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O ur ride tests were all run over the same bumpy

12th March 1992, Page 34
12th March 1992
Page 34
Page 34, 12th March 1992 — O ur ride tests were all run over the same bumpy
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section of road. To make an objective assessment of the forces throwing the driver about we recorded the forces at the driver's seat and backrest, and at the cab floor the higher the figure, the worse the ride.

Although our results show little difference in the way the vehicles control fore-and-aft pitching motion (shown by the backrest figure), the level of up-and-down motion (given by the seat and floor readings) does vary considerably from truck to truck.

Undoubtedly the best is the Renault, using its four-point air cab suspension to good effect to record some very impressive results.

The Iveco Ford, MAN, and Volvo occupy the middle ground, ahead of the two British trucks which also have the noisiest suspension over rough ground.