Transport Management a Science
Page 36

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AS already announced in The Comniercial Motor, the Hull Traffic Association, one of the most progressive organizations of its kind in the, country, will hold its annual dinner at the Guildhall, Hull, on October 22, when the principal guest will be Mr. D. Lionel Clarke, 0.B.E., chairman of the new Northern Ireland Road Transport Board. Other speakers will be Councillor Cargill, president of the Association, and Messrs. D. R. Lamb, R. M. T. Richards (development officer, Southern Railway Co.), FL R. Caulfield Giles, A.C.LS., A.Inst.T. (transport and traffic manager, Newton Chambers and Co., Ltd.), and W, A. Winson (transport executive, Unilever, Ltd.). The Association was formed in 1928 by a number of industrial transport managers, and, later, its ranks were thrown open to hauliers. The principal object of the Association is to raise the status of industrial transport management, and to this end a series of monthly lectures is presented by prominent industrial traffic administrators and hauliers. In conjunction with Hull Education Committee, the Association has arranged a three-years' -course of study at Hull College of Commerce dealing with all phases of transport.
The H.T.A. is affiliated to -the Industrial Transport Association. The following is the syllabus of the Hull body for 1935-36:— Sept. 3.—Mr. G. W. Alexander (chief accountant, Glasgow Transport Department), " The Growth of Municipal Transport." Oct. 1.—His Honour Sir R. Mitchell-Ranks, K.C. 0-edge of County Court), 'Transport and the/ Law," Nov. 5.—Mr. W. H. Gaunt, ORE., Minst.T. (traffic and distribution manager, J. Lyons and Co., Ltd.), "Current Transport Problems." Dec. 3.—Mr. It. H. Thornton
"The of Liverpool Aerodrome Committee);
The Future al Practical AirTransport." Jan. 7.—Mr. T. Hudson, J.P. (vice.president, British Trawler-Owners Federation), Working of Modern Trawler IPFeets and Distribution of the Catch." Feb. 4.—Mr. C. E. Jordan, A.M.Inet,T. (transport manager, Aceles and .Poltock, Ltd.), "Reflections on Shipping Problems oi a Midland Manufacturer." Mar. 3.—Mr. W. E. Green, M.last.T. (London and North Eastern Railway), "Some practical Aspects of Railway Freight Operating. Mar. 31.—Mr. J. S. Michell, M.Inst.T. (McNamara and Co. (1921), Ltd.), ." Road Transport Reflections." May 7.—annua1 general meeting.
The syllabus of the Grimsby branch of the Association is as follows
Sept. 9.—Mr. F. Smith(-transport executive, Unilever, Ltd.), 'Road and Rail Co-ordination: Influence of Industrial Traffic Manager." Oct. 7.—Mr. J. R. Bailey, O.R.E. (assistant port master, Grimsby Docks), "Port Operation. with Particular Reference to Grimsby and Immingham Docks." Nov. 4.—Mr. I,. W. Parker (traffic superintendent, Peter Dixon and Sons, Ltd.), " Successful Handling of Newsprint by Road, Rail and Sea." Dec. 9.— Mr. A. Kirk (secretary, Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation Co.), "Inland Water Transport," Jan. 13.—Mr. C. P. Ablett (president, Lincolnshire Road Transport Association), "Road Transport." Feb. 10.—Mr. F. IL Layton (assistant to passenger manager, London and North Eastern Railway), Merchandise by Passenger Train." Mar. 9.—Mr. F. Whittock (director, Free Trade Whart
Ltd., London), " Coastwise Shipping
tion to Modern Transport." Api. 6.—Mr. F..0, Allitt (traffic manager, T. 0. 'riskier, Ltda. " Transportation.'