WHEELS of INDUSTRY " The wheels of wealth will be
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slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."–John Beattie Crosier.
To Our New Readers.
This Special Show Report Number of The Commercial Motor will undoubtedly be perused by thousands of readers who have not hitherto made a study of the journal, and we would point out to them that although this Particular issue is much larger than usual, the interest and value of the contents of the weekly numbers are always maintained.
A highly qualified staff and expert advisers do all in their power to assist readers, whether they be users, makers or in any way concerned in the roadtransport industry.
Every phase of mechanical transport by road or across country is dealt with. New vehicles, appliances and accessories are described in simple language by technical experts. Free advice is given on legal, technical and operating questions, and foreign developments which may be of interest to our readers are followed up and described. Our sources of information are world-wide, and readers of this journal are to be found in every country.
The next issue will contain a comprehensive report of the Commercial Vehicle Exhibition in Paris and of the Public Works Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition at the Royal Agricultural Hall, London.
We publish regular features of great interest and value, and further details of these are to be found on the last page of this issue.
The Roads and Transport Exhibition.
The Public Works Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition opens at the Royal Agricultural Hall, London, N., on November 18th. In the meantime, many may be interested to know that the following concerns will be exhibiting, the stand numbers being given in parentheses :— John Allen and Sons (Oxford), Ltd. (32) ; Aveling and Porter, Ltd. (81) ; Barford and Perkins, Ltd. (80) ; Chaseside Engineering Co. (115) ' • Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd. (8) ; Electricars, Ltd. (17) ; Fodens, Ltd. (72) ; John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd. (41) ; Kerr, Stuart and Co. Ltd. (63a) ; R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd. (1) ' • Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd. (70): Millars' Machinery Co., Ltd. (73) ; Motor Rail and Tram Car Co., Ltd. (112) ; Roby and Co., Ltd. (90) ; Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd. (67) ; Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd. (126) ; Wallis and Steevens, Ltd. (89).
The Length of Six-wheelers.
As the result of a deputation to the Minister of Transport on the subject of the length of articulated six-wheelers, many of which are 36 ft. long, he has consented to exempt from the provisions of the Order all existing vehicles and any which are under construction and are registered up to March 31st.
Scammell's Report.
The report of Scam men Lorries, Ltd., for the year ended June 30th last shows a net profit of £40,763. The total amount available is £59,911. The directors propose paying a dividend at the rate of 2(1 per cent. (less tax), on the capital of £123,016. They further propose to make an issue to the shareholders of 73,810 ordinary shares of Us. 8d. each at par, in the proportion of one for every five now held.
Ailen-Liversidge Dividend.
The directors of Allen-Livensidge, Ltd., have declared a dividend at the rate of 61 per cent, per annum (less tax) on the preference shares of the company, for the six months ended October 31st last. The Royal Commission.
We are asked by the chairman of the Royal Commission on Transport to announce that the Commission will meet in public at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, November 13th, in committee-room "E," House of Lords, to hear evidence to be given on behalf of the Board of Trade and the Shipowners' Parliamentary Committee. The Commission will resume at 10.30 a.m, on the following day and, if necessary, at the same hour on November 15th.
ThornycroWs ;Trading.
During the 12 months ended July 31st last, Sohn I. Thoroycroft and Co., Ltd., made a net profit of £129,700, this figure comparing with £113,012 for the previous year. The available balance is increased to £184,882 by the amount brought in A dividend of 17i per cent. is to be paid on the ordinary shares. A sum of £30,000 is allocated to the reserve fund, whilst the benevolent fund receives an allotment of £6,000. The amount to be carried' forward is £61,822.
A Ministry of Transport Return.
The gross receipts from the taxation of road vehicles for the period December 1st, 1928, to August 31st, 1929, amounted to £23,952,317, against £23,312,115 in the corresponding period of the previous year.
