Parking Lights Rules May Ease
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ELAXATIONS in regulations goverr ing the parking of vehicles withot lights at night have been proposed b the Minister of Transport. Intereste organizations have been asked to giv him their views by October 31, Outside London it is proposed that need no longer be obligatory for a unlighted vehicle to be within 25 yd.
a lighted street lamp. Police may b empowered to restrict parking withou lights to one side of the road or withi] a certain time.
Inside and outside London it i suggested that vehicles showing eithe a single parking light or the off-side fron and rear lights need no longer be withii 100 yd. of a street lamp.
ASCHEME for the construction of hotel for long-distance transpor drivers at Longbenton, Northumberlanc has been rejected by the Ministry o Housing and Local Government, uphold ing a decision of the county council.
The proposed hotel would have incor porated a parking area and filling station The site, said the Ministry, would hay. caused congestion and danger to othe road vehicles, and would be seriousl: detrimental to the preservation of opei land.
The plan, first mooted by J. W Capstaff, Ltd., haulage contractors o Newcastle upon Tyne, would have pro vided accommodation for 120 drivers The cost was estimated at £75.000.
AA NEW bus depot—costing £80,000– was opened at Bannockburn last wed by Sir Ian Bolton, Lord Lieutenant o Stirlingshire and chairman of the Scottisl Area Board of the British Transpor Commission. The new building, whicl replaces the town's smaller garage, ha accommodation for 54 buses inside am 30 more on hard-standing outside.
In all, 94 bus crews vill operate fo the W. Alexander group from the nev depot, and there will be a staff of abou 130, including maintenance, mechanical traffic, office and cleaning staff.