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VIEW By The Hawk
Moral for Operators The unprecedented action against B.R.S. under Section 178 of the Road Traffic Act (reported on page 46) must have provided a salutary shock for that normally law-abiding body. Apart from two local witnesses, three top-brasshats were in attendance, prepared to give evidence if necessary. It may be surmised that the echoes of this affair will reverberate within B.RS. for some considerable time. The moral for B.R.S. and for all operators of artic equipment is clear. Whatever the difficulties, ensure that trailers are regularly and thoroughly serviced. Don't pass a 'hot potato " to an unfortunate chap down the line.
Sports d'hlver. . A man who was extremely
sorry that. Britain had not suffered a more severe winter set out from Paditram, Lanes, a. fortnight ago for the Hatite Alpes.. Bill Hayworth,. 49-Year,olct service engineer with Atkiiisons of Clitheroe, will this week have been taking part in :trials held in connection With the lriternational SnowciearingCongress at Briancon.. • Before leaving home he expressed regret that the English weather this year had limited his chances of practice. .
Bill is driving an Atkinson 5-cu.-yd. salt and.grit spreader, with an Atkinson-Howie snowplough carried on a Bedford
4,wheel-drive chassis. This machine, which has a maximum speed of 30 rn.p.h., is on loan from the Ministry
of Transport.
Mr. John Selley, one of Atkinson's directors, says the
design is deRnitely in advance of anything seen on the Continent. He favoursattendance at the Congress because " the best way to sell abroad is to convince the customer on his own ground ". Actually, Atkinsons of Clitheroe have already done quite a lot of convincing and during the past three months have sold 43 road gritters to France. Other countries where. their machines are employed include Italy, Holtancl, Finland, Norway. Switzerland, Belgium, and Western Germany.
Bully for Sam Unsought compliments make
specially good hearing. "The Commercial Motor" Tables of Operating Costs were recently highly praised by a prominent East Anglian traffic court solicitor, chatting to a C.M.
reporter. '1 have used these successfully ", he said, " in acting for an association of taxi-cab proprietors. Comparisons with earlier years' tables were most helpful in establishing a case for higher fares." Sam Buckley, take a bow! n28
Busmen from Eastern National. stations in the Colchester area and from as fat distant • as Basildon, Chelmsford and Wood Green hays subscribed to a fund for Mr. Gerald Stokes, of Dovercourt. Essex, a 'former 29-year-old National bus conductor whc has recently gone blind. The fund was started last Oetobe, at the Colchester station, and now totals more than £400 Subscriptions have been raised by collection and competitions organized .by nearly every depot in that district. TM money. which has far exceeded the original aim of £150 will be put in trust for Mr. Stokes.
Friends Indeed
One Man Banned Mr. Tom Fraser, Minister ol
Transport, let us into a secret on Monday. Ile revealet that Dr. Beech ing was a good committee man. But he hai a preference for one-man commiftees!
Final. Appearance? Mr. Charles Hodgson, Chair man of the East Midlands Traffic Commissioners, enterec the court rather sheepishly at Leicester on Monday!' " Thi last lime I was 1-ire two weeks ago I said it was my las appearance in Leicester before I leave for the North West I .must confess I had forgotten this 'case. This really is m! last appearance," he said.
Automatic Brigade Suffering London's traffii
regularly miself (and, by the same token, adding to it) I can well understand that London Fire Brigade's driven are going to appreciate at least one feature of new appli ances that Dennis Bros. are busy building—they all havt automatic transmission. Dennis tell me there is a definiti trend towards automatics both in town and countr■ brigades. Since 1955 they have supplied 120 Rolls-Royce engined front-line appliances with automatics.
Badges to Spare ? Bill Brookes, publicit:
manager of E.R.F. Ltd., told me last week of a touchin; letter he recently received from the Bergen Boscl sanatorium and asthma centre for children at Bilthover Holland. It was from the man responsible for teaching th bedridden children. He mentioned that his young charge collect badges from commercial vehicle manufacturers (am other companies) throughout the world—and asked whethe he might have a supply of F.R.F. badges. These, as yo might expect, are being sent But if any other conapanie have badges available to swell an already imposing coke Lion it would be appreciated if they would send them tl the following address: Th. J. J. Stouten, Satarnuslaan 4C Bilthoven, Holland.