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I Am Not Satisfied With The Performance Of My Present
vehicles and would like some guidance about vehicle selection before I renew them. Could you recommend a book which will give me this? A As well as other useful information for......
Q I Work For A Haulage Com Pany And Part
of my duty is to order and accept deliveries of . fuel. To ensure that . fuel on hand and stock records tally, I am obliged to dip each of our tanks at regular intervals but......
Q I Am Considering Going Into Business With An Artic
tractive unit taking trailers on to the Continent for delivery at European destinations. I propose to keep the tractive unit within the dock area only, leaving it for......
Q In Your Reply (cm July 2, To A Question Asking
whetlu it is still necessary for the fit laden weight of all heavy goo, vehicles to be painted on 11 chassis, you confirmed that Regl lation 74 of the Motor Vehict (Construction......