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F OR years The Commercial Motor has been strongly championing the cause of unity amongst the various important sections of the...
I N the course of an address on "Road and Rail Co-ordination," delivered recently to the Industrial Transport Association, the...
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I T is not overstating the case to say that The Commercial Motor has done more than any other road-transport journal to focus...
I T is now possible to furnish proof of the damaging effects upon the interests of some longdistance coach operators in...
T judge by the appearance of many trains the railways must have been doing a good trade in first-class travel during the recent...
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Praise on all sides for the new handy form of our Operating Cost Tables. That one of the finest coaches at the Paris SaloA was...
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LOWER REVENUE FROM TAXATION. The gross amount received in payment for road-vehicle licences, issued during the nine months...
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That the drivers' hours regulations were intended to apply to long-distance drivers, and that it was doubtful whether the...
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Mr. Harry Clark and Mr. J. Bowman, joint secretaries of the Yorkshire Conciliation Board, wish it to be known that the report...
In a broadcast. speech which he made on October 3, the Minister of Transport said that the total number of victims of road...
man who removes furniture in addition to carrying out other classes of haulage business has a place, was expressed by Mr. j. H....
Last Friday, the Northern Scotland Licensing Authority granted an application by Mr. Charles J. Robb, Commercial Hotel, Errol,...
The Northern Ireland Road Transport Board has served notice on the following operators, intimating that their services will be...
A new addition to the range of equipment made by S. Smith and Sons (Motor Accessories), Ltd., Cricklewood Works, London, N.W.2,...
TRIALS by the War Department of 1 15 representative vehicles, including certain types new to the Army, opened on Tuesday last....
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An extraordinary general meeting of the Manchester Transport Owners Association has been called for October 30, when those...
(A VER 300 British concerns will be %/ represented at the Public Works, Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition, which is...
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Eastern Licensing Authority's Advice Regarding Sugar-beet Haulage A T recent sitting of the Eastern Licensing Authority an...
Restrictions on Operators? A MEETING of the West Midland Area (Birmingham district) of the Associated Road Operators was held...
A T a meeting of the Metropolitan centre of the Furniture Warehousemen and Removers Association, held on Tuesday last, the...
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An Extraordinary Suggestion by Middlesex County Council Against the Steel Barrel Co., Ltd., After Unsuccessful Legal...
A S already announced in The Comniercial Motor, the Hull Traffic Association, one of the most progressive organizations of its...
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F OR the forthcoming year, several important improve! ments will be incorporated by G. Scammell and Nephew, Ltd., Fashion...
A LTHOUGH the idea of combining servo gear Mith In.hydraulic application of the'larake shoes is by no means new, we are able...
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Lath l Trauliers Drawing Crane Maximum load Eight wheeled Trailers with Principality Moving Floors, Successfully Used for Coal...
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The Victor 1-litre "Flat Twin," Installed in a Jowett 7 -cwt. Van Chassis, Gives Encouraging Results. A Satisfactory Road...
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A N accompanying illustration shows clearly the interesting combustion system employed in the latest oil engines made by F....
T HE experiences of manufacturers and operators in connection with brake squeak have been collated by the Research and...
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IMPORTANT FUSION OF AIR-LINE INTERESTS. T 00 late to be included, except as a hint, in last week's issue, the statement was...
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and QUERIES The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be...
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A Milshaw Hydraulic Type Now Ready for Production After Six Months of Practical Tests H AVING completed six months' trial of...
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says Capt. E. H. B. Palmer, O.B.E. A Contributor Suggests that an Association Should be Formed to Protect the Interests...
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T HE consensus of opinion regarding the commercialvehicle exhibits at the Paris Salon is that they are somewhat disappointing....
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T.T.A. Company Appointed Distributor of Popular American Unit, the Leading Feature of which is a Unique Injection System,...
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Excellent Work Done by A grimotors in Demonstration in Gloucestershire rr HE National Plough ing Championship Competitions at...
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DELTA 4-TONNER in Hilly Country A Hard Day's Work Reveals Excellent Road Characteristics. Ease of Handling arid Economical...
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I NTENDED for use in smaller and lighter chassis than those hitherto built by Armstrong-Saurer Commercial Vehicles, Ltd.,...
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A NUMBER of interesting and attractive features is possessed by the range of battery-electric chassis to be produced for 1936...
big increase 1 — Kin the number of new motor vehicles registered in August, 1935, as compared with the corresponding month of...
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ssenger Transport HULL NEEDS "STABLE POLICY" THAT one of the causes of the I. present situation of Hull Corporaticin's...
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The Risk of Overlooking Important Items of Cost. An Argument in Favour of Making Depreciation a Running Cost I HAVE often...
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Have Recently Been Published I N patent No. 433,922, by Daimler. Benz A.G., of Stuttgart, Germany, is shown a modified...