WHEELS of INDUSTRY "The wheels of wealth will be slowed
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by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
It is understood, although no official announcement has been made, that, at a joint meeting of the Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association and the Road Haulage Association, on Tuesday, it was agreed to proceed with the amalgamation of the two bodies. All the outstanding issues were, it is believed, met, although certain formalities have yet to be completed.
The new Organization, to be known as Associated Road Operators, will be formed directly the existing Associations have been wound up, a procedure which will probably be embarked upon at once.
World Motor Production Nearly Doubled.
An increase of over 90 per cent, in the production of motorcars and lorries, in the past two years, is reported by the League of Nations' Economic Intelligence Service. In 1932, the world output of motorcars and lorries was 1,979,000 units; in 1934, this figure had risen to 3,745,000. Nevertheless, the output was still below the pre-slump totals, that for 1929 being 6,315,000.
Motorcar production in the United States was responsible for most of the fluctuations in output. In 1929, the United States manufactured 5,358,000 cars and lorrieST in 1932 the U.S. output was 1,371,000, whilst last year the output of American factories was 2,779,000 units.
During the same period, British production has increased from 241,000 vehicles in 1929 to 355,000 in 1934.
In Soviet Russia, tractor production increased from 1,400 machines in 1929 to 91,000 in 1934, says the report, which states that the output of cars and lorries in the U.S.S.R. rose from 4,000 in 1931 to 72,000 last year.
Six Well-paid Positions Open.
In these days, when employers in the industry are besieged with applicants for a job of any kind, it is encouraging to learn that new and wellpaid posts are being thrown open to young motor engineers. We refer to the fact that not long ago the India Office recruited four assistant works managers in the Royal Indian Army Service Corps at salaries rising front £800 to £1,000 per annum, and that now it is offering a further six similar appointments, details of which will be found in the small-advertisement columns of this issue.
Such opportunities should appeal to ambitious engineers seeking wider experience and more rapid advancement than seem open to them in this country. It not only offers a young 816 man a certain five-year job at a handsome salary and a chance of seeing the world at no expense to himself, but also enables him to learn something of the way in which other nations tackle the motor-export problem, knowledge which should be of inestimable value to him in later life, whether he remains in India or, later, re-enters the industry in Great Britain.
Alcohol Fuel and Revenue Loss.
The Financial Secretary to the Treasury states that the loss of revenue due to the exemption from tax of alcohol used as motor fuel was about £30,000 for the year 1934-35.
Distribution of the Highway Code.
Arrangements have been made for the distribution of the new Highway Code to all householders, between July 22 and August 2. The first printing order is for 161 million copies, of which 13 million will be distributed through the Post Office.
I. of T. Examination Successes.
A list has been prepared by the Institute of Transport giving the names of the successful candidates in its examinations which were held in April last in London and other important centres in this country, as well as abroad. The list contains the names of many men associated with important private and municipal-transport undertakings.
General Manager Required.
A motor-manufacturing business in the provinces requires a general manager with engineering experience and accountancy or secretarial knowledge. Preference will be given to a man not exceeding 40, who has held a lessimportant position. Applicants, who should state their experience, age and salary required, must have had good experience and possess energy and tact. There are excellent prospects for the right man, with the probability of a directorship. Letters addressed " Managership," care of the Editor, will be forwarded. THE C.M.U.A. CONFERENCE PROGRAMME.
Interesting subjects have been selected for discussion at the National Road Transport Conference, organized by the Commercial Motor Users Association, to be held at Southport from September 23-25. The programme is as follows:—September 24: morning, " Steps that have been taken to solve the transport problems of the country"; afternoon, "The control of traffic in towns and the open country." September 25: morning, " What amendments are necessary to legislation affecting goods vehicles and public-service vehicles?"; afternoon, " Rationalization of distributive road transport."
Copies of a brochure giving full particulars will shortly be obtainable from Mr. F. G. Bristow, general secretary, Commercial Motor Users Association, 50, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1.
Rootes' Subsidiary Acquires Sunbeam Companies.
