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I N a recent patent by the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., relating to composite castings, reference is made to two parts of an...
H AULIERS are becoming more and more "Continental minded." Hardly a day now seems to pass in the traffic courts without some...
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Good Deed Well Done O N another page of this issue is a picture of a smart, green Commer van, which—as we reported—was last...
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R. JAR VIE," I said, "it looks as though ye born with a silver spoon in your mouth." the innuendo: Mr. J. R. T. Gibson Jarvi...
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Effect of Postal Delays on Licensing D URING the present Post Office "work to rule" campaign goods and passenger vehicle...
A NNOUNCING that the gross profit .1 - 1. of Associated Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., for the financial year ended September 30,...
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T.R.T.A. is asking members to every assistance possible in conwith the traffic survey sponsored 1,ondon County Council and the...
NGHAM'S transport departhas been carrying out tests to reduce the amount of fumes by• Corporation buses, said n W. G. E. Dyer,...
DETER COURTENAY, 39-year-old 1. company director, of Beaufort Avenue, Bispham, Blackpool, was at Blackpool Quarter Sessions...
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Mr. John Melrose, haulage contractor of Butterley Grange, Ripley, Derbyshire, was awarded the M.B.E. in the New Year Honours...
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W E regret to record the deaths of Mr. Thomas Gore, Mr. H. M. Lawrence, Mr. R. C. Maunder and Mr. Herbert • Stubbs. Mr. Gore,...
NewFiat Plant : Fiat are to erect an assembly plant for goods vehicles and cars in Venezuela. It is due to conic into operation...
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B ECAUSE Pakistani and Indian immigrants arriving at London Airport had been exploited by London taxi drivers, it was necessary...
. Production Up GG ROUP profits of Seddon Vehicles, Ltd., for the finan ended June 30, 1961, were £141, all charges but before...
1 6.-) All Wheel Drive, Ltd., C; Surrey, has been acquired by Ltd., and as a result changes h made to the board of All Whc Mr....
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a vehicle, not constructed as a Jods vehicle, become a goods a within the meaning of the Road Act when a luggage rack is fitted...
P EOPLE in South Wales would soon find it cheaper to travel by car than by bus, Mr. John Morris told the South Wales Traffic...
ESE ORDER COMMER: Orders O Commer Superpoise 3-ton and uperpoise 5-ton normal-control ilcabs have been received by the s Group...
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P ORTUGAL is to impose a new import quota on motor vehicles from January 1 next year, admitting only 75 complete vehicles a...
I N the near future the millionth driving mirror in Wingard's " 1500" range will be coming down the production line. When it...
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT T " cold spell certainly did not stop the Western Licensing Authority, Mr. S. W. Nelson, from...
TRAFFIC control equipment for the new Forth road bridge will provide fast, effective control of traffic and collection of...
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Engines, Ltd., have i the Powertruc Co., Ltd., of Road, Burgess Hill, Sussex. the announcement last week, Mr. lakey, chairman...
W HEN E. Hall and Sons, Ferryhill, Co. Durham, applied last week for a variation of their B licence to allow them to carry lime...
F OR a cash payment of about £400,000, Southern Counties Car Auctions, Ltd,, of Farnham, Surrey, have bought control of Measham...
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The Road Haulage Association Made These Comments to "The Commercial Motor" This Week R. PATRICK JENK1N.does not claim to be an...
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Plans were approved by Bradford Transport Committee last week for the reorganization of bus depots in the city. The new policy...
Corporation bus fares was granted last week by the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners at Hull. Fares are to be increased by Id. as...
UBLISHED by Transport Journal Publications, Ltd., Buckingham Court, 78 Buckingham Gate, London, S.W.I, "The Blue Book" is a new...
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A.M.I.R.T.E., Assoe.Inst.T. HEN I return home soon after midnight there is a chance that, passing through the neighbouring...
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Atlas Express Plan for the Futur Parcels Link-up with the Confine By NORMAN H. TILSLEI A TLAS EXPRESS—who can rightly boast...
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A S reported in The Commercial Motor last week, • Larkin Forge, Ltd., Chesham, have filed the final specification of their...
T HE British Standards Institution announced last week that work is to start sbon on a dynamic rig which will be used for...
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COMMENTARY by JANUS FHENEVER I read one of those admirable monologues attributed to the president of the Transport Tribunal...
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By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. RMALLY, I can never be accused of advocating tder-powering any size of vehicle, but occasionally...
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THREE new Pik° hand lamps are now readily available. Two are selfcontained units and carry their ' own batteries, the third is...
new hard cellular elastomer compound and said to eliminate problems of improper fuel level caused by leaky or damaged floats,...
Defender, is to be introduced at the beginning of February. It is a combined diagonal and lap strap 'manufactured and marketed...
elimination of possible damage to a component are claimed for a new lathe carrier developed by Ratby .Engineering Co.; Ltd.,...
"Automatic been published by Surbiton, Surrey. of industrial fire s the Colt system o jog helps to safe fire occur and al...
494 Insulation Boar Acoustic Tile. Adhesive is availa ated Products, Lt Hyde, London, N. eaflets giving etions on the ontact...
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7 0RETASTE of the possible future shape of certain ypes of overland transport has been on display in l'arls Court since...
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From our Legal Correspondent A " MOTOR VEHICLE" is defined by Section 152 of the Road Traffic Act 1960 as "a mechanically...
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W HILST it was recognized that investment was spending for the future and that the decision originally taken only had its...