Another Safety Belt 1 - 1 A NEW safety harness, .known as the
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Defender, is to be introduced at the beginning of February. It is a combined diagonal and lap strap 'manufactured and marketed by Tanfab, Ltd., of Rochdale. It is said to have been tested and approved by the British Standards Institution.
. Although designed primarily for use on cars, the Defender has, in common with other safety belts, applications for commercial vehicles—particularly the smaller types. -The webbing is of Terylene and has a breaking strain in excess of 4,000 lb: It isresistant to corrosives, • such as battery acid, and will not .deteriorate under strong sunlight. In addition,. it is easy to keep clean, and can be washed without any damaging effects. A feature of the Defender is its welldesigned buckle which has a simple, but positive and foolproof, action. The buckle is neat and can be opened easily and instantly in any circumstances with' one hand. Only one type of harness is to be made. This is said to be suitable for all types of seat.
Retail price of the Defender will be £4 15s., exclusive of fitting charges.