The total number of motor vehicles, excluding trams and trade licences, was approximately 2,131,000, compared with 1,996,000 last year. The total number of mechanically propelled road vehicles registered for the first time in August was 19,073, compared with 18,164 in the previous August.
Minimizing Brake-maintenance Work.
One of the most frequent tasks whieh have to be met in any fleet garage is the skimming of brake drums to remove scores. Not only do rough shoe-tracks reduce braking efficiency, but they cause damage to the brake facings which necessitates premature replacement. small and Parkes, Ltd., Hendhain Vale Works, Harpurhey, Manchester, has produced a new type of brake-facing material especially intended to combat this evil; it is known as Don RB. We understand that it has been tested over a period in the service of large operating companies, as well as in the laboratory, and has given very sath factory results.
Demonstration of a Special A.E.C. Bus.
We were pleased to be present at the luucheon organized at Manchester on Monday of last week by the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., and Davidson (Trafford Park), Ltd., and at the subsequent demonstration "to municipal officers, of an A.E.C. Regent chassis with 48-seater double-saloon bus body of special type built by the latter concern. The patent roof hatches (for ve-fttilation and for use as emergency exits) and the double-stairway arrangement were two features of design of the bus which appealed strongly to those present
Personal Pars.
We uutlerstand that Major R. S. Grigg, chairman of the Car Mart, Ltd., and its associated companies, has joined the board of the India Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., of Mailman, Scotland.
Mr. E. F. Gait, AALI.E.E., assistant transport manager of the Stalybridge, Hyde, Mossley and Dokinfield Tramways and Electricity Board, has recently been appointed assistant engineer to the municipal tramways and omnibus department of Durban Corporation.
Mr. Rees Jeffreys, who is well known as chairman of the Reads Improvement Association and as a representative of Great Britain on the Permanent International Association of Road Congresses, has accepted the invitation of the American Road Builders Association to act as its honorary representative in England. This organization represents the highways industry of the United States, and its headquarters are at Washington,
Mr. W. H. Goddard, A.M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.P.T., who is the sole agent for Yorkshire for Mercedes-Benz Dieselengined chassis, has decided to make a speciality of consulting work in connection with road transport by Dieselengined vehicles, especially with regard to the conversion of existing machines from petrol to heavy-oil engines.
Mr. Goddard is convinced that the Diesel engine will come into use gradually in this way, owing to the impossibility Of changing over entirely from recently designed chassis. He believes, however, that by merely changing the engine and controls a paying proposition can be made and that later there will be further developments in respect of the building of chassis for use with this class of engine.
Distinctive Upholstery Materials.
Leather plays a big part in the interior appointments of up-to-date service and luxury types of coach and bus. It is clean and serviceable in use and, by reason of the many distinctive grains and colourings which are now available, lends a pleasing note to the interior. For this reason we feel that many visitors to the Show at Olympia will do well to inspect the new Pin Seal grain leather which is being displayed on Stand 14 by Boyriven, Ltd., the well-known concern of leather and trimming makers of 9, 10 and 11, Torrington Place, London, W.C.1.. This is avery supple hide with a fine grain, which has good wearing properties and can be supplied in all shades. It has already been used extensively by some of the leading concerns for the upholstery of private cars and was much in evidence during the recently held private-car Show.
This' is a commodity to which the company draws special attention, bat new ranges of moquettes, both wool and Cotton, together with repps will be on view. The concern, as many will be aware, is associated with Handford Greatrex and Co., Ltd., the leathermaking concern of Walsall.
Canadian Production of Motor-vehicle Parts.
The 1928 production in Canada of motor-vehicle parts and supplies reached a total value of 17,007,157 dollars, the highest reported since the record total of 22,000,640 dollars in 1923. In this industry 77 plants are classified, 45 of them being located in Ontario, 13 in British Columbia, seven in Manitoba and six in Quebec. The commodities manufactured include bodies, 'springs, wheels, axles, lamps,
etc. •
A New Association.
