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Since its introduction the Daimler Fluid Flywheel Transmission has proved to be the most successful motor invention of recent...
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IT is understood that the co-operative move ment is bringing a legal action against the Pigs and Bacon Marketing Boards in an...
TT is sometimes possible to go too far in the Laudable wish to promote the safety of mOtor vehicles. A drastic example of this...
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A RECENT issue of the Financial News contained 1.-1 . an interesting article entitled "Hopes for Commercial Motors." This was...
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Hears Little regarding possible tax changes. That oil may yet become elastic. That oil prices have been so for a long time....
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by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it...
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A distinguished gathering attended at the Grand Hotel, Birmingham, on the occasion of the first national dinner of the...
T HE Minister of Transport has issued a draft of the new Regulations dealing with the lighting of road vehicles. The...
A T the 46th Health Congress of the Royal Sanitary Institute, which is being held at Bournemouth from July 15-20, several...
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A Prominent Oil Company has Evolved a Method of Obtaining, by Purely Electrical Means, High-speedengine Indicator Diagrams...
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SIX-WHEELER A Rigid-frame Trailing-axle Model with an Ingenious Load-distribution System Offered at the Attractive Figure of...
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nUESTIONS regarding rates occu pied much of an all-day hearing, when the application of Messrs. W. B. Bell and Sons, Wrexham,...
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S.B.A.C. DISPLAY INCLUDES FINE AIR - TRANSPORT MACHINES. A T the annual display of the Society of British Aircraft...
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Discusses an Important Subject from Many Angles and Points to the Sound Service that can be Rendered by the Well-founded...
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In Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent THE FINANCE BILL PASSED. T HE third reading of the Finance Bill was...
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A Peep at the Transport Activities of W. H. Smith and Son, Ltd., Reveals the Value of Road Motors in Newspaper Distribution...
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THE CORROSION THEORY DISPUTED. [4587] In my opinion, all this talk about cylinder corrosion is absurd. The real cause of...
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A NEW hydraulic jack, designed to .be of all-round value in maintenance shops, is being marketed by E. P. Barrus, Ltd., 35-37,...
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THE PRODUCTION OF NICKEL AND MONEL METAL To the Automobile Engineer, Nickel, Pure or Alloyed with Other Elements, is of...
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A Negative Definition by the Appeal Tribunal Considerably Narrows the Scope of Objectors' Allegations Against Applicants I...
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with rubber-mounted engine C O-INCIDENIALLY • with the appointinent of a new London agent -=Messrs. Modern Transport...
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Passenger Transport All the latest news of important developrn en is affecting p ub lic-serv ice vehicle owners W.W.O.C....
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ANOTHER PROFITABLE YEAR AT MANCHESTER A BRIEF paragraph in our issue dated June 28 revealed the fact that the profit on the...
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Without Road Mechanical Transport, the Preparation of Animal Meal Could Not be Carried On in an Economic Manner T HE...
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A Big Fleet of Bedfords for .the Removal of the Debris ink. an Indian Town Recently Devastated by Earthquake T HE planning of...
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The Third of a Series of Articles on the Specific Problems of Agricultural Haulage. Establishing Rates for Beet Transport C...
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A Resume of Patent Sped fications that Have Recently Been Published A BACK axle which includes a twospeed epicyclic gear,...