'Twixt Cup and Lip
Page 77

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.TAIN large, unique and costly invention was -carried the coast to the site of an exhibition last week. It led with the extreme care it deserved and the road not far as the crow flies, was greatly lengthened by to avoid overhanging branches and obstacles only on' the load itself.
nt well. Then, at the site, a man with a crane offered ees in unloading, a gesture which was accepted with
Off came the invention safely, and all concerned +ith relief. The hook was unhitched and the crane ay. At that moment, the jib swung and the tackle the invention, spoiling its show condition somewhat.
■ py to learn that the device still works and I am hopeful crane driver does too.
wd Traffic
om does a haulage traffic manager's connection belong? him, or to his employers? And to what extent is it de for him to take it with him if he leaves? These s arise from a discussion on remuneration with various ; of traffic staffs. One said that he had changed posipectins to be an administrator, but instead found that more of a salesman. Several complained that new rs expected them to bring in fresh business which, in 1, could be obtained only from the customers of their companies.
incentive to do so, some were given a relatively high ge of their earnings as commission on new traffic. In nstances there was felt to be an implied threat in an mi that the situation would be reviewed after a period. are clearly rights and wrongs on both sides, but once r-poaching gets into its stride, the ultimate result is to more than a game of General Post. Those who seek ttlets in traffic management might be well advised to Lre just what is going to be the scope of their duties in I field.
7 Democracy
.cent Press release from its headquarters at Rose-ennear Paris, the Council for the Liberalization of mal Transits reveals certain executive difficulties in the Republic of Kaos. It seems that the Minister of rt, Gen. Tai-Ming-Gir, has received only one application post of Traffic Commissioner (Northern Province), now required to implement the new Highways and Hedges ale applicant, State Worker (First Class) Nu-Truk, is a a Province haulier whose normal user is stated to be crated and Indian hemp, processed, Asia." The Minister feels that, since Nu-Truk does not speak the Northern dialect and, in addition, has many powerful friends, he might not be the ideal man for the job.
Dr. Dip. Ing. Axel Schaft, director of CLOT, said in an interview that the Council had not yet been consulted by the Kaotic government, but that his technical adviser, Maj. Ole Oil, was already on the spot in the capacity of observer.
Seasoned Soldier
A MONG the seasoned contestants who will appear in the :A final of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition at Bramcote on September 20 will be C.Q.M.S. F. Gatecliffe, of the 49th Inf. Div. Coln. R.A.S.C. (T.A.). He headed his class in the final last year, and I for one will be surprised if he does not repeat his success this time. When be again won the Services class in the Leeds round this year he was making his fifth appearance in a contest of this kind.
Mr. Gatecliffe has been a Territorial since 1952, and in civilian life has been a driver for the General Electric Co., Ltd., for just over seven years. When he is not winning trophies for lorry driving, he indulges his hobbies of photography and budgerigar breeding.
Shush !
EIGHT hooded men were yesterday seen entering 146 New Bond Street, London, W.1. They arrived singly and ascended to the first floor in the creaking lift. They sat in the conference room for three hours without speaking, for they were members of the security committee set up by the ROad Haulage Association, with representatives of the Traders' Road Transport Association, British Transport Commission, Association of British Chambers of Commerce and the police. Their identities are a dark secret and none would speak for fear of revealing himself. After tea they left separately in plain vans.
The police are anxious to trace the owner of a van abandoned north of St. Albans. Its load had vanished, but a white cloak was found in the driver's cab.
Come ! Gentle Spring
I LEARN (never too old, you know) that at least one underI taking that has swapped its trolleybuses for Leyland Atlanteans has not been getting the fuel economy it expected. Field research by the chief engineer suggested that the cause lay in a reluctance to get into top gear: trolleybus drivers think highly of acceleration.
Brilliant solution: a really powerful spring under the throttle pedal, inviting the driver to lift his foot and allow the automatic box to do its work. Fortunes have been made for less shrewd applications of psychology.