Rootes Securities, Ltd., announces that one of its associated companies,. Motor Industries, Ltd., has acquired the undertaking, assets and goodwill of the Sunbeam Motor Car Co., Ltd., including the share capital of Sunbeam Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., and that the sale has been sanctioned by an order of the Court. • Motor Industries, Ltd., has already entered into possession of the premises and it is intended that the name of the company shall shortly be changed, so as to incorporate the word " Sunbeam." The companies will continue the production of the high-class motorcars and trolleybuses hitherto manufactured by the Sunbeam Motor Car Co., Ltd., and Sunbeam Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., tespectivdy. In the meantime, the organization at Wolverhampton will continue under Mr. W. J. Mills and the sales department will function as usual under Mr. Genna.
40 Vehicles in Big Fuel Trial.
From Le Paids Lourd we learn that about 40 vehicles are taking part in the 1,720-mile reliability trial . of machines using alternative fuels to petrol, which is at present being held under the joint supervision of the Italian and French Automobile Clubs.
The French entries include a Citroen lorry using compressed gas, entered by the Paris Gas Co, ; eight Berliets, six consuming producer gas and two shale oil ; a Saurcr 3I--ton oiler ; three Latils employing respectively charcoal gas, anthracite gas, and compressed town gas ; a Panhard 8-tonner operated by charcoal gas, and seven French militray vehicles. Italy is represented by, Lancia, Fiat, Alfa-Romeo, etc.
In 1911 the Commercial Motor Users Association instituted the " Road Transport Award of Honour" for acts of special distinction in connection with the driving of lorries, vans, buses and coaches. The award consists of the C.M.U.A. medal, a monetary gift and the inscription of the recipient's name on the " Road Transport Roll of Honour."
The first award was made in 1911, and since that date awards have been made to a number of drivers throughout Great Britain for actions which have disclosed initiative, personal bravery and resource, and presence of mind in cases of serious emergency while on the road.
The C.M.U.A. is anxious to recogiii?.e such acts of distinction and asks employers and others to bring them to the notice of Mr. F. G. Bristow, general secretary, 50, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1, for consideration by the Association.
Causes of " Brake Fade."
An interesting and instructive booklet on the reasons for the phenomenon known as " brake fade " and the remedies for this trouble, is being issued by Raybestos-Belaco, Ltd., Asbestos House, Southwark Street, London, SEA. The term is descriptive of the condition which causes a vehicle to continue in motion against the brakes at the end of a rapid retardation.
A Hepworth and Grandage Acquisition.
N'Ve are informed that Hepworth and Grandage, Ltd., St. John's Works, Bradford, has arranged to take over the business of Joshua Hepworth and Son. Ltd., 140a, Victoria Street, Bristol, and as from the beginning of the month this address has become the western depot of the company. The new depot is under the management of Mr. J. Hepworth, and a comprehensive stock of Hepolite products is being carried.
T.G.W.U. Drive Against Ancillary Users.
It was decided at the biennial. conference of the Transport and General Workers Union, in the Isle of Man, last week, to make early representations to the Minister of Transport for an increase in the number of traffic inspectors and for stricter control of C-licence holders. The object of the request is to secure the accurate completion of record forms and the observance of drivers' statutory hours.
The general executive of the Union was instructed to deal With the question of bringing Clicence holders within the scope of the report of the National Joint Conciliation Board. Mr. J. E. Coffin, national secretary of the commer cial road transport group, declared that the Union had every reason to believe that the conditions of some drivers of C-licence vehicles were bad.
Shipping Guide for Hauliers.
The following is the number of ships arriving at the London docks, wharves and jetties named, from July 12-20, inclusive :—Docxs : King George V,
; Royal Albert, 4; Royal Victoria, 3; S'arrey Commercial, 4; West India, 2; East India, 2; South-West India, 2; Tilbury, 11; Tilbury Stage, 5; Millwall, 3 ; London, 1. WHARVES: Hays, 4; Middleton's, 1. Regent's Canal, 2.
New Dennis Agent in London.
We are informed by Coaches and Components, Ltd., 471a, Holloway Road, London, N.7, that it has been appointed agent for London (north of the Thames) for the products of Dennis Bros., Ltd., Guildford. Coaches and Components. Ltd., has tor many years specialized in the sale of goods and passenger vehicles, and the complete reconditioning of such machines. The company has a well-equipped depot at Holloway Road, at which service and supplies of spare parts will be available for Dennis operators.
Edinburgh Town Council has confirmed the appointment of Mr. Eric R. L. Fitzpayne, of South Shields, as deputy transport manager. for Ednaburgh.
