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O F all the many things which, over the years, have been written about the teaching profession, perhaps the most apt remark (so...
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to be arranged, Mr. John Cireenhalgh is to become engineer, B.R.S. Parcels Ltd., to succeed Mr. G. A. H. Cardwell who, as...
L work systems—as opposed to general comments about maintenance—will be dealt with in detail at an open meeting in Carlisle...
a new L heavy vehicle park in the Emerald Street district of Leicester which will have maximum security arrangements and also a...
T HE common thread running through maintenance, drivers' hours and overloading was rates of carriage. And unless every operator...
speaking at the dinner of the Midland branch of the Contractors' Mechanical Plant Engineers' Association at Sutton Coldfield,...
Fife and District 11 ' 1 Tipper Operators' Association, under the chairmanship of Mr. R. Wilson, were due to meet a deputation...
milk processing development by the Express Dairy Co. Ltd. which enables normal tasting . milk to be kept for six months without...
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in L.D.O.Y. Eliminators E LIMINATING contests for the Lorry Driver of the Year competition will be held at Dunfermline and...
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TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENT I Group Ltd. has acquired the issued share capital of John Jackson (Contractors) Ltd., its subsidiary...
from area secretaries for Road Haulage Association members who wish to be included in the visits to the U.S.A. and Canada which...
TH: Scottish Grocers' Federation is launching a distribution system to provide six warehouses of about 20,000 sq. ft, each at...
THE Road Haulage Association is I urging the IRLI to ensure that member associations issue TIR camels only in respect of...
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O N completion of the third proving run with its Guy-York articulated unit (which left Tilbury this week) Asian Transport Ltd.,...
T HE 1965 edition of the 'Ilraders Road Transport Association's Yearbook is now available free to members, who can also...
QIMPLICITY is the keynote of he policy favoured by IRU on infrastructure costs. In a pamphlet published last month entitled "...
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From our Parliamentary Correspondent W HEN the Minister of Transport told the Commons about Lord Hinton's appointment as...
By H. BRIAN COTTEE A MINISTRY already well supplied with reports and advisers on the initiative of the past incumbent is now...
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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT 'THE North Thames Gas Board has Itold the Government that unless considerable improvements...
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A LONDON pierced through by a netwc4k of monorails, with helicopl,ers landing in a continuous succession on the roofs of new...
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T HE Tilling Association has announced a re-allocation of directorships in respect of the Tilling Group as follows:- Eastern...
L °NOON. TRANSPORT has recently placed in service this new survey vehicle, used to survey roads for bus operation. It is a .....
the method of recruitment of conductors for -CIE., Dublin City bus services. Up to now vacancies have been announced in Irish...
the Minister of Transport to the closure of all passenger services on the direct line between Manchester Victoria and Bury...
for further powers within the East Kilbride New Town. Increased population of the town and new housing areas were advanced as...
Buses for Reading: Reading Corporation Transport committee has authorized the transport manager to obtain tenders from Dennis...
at this year's annual conference of the Municipal Passenger Transport Association—from September 20 to 24—will be Mr. G. G....
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work contributes most to the export potential of British automotive products has been made to two Perkins Group engineers. Mr....
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A N A-licence application by A. C. Jameson (Transport) Ltd., of Heywood, Lanes, for 12 articulated vehicles, which had a public...
T HE Transport Tribunal, in a reserved written decision, has dismissed three appeals — by Bakers Transport (Southampton) Ltd....
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T HREE Peterborough-based British Road Services vehicles were suspended for six weeks by the Eastern Licensing Authority, Mr....
T WO substantial conversion applications were granted by the West Midlands Licensing Authority, Mr. J. Else. on Monday, when...
reported last week, the Transport Tribunal allowed part of an appeal by Lowestoft Coaling Co. Ltd., permitting two B-licensed...
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Two-stroke PA A SCAVENGE blower with variable drive, a mechanism giving a variable compression ratio, and a charge...
This new 20-ton-capacity symmetrical-draw trailer built by Taskers is intended for service with B.A .C. Ltd., transporting TSR2...
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C OMPENSATION for Ulster Transport Authority employees retiring under the voluntary retirement scheme is estimated to cost...
A N order for some 40 Crushload continuous-loading refuse collection vehicles has been placed With the Eagle Engineering Co....
A S 'part of a major administrative reorganization to provide for the further expansion Of A.A. membership, the Automobile...
L AST month Britain was, for the first time, host to the bi-annual Pigeon Olympiad and, as pigeon racing associations turn from...
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1 AST month Urwick, Orr and Partners, I- 4 management consultants, ran a oneday seminar on the Industrial Training Act and its...
THE Minister of Transport is com missioning a study into the design of motorway service areas. The terms of reference of the...
A NATIONAL survey by the Auto( k mobile Association into vehicle lighting has revealed that only about 62 per cent of the...
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ordered a total of 48 Seammell semitrailers for customers in the Bristol area. The order is for 12 Fo - urtraks, 26 ft. long...
for commercial vehicles, especially since the publication of the report in The Commercial Motor of January 29 that Frank Porter...
The G.V.9 Faulty Exhaust Systems WHILST in no way directly contribu ting to an unsafe vehicle, other than as a fire risk, a...
WINNER of our 3 guinea prize this VT week is Mr. M. R. Tudor, of Hay Mills. Birmingham. 25. His idea con cerns the removing of...
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Limitations in quantity, quality and geographical coverage of existing education facilities for road transport are revealed in...
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and Publications A NEW range of commercial vehicle driving seats has been developed by Cox of Watford Ltd. Called the Drive'...
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B Y .4 SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT R ECENT estimates show that one-sixth of our national income—about £.4 000 m. a year—is spent on...
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THE education column inaugurated with this issue will be a column with a difference. It is not directed entirely to those...
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What are the objects of education? Are present facilities adequ Who are we trying to train ? These and other questions were to...
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IS AT WORK FOR YOU 24 HOURS A DAY, EVERY DAY When your trailer's a York, you can take this all-roundthe-clock service for...
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S TATISTICS issued recently by the Economic Commission for Europe indicate that international hauliers from this country...
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I F the number of prosecutions and convictions grows much greater The Commercial Motor will begin to look more like a crime...
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VIEW By The Hawk Moral for Operators The unprecedented action against B.R.S. under Section 178 of the Road Traffic Act...
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Osborne's of Tollesbury In many rural districts there is barely sufficient traffic to justify the existence of a bus service...
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E VALUATION of bulk transport was the subject of an article in the series included in our bulk transport issue of December 4...
a legal requirement to paint the unladen weight and name and address of the operator on all goods vehicles. It is a common...
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Leyland Off to Good Start TROM the point of view of work on band—the order I . books are described as substantial—the new...
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lore Room Needed on Double-deckers LTHOUGH 1 have only a passenger's interest in - 1 passenger service vehicles, I am puzzled...
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T HIS York Teamster EP16 semi-trailer (below) is used by William Hayes of Walsall to carry steel in all forms— beams, coil,...