A new trade association was inaugtiratecl on Oefober 24th. Membership is open to electrical repairers, but the associatiOn is intended more specifically • for the benefit of those who are interested in the servicing and repair of automobile electrical equipment.
A strong and representative committee has been formed, comprising the following :--A. W. Bridges (A. W.
Bridges, Newcastle-on,Tyne), J. Davis (Express Magneto (Repairs) Electrical Co., Ltd., Yeovil), E. G. Ford (Autocar Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd., London), J. E. Hardy (J. E. Hardy, Glasgow), F. H. Jennings (F. H. Jennings, Dudley), A. E. Pon ton (A. E. Penton and Sons, Bournemouth), J. E. Reilly (Reilly . and Brookes, Bolton), J. Robertson (John Robertson (Belfast), Ltd., Belfast), J. Shaw (Magneto Repairs (Leeds), Ltd., Leeds), E. S. R. Thorne (Thorne Bros., Worthing). ,
Readers who are interested should communicate with the secretary, Automobile Electrical Association, 2, Tichborne Court, London, W.C.I.
Quarry Owners' Dinner,
Mr. George Lansbuiy, M.P., First Commissioner of Works, is to be the principal guest at the annual luncheon of the National Federation of Granite and Roadstone Quarry Owners, to be held at Gatti' s Restaurant, on November 19th. Amongst those who have accepted invitations to be present are :—Sir Cooper Rawson, M.P., Mr. .W. L. Everard, M.P.,• Capt. A. C. N. Dixe-y, M.1=1., Col. C. '11. Bressey, Chief Engineer, Roads Department, Ministry of Transport, Major It. A. B. Smith, Mr. E. P. Leicester, Mr. W. E. Cone, and Mr. A. E. Dalzell.
The Roads of Middlesex.
The engineer of Middlesex County Council has prepared and submitted to the Ministry of Transport a schedule of the improvement works on the important roads in the county (involving an approximate cost of £10,186,692), which will, no doubt, ultimately require to be carried out, and probably it may he desirable to execute a considerable number during the next five years: The time available for the preparation of this programme has been limited and, of course, no detailed plans are available. The estimates, therefore, are of an approximate character, and, as each improvement conies up for consideration, will-have to he revised. The scheme covers the greater part of the road and bridge improvements which may call for attention within the next • five years.
During the nine months ended September 30th last 561 commercial vehicles were imported into Northern Ireland.
Halley's New London Depot.
Halley Motors, Ltd., Yoker, Glasgow, advises us that it has now opened its own depot in London at 195-203, Clapham Road, S.W.9. This branch will be under the personal supervision of the company's Loudon manager, Mr. R. A. MacKenzie, and a full supply of spare parts will be held in stock in readiness to meet users' requirements. The depot
is fully equipped so that repair work, from that of a minor character to that necessitating complete overhauls and reconditioning can be undertaken.
Accrington's Successful Appeal.
The Ministry of Transport recently held'au inquiry at Accrington, following which the corporation has been granted powers to run motorbuses to Clitheroe. Upon the facts placed before him the Minister came to the conclusion that the consent of the Clitheroe Rural Council to the operation of the buses in its area had been unreasonably withheld. Originally the Risliton and Calder Motor Co. also objected to the scheme, but during the inquiry terms were arranged between the municipality and this concern. with the result that its opposition was withdrawn.
Street Lighting in London.
In a circular to local authorities in London the Commissioner of Police states that, in connection with the attention given to the subject of street accidents in London, the question of street lighting has come under his review. He says that having regard to the increasing tendency for vehicles to use subsidiary roads, it appears, in certain cases, the lighting of such thorough! fares could be improved. He adilS, too; that trees in such roads are permitted to grow to such an extent as to obscure street lighting, or alternatively to cause shadows on the roadway with consequent dangers to motor traffic. The Commissioner asks that the lighting authorities will give these matters their consideration.
