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Cheap Fares May Cause Waste .
IN an appeal decision •announced on . 1 Wednesday, the:Minister of Trans port has Set forth the principle that conces s ionary fares for :certain_ categories of person could......
Crosville Sports
FOLLOWING an appeal by Messrs. 2 P. and 0. Lloyd, of Bagillt, the Minister of Transport has implied that services to football matches run at the present tone by Crosville Motor......
Darlington Transport Department Last Year Worked At A...
Strakers (lewcastle), Ltd., made a trading profit last year of £33,931. A dividend of 221/2 per cem. Is being paid. • Lodge Plugs, Ltd.. made a net profit last year Or £55,788,......
Services Illegal ?
ditions relating to picking-up points and vehicle allowances on excursions and tours from Holywell, Crosville, M. Wakley and Son, Ltd., Messrs. W. G. Richardson and Sons and Mr.......
Sensible, But Not According To Law, " "
IT sounds sensible and practicable, but the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933, was designed particularly to restrict people to the use of their own vehicles,". Mr. J. A. T.......