Darlington Transport Department last year worked at a loss of £1,001.
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Strakers (lewcastle), Ltd., made a trading profit last year of £33,931. A dividend of 221/2 per cem. Is being paid. •
Lodge Plugs, Ltd.. made a net profit last year Or £55,788, after charring £33,000 to taxation. Dividend.s fol the year total -25 per cent.
Triplex Safety Glass Co., Ltd., after allowing for tAxation. made a group net profit last year of £112,764. A dividend of 25 per cent, is being paid.
• Airscrew Co, and Jiewood, Ltd.,' after allowing £12,639 for taxation, made a net profit last year of £26,092. Dividends for the year total 1214 Per Cent.
Northampton Transport Department made a net surplua it the year ended March 31 last of £9,371. An accumulated deficit of £5,590 was transformed into a balance of £3,780.
Chester Transport Department incurred a ioss of £4,092 in the yearended March 31 • last, although there was an operating -profit of £12,007. A loan Ekhl of £75,974 is outstanding.
United Transport Co., Ltd., made a net profit last year of £256.322. This figure was struck after charging 6161.950 to taxation and £311,046 to depreciation. dividend of 11) net cent, is being paid. ft is proposed to capitalize £543,370 of reserves.
Oldham and Son. Ltd., have celebrated their 900i anniversary by producing record results for the year ended Match 31 last. After charging E222,834 1,3 taxation, the net profit was £230,124. Dividends for die year total 171,4, per cent,' It is proposed to capitalize £100,0410 of reserves..
Southport Transport Department made a net profit of £10.164 in the year ended March 31 last, after meeting loan charges of £19,781. The traffic revenue of £278,643 equalled 26.388d. per busmile and the working expenses of £2541,092 represented 23.659th per bus-mile. The percentage of working expenses to traRie receipts was 89.65. An average of 10.32 passengers Per bus-mile was carried.
Portsmouth Transport Department's rrolleybuses fast sear worked at a profit of £16,169, compared with £37,194 in the previous year, and-the motorbusin at a loss at £5,110, as against £16,730. Revenue fell by about £13,000 to £810,339, but working expenses rose by £6,126 to £748,595. The troleybases carried 11,!,,m, fewer passengers and the motorbuses showed a drop of 850,000
passengers. The total traffic revenue of Sourbdown Motor Services, Ltd., in the Portsmouth co-ordination area fell by £18,696 to 0,385,846, and the portion attributable to the corporation dropped by £10,657 to £789,932.
of 14 vehicles (40 tons 4 cwt.) by A. G. and A. D. Pearce (Wilts), Ltd., Lower Road, Bratton, Westbury. It is their first acq u isi tion.