Nationalization:' India Presses.. On
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ESTABLISHMENT' of a7Provinciat 1-A Board•'of seven to nine members,. ,ts a statutory _corporation, to make nationalized road transport in the United Provinces of India. a success„ is expected to be recommended by the ad hoc committee appointed by the Provincial Government. Its reconnmendations will be completed this month.
At present, the United Provinces has 700 buses, and. more are being introduced 'each' Month.
A special officer, appointed by the GovernmentOf /Cochin; South has fecommend.ed :that ;the 1 Z-rnile set-viee froth. E.rnakultim.•toeMattattehery should be taken over as a-first step-inthe :nationalization of road paSsenger transport in the State. Finance is the main impediment to immediate impleIn:minion of this. scheme.
A CLAUSE empowering Halifax 1-1 Corporation to provide transport for housewives' laundry to and from the proposed municipal washhouse is included in a Bill promoted by the corporation.
Objections lodged against this clause_ by a number of NI.P.s have been withdrawn in consideration of the corporation's dropping two other clauses from the Bill.. _ One of ,these provided for. catering facilities at bus' stations, buf the corporation can still prOVide such facilities under the Chile Restaurants Act.
A.P.A. £500,000 -ISSUE N issue of 500,000 5 per cent, fAredeemahle cumulative preference shares of £1 each at 23seper.share, was announced on Tuesday by. Automotive Products Associated, Ltd., proprietOr of Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co., :Ltd.. Borg and Beck, Ltd., and Automotive
Products Co., Ltd. The subscription list opens to-day. The company has an authorized capital of £3,000,000. ,
WON £200 FOR SUGGESTION A WARDS' totalling £1,035 have been PA. made by Joseph Lucas, Ltd., to employees taking part in a suggestions scheme designed to stimulate export production, The first prize of £200-Was won by a 50-year-old • toolmaker . for designing a multiple tool to cut a lamp rim -and reflector out of one piece of material at the same time.