• Big Road Schemes in Carnarvon.
A few days ago the Carnarvon County Council adopted a road scheme which, including other plans already approved, will involve an expenditure of close upon £1,000,000. The main roads between Conway and Bangor, Carnarvon and Pwllheli and Criccieth and Tremadoc are the subject of the chief scheme and are to be widened, strengthened and resurfaced.
Commercial-vehicle Representation Abroad.
We know a man who is proceeding to India, Burnish and Ceylon with the backing of an important and well-established English company, and who is willing to act as representative for makers of commercial vehicles.
Letters addressed " Overseas," care of the Editor, will be forwarded.
Official Orders for September.
The only orders for motor vehicles given out by Government departments during September last included one placed by the Admiralty for tractors with Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., another for six-wheel-drive tractors with the Four Wheel Drive Lorry Co:, Ltd., and a third for chassis, placed by the Crown Agents for the Colonies with
Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd. .
Shelvoke and Drewry's Loss..
We learn with deep regret of the death of Mr. T. K. Sibbald, a r director of Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd., of Letchworth, who Was a' member Of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Mr. .Sibbald was highly esteemed by all those . with whom he came in contact, and the company has stiffered a severe loss by his 'death.
Aluminium for Bodies. .
A remarkably useful book entitled " Aluminium Data for Bodybuilders" has been sent to us by the British Aluminium Co., Ltd., Adelaide House, King William Street, London, E.C.4. . It contains an enormous amount of information on the subject of the employment of light alloys . in bodybuilding, including a cut-away ,sketch of a complete double-deck bus showing the various points at which these material: can be utilized.
A Further Railway Acquisition?
• It is said that the Great 'Western Railway Co. is in negotiation for the purchase of the Wrexham and District Motor Transport Co. Ltd. This was originally the Wrexham and District Electric Tramways, Ltd., and the title of the company was changed in 1914, when it was decided to employ other
means for transport. Its tramway system was abandoned in March, 1027, and the company now operates a large network of bus services over about 300 miles of route.
Instruction Book Required.
Messrs. Longton Bros., 2, Bridge Street, Whittle-le-Woods, Near ChorleY! Lanes, wish to obtain a copy of an instruction book for the 35 h.p. Studebaker six-cylinder chassis. Will any reader having one please communicate with the concern in question?
Henley's Interim Dividend.
The directors of W. T. Henley's Telegraph Works Co., Ltd, have declared an interim dividend of Is. 6d. per share (less tax) on the ordinary shares of the company.
Atkinson Steam Wagons: Debenture Action.
Bankers who held a £40,000 mortgage debenture (dated November 12th, 1926) obtained judgment in their favour -when, a few, days ago, they led an action in Manchester Chancery Court against Atkinson Walker Wagons, Ltd., the old-established maker of steam wagons, of French. wood, Preston. Heavy losses were reported, and the debenture became payable on demand. The company consented to judgment, and Mr. W. H. Ainsworth, C.A., of Preston, was appointed receiver and manager.
A. Copenhagen Show.
An International Motor Cycle and Delivery Car Show will be held in Copenhagen from January 25th to February 2nd, 1930, being followed by an International Automobile Passenger Car Show, to be held from February 21st to March 2nd. The exhibits included in the former are lorries, vans. buses and other types of commercial vehicle tractors, accessories and equip
meat and tyres. Entry forms for stand space and extracts of the regulations can be obtained in English, Danish, French and German from the management of the Exhibition at Rosenborggade 7, Copenhagen.
Salford's Two-acre Bus Garage.
The formal opening of Salford Corporation's new bus garage and tramcar depot on Eccles New Road, Weaste, took place a few days ago. With a frontage of approximately 400 ft. and a depth of 200 ft., it covers more than two acres, and is equipped with much plant of the latest types. Accommodation is provided for 80 motorbuses and 40 trams, and there is a public waiting-room--a muchneeded facility at all such establishments.
