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- AKERS' recommended payload capacities are 'rapidly becoming a farce. ire widely ignored and it is )1e that many of the prohi,...
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T HE operating of transport by road is one of the oldest industries. Long before the era of the railways there were the pack...
Will a Robot Ever Think? IT has been suggested by a scientist that man may be building automata with unsuspected powers, and...
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A PROTOTYPE trailer, designed to operate on road and rail, should r - k be in experimental service with British Railways by the...
A PILOT scheme for the transfer of containers from railway trucks to road vehicles, using the system devised by A. C. Penman,...
A ROAD users' advisory board which would help the Minister of Transport to "resist the temptation to go in for spectacular...
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rural bus services which was d by the Minister of Transport thi s will include Mr. W. T. James, Live director of British...
I s a transport company entitled to change the work of a special-A fleet from general haulage with flat vehicles to bulk liquid...
[ONG the automotive-based exhibits t this year's Farnborou g h air show new 10,000- g al , aircraft refueller • three ordered...
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Mir G. D. KIRKBY has become commercial vehicle sales manager to Charles G. S. Buist, Ltd., Newcastle upon Tyne, 1. MR. N. R....
the East Midlands Division a the T.R.T.A. is 4 Oxford Street, Nottingham. Order Changed : Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., have...
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IE Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., and South Shields Transport Department were described as "strange bedfellows" when...
TN the view of the West Midland I Licensing Authority, Rollon Transport, Burton-on-Trent. had no proper base nor have they had...
T HE West Midland Licensing Authority, Mr. W. P. James, told British Road Services, Ltd., that he was not prepared to grant a...
A N application by C. and E. Bus Co., Ltd., Consett, County Durham, to reduce the frequency of their time-tables on a circular...
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B ECAUSE eggs were now packed in non returnable cardboard cases, return loads could not be guaranteed to a contract-A licence...
A FTER a hearing which had lasted two days the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. J. H. A. Randolph granted an...
O FFIC1ALS of the Ministry of Transport are stated to be interested in the use by Southend Police of a sound level meter to...
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[ON on the application by Collins Express Parcels, Ltd., Walsall od—to increase their A-licensed fleet by 16 vehicles and their...
DING to the latest informavleased by The Birmingham and Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., ified C.5 motorways coach d in The Commercial...
five years the Yorkshire .censing Authority, Mr. J. H. A. , refused an application for an !--for two vehicles—to carry building...
IGRAMME of goods vehicle 'facture. assembly and distribuArgentina, will be pat into immediately by Chrysler InterS.A. Two lines...
DROPOSALS—by the County Councils 1 of Durham and Northumberland— for the construction of a tunnel between Jarrow and Howdon...
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T HE industrial units division of Leylant Motors, Ltd., last month received repeat orders for more than 800 engines. These...
N EARLY a hundred people, concerned with traffic problems throughout Britain, will visit West Germany next month. The delegates...
r_RANTING an application for an A licence in continuation of an expir. ing special-A licence for a vehicle of 2 tons, the...
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airman of the South-eastern Commissioners, Mr. H. J. I a Parish Council chairman at ast week that the people he could not...
B Y reselling tickets to passengers on Sheffield Corporation buses, Edward Rennison, bus conductor of Musgrave Road, Sheffield,...
T HE evasion of Customs duty as a result of using tractor fuel instead of dery in motor coaches and lorries led to two brothers...
T ° provide an emergency reserve of power, 20 transportable generating sets have been purchased by the Argentine Government...
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LOR many years the Lanarkshire town I of Carluke had sought improvement of local services from the Central S.M.T. Co., Ltd.,...
A BRUPT changes in the kind of illumination provided where the areas of two local authorities meet is one of the main points...
ELAXATIONS in regulations goverr ing the parking of vehicles withot lights at night have been proposed b the Minister of...
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:SHAFT balancers employing electronic vibration tors are beillg sold in this country by Repco, Ltd., -louse. St. James's...
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.nce Livestock Transpor t • A • C By P Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. B ANBURY MARKET covers an area of 10 acres and is claimed...
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properly baled, straw and hay heavy, and a full load of bales is y weighty to require the use of )uilt vehicles which, in...
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of Bulk Grain Transport By Tom Walkerley THE • transport of grain and feeding stuffs in bulk has come to stay. It is probable...
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.TAIN large, unique and costly invention was - carried the coast to the site of an exhibition last week. It led with the...
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By Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. M ORE than 360m. eggs were collected last year by the fleet of Yorkshire Egg Producers, Ltd.,...
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Back to Methuselah EWER transport operators are Liberals today than 4 25 years ago, but those who have preserved their...
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T week the first of two 10,000-gal. rcraft refuellers was handed over to ■ ritish Petroleum Co., Ltd., by Sir im Black,...
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By a Special Correspondent I N the haulage of livestock the good driver is one who combines wehicle-handling ability with a...
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H ISTORICAL significance attaches to the introduction at York by T. F. Wood and Co.. Ltd., warehousemen and canal carriers, of...
H AvING a Bulkmobilc body 14 ft. 4 in. long, 6 ft. 11 in. wide and sides 4 ft. 6 in. high, an Albion Chieftain CI-3.3L lorry...
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ly Join] F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. L OW auxiliary gearing and fourwheel drive endow the Thames Trader 70-series oil-engined 4X4...
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three suspencourses, these consisting of pave, in.-sett and 2-2f-in. sett tracks, ;ett tracks embodying transverse ete blocks...
S EVERAL new goods and passenger vehicles are to be exhibited by Bussing Nutzkraftwagen G.m.b.H., Braunschweig, Germany, at the...
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" IF all goes well on the economic front, I there is a 'probability of an increase of between 150-200m. tons in domestic...
'T'HERE were sound reasons for assuming that the struggle between car and bus would not be entirely onesided, said Mr. Charles...
T HE complexity of apportioning indirect costs was emphasized by Mr. D. M. Dear, director of castings, British Transport...
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• Compact dimensions of the new G.M.C. V6 petrol engine can be judged from this illustration. Access to the sparking plugs and...
, lack of interest in transport costs iown by many trading organizations ie subject of comment in a report lied last week on...
F ULL support was given to the Minister of Transport's proposal—that the gross laden weight of eight-wheeled tankers should be...
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T HE successful growth of many haulage companies has often been initially dependent upon securing the regular traffic of a...
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PD.ATENT No. 814,589 deals with a I single-plunger injection pump in which a rotary valve distributes the output to the...