Mr. Frank Lythgoe, A.M.Inst.T., general manager of Middlesbrough Corporation's transport department, has been warmly congratulated by the transport committee and the town council on the services which he has rendered since his appointment less than a year ago. Mr. Lythgoe informs The Commercial Motor that the undertaking is Proceeding satisfactorily, despite local trade conditions, anti that not only have the successive monthly losses been overcome, but the surpluses are sufficient to pay the loan and other charges on the large tramway debt.
'Alderman H. Clark, the new president of the Municipal Tramways and Transport 'Association, whose portrait is reproduced on this page, has for many years been concerned with road passenger transport. He has for the past 30 years been chairman of Rochdale Tramways Committee.
He was also a member of the joint committee of the Rochdale, Middleton and Chadderton authorities when they purchased the Middleton light railway, in 1925, and he acted as chairman while the system was run jointly by Manchester, Chaddertorr and Rochdale.
Alderman Clark has for long been a member of the executive council of the M.T.T.A., and a member of the Lancashire and Cheshire Tramways Authorities Council, having been chairman of the latter body for a number of years.
The subjects of two of the portraits on this page arc Mr. William Foden, eldest sou of the founder of Fodens, Ltd., and its present managing director, and his son, Mr. J. E. Foden, who recently rejoined the company after an absence of five years spent in gaining useful experience in Australia and this country. In a few weeks Mr. J. E. Foden will take over the sales managership of the company, for which position his experience has made him eminently suitable. It will be remembered that Mr. W. Foden was managing director of Foderis, Ltd., from 1E41 to 1922, when he decided to settle in Australia, where he took 'up farming on an extensive scale. He retains his interest in this enterprise, but is full of vigour and enthusiasm regarding the iprospects of his company in the commercial-vehicle field, in which it has proved so consistently successful over a long period of years.
That some firms were unable to give film work, because of his present limited radius, was a submission made by Mr. Lewis Dalby, a coal merchant and haulier, of Clayton, Bradford, when applying for an increase of his carrying radius to 100 miles, at a sitting of the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, at Bradford, on Tuesday. The coal trade was seasonal, he said, and there were four months when he would be doing practically nothing. He wished to carry other goods for longer distances to try to meet overhead expenses.
The Licensing Authority (Mr. J. Farndale) said that the applicant must not carry for hire or reward at the expense of other hauliers. He would he allowed to carry coal for his own business as far as he liked, but his haulage of other goods would be confined to a radius of 15 miles of Clayton Post Office, Mr. Stirk's Watch on Doubtful Finance Companies.
Mr. J. H. Stick, the East Midland Licensing Authority, made it clear at a recent sitting that he is watching very closely for doubtful finance companies. The observation was made when considering the application for the transfer of a licence from a Scunthorpe man to a company. He stated that men had been before him who had got into the clutches of finance companies, which obtained control of the businesses, and that, later, the men had no job although the companies went on using their names. Mr. Stirk said that, after consideration, "we have decided that Clause 11 (3b) of the Act will give sufficient cover in these cases. We intend to carry out that clause."
Marketing the Anthony Tipping Gear.
The Anthony hoist, a description of which appeared in our issue for last week, is being marketed by a company now in process of formation, and which will be known as Anthony Hoists, Ltd., Minerva Road, London, N.W.10. The active directors will be Mr. C. II. Villiers, who for several years has been well known in the tipping-gear world, and.Mr. F. E. S. Tufnell, an engineer of much experience. On the sales side, there will be, amongst others, Mr. Anthogy Hole, who for some years has been employed solely on tipping-gear sales.
The new Anthony hydraulic tipping gear as now presented to the British market is the result of many years' experience and research work, and a large number of the hoists is already in use in different parts of the world.
One Association for All Motor Users?
A prediction that, in the future, every motor user in the country would become a member af one national association, was made by Mr. Charles Hodgson, chairman of the Devon and Cornwall Area of the Road Haulage Association, at an open meeting of hauliers held at Penzance last Saturday. Mr. J. A. Hutchings, chairman of the. Penzance and district branch of
the West Cornwall sub-area of the Association, presided.
Those in the road-haulage industry who were not afraid to look ahead would realize, said Mr. Hodgson, that the next two years would be extremely difficult for the lorry owner.
