'74 final is LDoY's coming of age
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Distribution in focus
IN a special series of articles, John Darker, CM's writer on transport management topics, takes a close look at developnients in distribution. His survey begins this week with an impression of the background to distribution developments. Future articles will look at the evaluation of cost and performance; the economics of containerization; the boffins' approach to distribution; labour relations; and management. See page 41. DRIVERS who have been at Bramcote before will find the tests at this year's 21st Final of the CM Lorry Driver of the Year Competition on September 8 vaguely familiar.
Despite attempts by the regulations committee to introduce variety to the tests, this year's format is very much to the pattern of previous years.
The four manoeuvring tests have been designed to simulate hazards which drivers encounter every day. They will be required to reverse on to a loading bank, pass through cones at the minimum possible width, and drive through a narrow ing alleyway such as might be encountered in a factory. The last test demands skill in distance judgment.
Before all this, however, competitors will be subjected to a stiff Highway Code test, and an equally stiff road route with hidden observers watching driver technique and checking times, designed to prevent bunching or overtaking.
CLASS CHAMPIONS The Class Championships are divided into three parts: PART I tests the driver on his knowledge of the High way Code, recognition oi road signs, the law's demands and the mech. anical factors that affect road safety.
PART 2 is the road route. On this there will be a number of concealed observation points and in addition, there may be time checks designed to prevent bunching or overtaking.
PART 3 consists of four sections requiring the driver to manoeuvre his vehicle accurately through obstacles laid out to simulate some of the hazards that he faces on his daily task.