Responsible for Vehicle Fitness Should be Adequately Remunerated A T no time previously has the road...
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Henley's Scheme to THERE is much to be said . Promote Quality in 1 for the scheme " incentive Production . . in Action," which...
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A T a meeting in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, last week, Mr. H. C. Drayton, 1—k chairman of the British Electric Traction Co., Ltd.,...
councils with transport undertakings, who had voted in favour of nationalization. It would appear that they had no confidence...
A RESOLUTION declaring opposition to the nationalization of road passenger transport was passed last week at the first public...
A T the meeting at which Newcastle 1— kCity Council decided by 33 votes to 32 to refer back the parliamentary and transport...
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IN the King's Bench Divisional Court, last week, B. E. Barrett, Ltd., I Castle Street, Luton, was refused an order of mandamus...
C ONVERSION ' of the South London tramways to oil-engined bus operation will call for 1,100 buses In replace the 800 trams now...
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MR. C. SPENCER REDDIHOEGH, LLB, and MR_ J. C. RAsTtucx have become directors of Central Garage. Ltd., Bradford. MR, R. G....
T "proposal to increase the speed limit of heavy g oods vehicles to 30 m.p.h. is referred to in the annual report of the...
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TUE grouping scheme in the Midlands, described in "The Commercial, Motor" on January 7, is regarded by the National...
D URING January, the Road TranSport Executive acquired a further 15 road transport undertakings, of 'which three were holding...
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T HE first post-war Congress of the Institute of Transport is to be held at Buxton from June 22-24, inclusive, with...
jy/FIETHER a Bradford football YV suPporters' club coach trip 'last Christmas Day came within . the 'private-party category was...
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E STABLISHMENT' of a7 Provinciat 1-A Board•'of seven to nine members,. ,ts a statutory _corporation, to make nationalized road...
--1/ . .EFIICLE7 operator s N-ernay nOW deposit their X and y petrol coupons with garage, provideit . , that the garage agrees...
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O PTIONS on the whOle of its authorized but unissued share capital up to September 1, 1950, have been granted by Henry Meadows,...
B y making available Leyland Comet passenger chassis with a drop frame. th: fitting of a boot, or the incorporation of a...
be lifted on to and off vehicles with normal platform heights, and at the point found most convenient, Power Jacks, Ltd.,...
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Sugge.sts the Question: Why Not Constant-speed. Engines? By j. V. Hewes I T has long been appreciated, especially in...
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Destinationindicator Controversy , in which Operators and Manufacturers Both Call for Standardization of Types and Dimensions...
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MAY I'congratulate Mr. Ashley F. Taylor, A.I.R.T.E., IYA on his able exposition on passenger transport in the north-east area,...
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By L. J. COTTON, M .I.R.T.E. Powered by a 90 b.h.p. Engine, the Chevrolet 10cwt. Van Has Rapid Acceleration, High Maximum...
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for South Africa A FEW weeks ago, the sanitation department of Germiston Municipality, South Africa, placed in service a...
A PACIFIC 6 bY:0 •tractve . inut ati'd . Fruehauf semi-trailer, originally ft used ha a 'Tank transpOrter,' have recently been...
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By alley F. Taylor . A.I.R.T.E. With a Fleet Numbering 390 Vehicles, 180 Regular Routes • and Workpeople's Special Services...
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for the remover Some More Clauses that Should be Embodied in a Contract for the Removal and Storage of Furniture / N the...
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(Right) For use as a portable toolhouse an the site of operations, this lift-ran for the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., Ltd., is...
13)RORABLY one of the best-known I track conversion units for Fordson tractors is the D.G., which is produced by Roadless...
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A N oil-engine injection system forms the subject of patent No. 611,243, which comes from R. Worledge and Integral, Lid, both...