Right to Object Challenged.
The question of whether objections could. be raised to the substitution of a larger vehicle for the smaller one already licensed Was discussed before Mr. Henry Riches, the Northern Scotland Licensing Authority. Mr. R. Barnett (Dundee Express Deliveries) applied for permission to substitute a ::15-cwt. vehicle for a 12-cwt. machine. There were seven objectors, but Mr. Riches said that six objections had been received outside the statutory period of 14 days. The London and North Eastern Railway Co. also objected, For the applicant, itwas submitted that none of the objections should be allowed, as the objectors had no locus.
Mr. Riches said that the course he had hitherto followed in cases normally covered by the Road and Rail Traffic Act was to advertise the application in "Applications and Decisions" and to take into consideration any objection made by a properly qualified person. He would follow this course with regard to this 'application. Mr. Riches was not satisfied that a case had been made out for a 35-cwt. vehicle, but he granted a licence for a machine not exceeding 25 cwt.
Traders Seek Council's Support.
West Sussex Motor Agents' Association has passed a resolution expressing the view that corporations should, as a matter of policy, purchase vehicles, etc., from local traders, allocating the orders in rotation by ballot or some other method generally fair to the whole trade, Worthing Corporation has replied that it accepts the most favourable tender received and, all things being equal, preference is given to local traders. NEW C.M.U.A. BRANCH AT WARRINGTON.
As the result of a meeting of commercial-motor users at Warrington, last week, it was decided to form a local branch of the Commercial Motor Users Association. Colonel Brereton Fairdough, J.P., who, for many years, has taken a great interest in the Merseyside transport industry, and particularly in the C.M.U.A., presided. Mr. S. Preece, hon. secretary of the Crewe branch and chairrnan of the Chester branch, and Mr. J. L. Kinder, area organizer, also gave addresses.
A further meeting of Warrington members and prospective members was held On Monday.
L.M.S. Appeal Succeeds: Ex-Barge Captain Loses Licence.
At Liverpool, last week, the London, Midland and Scottish Railway Co. successfully appealed to the Appeal Tribunal against a decision of
the North-Western Licensing Authority granting a. "B" licence to Mr. Peter Abram, of Ormslirk, a former barge captain.
For the railway company, Mr. Leo Gradwell said, that between 1919 and May, 1934, Mr. Abram carried goods by barge, but when the barge was broken up, he purchased a lorry. The appellant contended that the districts covered by the barge and 'the class of goods carried were not as stated by the respondent when he gave evidence supporting his application. In reply, Mr. Ian Macaulay said that the wrong statements made by Mr. Abram at the hearing were not deliberately false.
The chairman, Mr. Rowand Harker, KC., said the appeal would be allowed. The railway company was allowed £8 Ss. costs.
New Scottish Haulage Concern.
R. Grierson and Co., Ltd., 125, Buchanan Street, Glasgow, has been formed as a private company, with a capital of £5,000, to carry on the business of transport contractors, etc. The subscribers are Mr. W. 'Nordic Watson, director of Wardle .and Ltd., Glasgow, and Mr. W. Wordie. carrier, Glasgow. 135 ROAD REGULATIONS SINCE 1930!
Since July, 1930, 2,907 sealed Regulations and Orders have been issued by the Ministry of Transport under the various Acts relating to railways, roads and other forms of transport, and to electricity. Of the total, 100 have been made under the Road Traffic Act, 1930; 13 under the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933, and 22 under the Road Traffic Act, 1934.
The Sale of Harrow Trailer Business.
Following a paragraph which appeared in our issue dated June 21, in which it was stated that the stock, plant and goodwill of the Harrow Industrial Co., Ltd., had been purchased by another concern, the Harrow company informed us that the negotiations had not been completed. Now, we learn from Binder, Hamlyn and Co., the accountants who have the matter in hand,. that the Harrow plant, stock, etc., have been sold to E. H. Jones (Machine Tools); Ltd., of Britannia Wharf, Baldwin Terrace, London, W,1.
Road.accident Returns.
