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Schmitz Seeks Uk Agents
• Schmitz Thermostar is looking for up to six UK bodybuilders and/or repair shops to act as sales and assembly agents for its range of imported rigid truck reefer units. This......
Jack Allen Shuffle
• The Jack Allen group, which sells and services US-designed/ Scottish-built Colectomatic refuse systems, is re-organising manufacturing and service. Most of the production side......
Skate Loading
• Anglesey-based Hydraroll has developed a Trailer Skate vehicle loading system for use with a range of accumulation arrangements, including a new right-angle transfer and......
Biffa Adding Cleaners
• Severn Trent subsidiaries LI Biffa Waste Services is taking Biffa Environmental and Biffa Waste Services are adding some of the latest environmentally friendly sewer cleaning......
Major Buy For Suffolk Dairy
• St Edmunds Dairies of Bury St Edmunds has taken the first of Osborne Motor Bodies' new Safeload-Major range of insulated, sliding-side-access delivery vehicles. The 4.72m body......
Open-ended Tiltec
• Tiltec of Barking, has received orders for 16 of its new 13.2m Loadfast curtained semitrailer design from the newstrade. The semi-trailer, with roller floor, outside sliding......