The following figures are extracted from the Ministry of Transport return of persons killed or injured in road accidents during the week. ended June 29, 1935,• the figures in parentheses being those for the corresponding week in 1934. The number of persons who died as a result of accidents during previous Weeks is included in the total, In England 99 (125) persons were killed and 4,742 ,f4,298) injured, whilst in Scotland 7 (9) were killed and 416 (489) injured. The figures for Wales show that 7 (5) persons were killed and 233 (178) injured.
Provisional Conciliation Agreement for Furniture Removers.
The Furniture Warehousemen and Rernnvers Association is still conducting negotiations regarding the projected new wages agreement for furniture-removal operatives in England and Wales.
At a recent meeting with the union representatives,. it was decided that, for the time being, members could pay drivers and statutory attendants the wages prescribed by the Area Conciliation Boards, except where higher wages are being paid (these to be continued), and that the conditions of employment should be as set out in the agreement in the Association's 19341935 year book. For workers other than drivers and statutory attendants, the wages and conditions specified in the year book remain unaltered.
Much-improved Unipower Hand Brake.
As a direct result of a criticism made in this paper in. connection with a recent road test of the Unipowered-Bedford Gr-tonner, reported on May 17 last, the band-brake system has been greatly improved. Formerly operating on the first and second axies, the brake now, acts op all six wheels.
The alteration has been effected by
TENDE.RS are invited by the following (latest dates are given in parenthesis):—Fulham B.C., for supply oi steam coal:—AlternatIve A:. 40,000 tons lor delivery from October 1, 1935, to March 31, 1936. 'Alternative B: 130,000 tens for delivery Irma October 1, 1935, to SepGunter 30, 1936. Apply to borough electrical engineer, 587-591, Fulham Road, London, S.W.6 (July 171.
Aberdeen C.C., for supply of coals. Apply to county education officer, 14, Crown Terrace, Aberdeen (July 16).
Dian City Mental Hospital, for house coal, Fteam coal and coke. Apply to clerk and steward, Mental Hospital, Hull (July 15).
North Riding E.G., for coal and coke. Apply to Mr. F. Barraclorigh, Education Offices, County Hall, Northallerten (July 20).
Huntingdonshire C.C., for supply of coal and coke at Wyton County Sanatorium. Apply to Mr. J. B. Kelly, County Offices, Huntingdon (July 17).
All applications must be accompanied by a Stamped. addressed foolscap envelope.
incorporating junction bars in the two rods from the cross-shaft, the existing cables to the leading bogie wheels and the new cables to the rearmost bogie wheels being coupled to the ends of these.
On the same up-gradient on which we were previously unable -to hold the machine with the hand brake alone, we have again tested it, and found that the new layout is entirely satisfactory in respect of both parking and starting from rest.
Royal Show New Implement Award.
• We are advised by Blackstone and Co., Ltd., Stamford, that its new tractor rake, which was exhibited on the stand of its associated company, Massey-Harris,. Ltd., at the recent RoYal Show at Newcastle, has been awarded the silver medal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, this being the only medal awarded this year for a new implement. This rake is specially designed for use as a selfacting implement with a tractor. R.H.A. METROPOLITAN AREA OFFICERS.
Mr. J. F. E. Pye has been unanimously re-elected chairman, and Messrs. L. Haybittel and A. H. Simpson deputy chairmen for the ensuing year of the Metropolitan Area Committee of the Road Haulage Association.
The following chairmen of subcommittees were unanimously reelected:—Capt. E. Gordon-Poggifinance; Mr. I. B. Roberts—rates; Major the Hon. Eric Long—propaganda. Other members of the main committee are Messrs. H. G. Bissell, A. E. Drain, C. W. Beckett, A. F. Shaw (representing the sub-areas). F. C. Glover, J. Guyatt, T. Hewstone, and W. H. Won-all. Mr. Allan Simpson has been unanimously reelected hon. secretary.
It is noteworthy that the composition of the committee is practically identical with that originally elected three years ago.
Farmers' Responsibility for Hired Vehicles.
It is widely known that vehicles used for the conveyance of livestock have to be regularly cleansed and records kept of the animals carried and of the date of the previous cleansing of the vehicle. It may not be as generally known that, in the case of a farmer employing a haulier to transport his livestock, it is the former who is responsible for seeing that these regulations are kept.
A case in point recently arose in Gloucester, in which the appropriate records were not kept on the lorry and available for inspection. Both the farmer. and the owner-driver of the lorry employed were fined for the offence.