Olympia Conference Modifications.
Further to the details which we have published concerning the conferences to be held at the Commercial Motor Exhibition at Olympia, we are advised by the S.M.M. and T. that certain alterations have been made. The conference on November 11th, which is being held under the auspices of the Incorporated Association of Retail Distributors, will commence at 11.30 a.m., instead of 11 a.m., and the subjects to be discussed will be :—(1) Remote delivery; (2) an examination of the schedule prepared by the I.A.R.D. for the exchange of figures on costs of delivery; (3) new cars for old for the retail distributor.
The conference on the following day will be held under the auspices of only the Omnibus Owners' Association, the subject for discussion being the second reportof the Royal CORIRliskliOn on Transport.
A Stockton Appointment.
Mr. Rowland C. Moore, of Sheffield, has been appointed by the Stockton Corporation as traffic superintendent in the omnibus department. The corporation is taking steps to promote a Bill in the next session of Parliament so as to abandon trams and to secure powers to run motorbus services into Middlesbrough, via Thornaby.
The L.C.C. and Fuel-tilling Stations.
The public-control committee of the London County Council. has considered suggestions by the Ministry of Transport to the effect that the erection of petrol filling stations at or near road junctions should be discouraged, that all such stations should be provided with adequate space off the highway for waiting vehicles, and that there should be adequate entrances and exits. The committee has informed the Ministry that the council has no power to require compliance with these suggestions, adding that it is alive to the importance of taking traffic conditions into consideration when dealing with applications for the approval of sites for petrol stations and garages and that, in all important cases, it consults the police.
Oxford's New Bus Station.
The new bus station 'which i is being erected for the benefit of country passengers by the City of Oxford Motor Services, Ltd., is well advanced. The company and the Oxford City Council came to a special agreement in connection with the work and, as the atedon will be brought into use on November 26th—although it will not actually be completed by this date—the company's vehicles will not, after then, be allowed to stop and pick up passengers in the city streets within 300 yards of Carfax. The station includes in its layout waiting and cloak rooms, parcels office and a garage.
Parking at Lancaster.
Lancaster Corporation has obtained a large site in the centre of the town which will accommodate approximately 300 motor vehicles, and regulations are being made for the use of this site as a public parking place.
Municipal Purchases and Proposals.
The tramways committee of LANCASTER Corporation has decided to purchase four new motorbuses.
The highways committee of MIDDLEsax County Council recommends the purchase of three 30-cwt. lorries.
SUNDERLAND Watch Committee has decided to recommend the purchase of a Morris-Magirus motor fire-escape.
ROTHERHAM Corporation has ordered a new Halley vehicle at a cost of £889 and agreed to the ordering of a further similar machine.
The fire-brigade committee of the Lornoae County Council is to obtain quotations for the supply of four motor fire pumps and two tenders.
The watch committee of RornannAm Corporation has decided to invite quotations for the supply of a motor ambulance.
The highways committee of CHESHIRE County Council has accepted the tender of Mr. D. Taylor, of Haslington, for the supply of a Dennis 30-cwt. lorry.
CHESHIRE County Council has authorized the county surveyor to put–
chase a Foden 5-ton steam wagon at an estimated coat of £855.
The tramways committee of Hum Corporation has accepted the tender of the Paragon (Hull) Motor Co., Ltd., for the supply of a Morris-Commercial The tramways committee of Huts. Corporation has accepted the tender of Guy Motors, Ltd., for 12 chassis, that of the Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., for six bus bodies at £80 each and that of C. H. Roe, Ltd., for a similar number of bodies at 1.825 each.
The highways committee of Gr,ouCESTE16 County Council is asking for tenders for the supply of oils, petrol and miscellaneous stores for lorries and rollers for the year ending March 31st, 1931. Further particulars can be obtained from the countysurveyor, the Shire Hall, Gloucester, and tenders have to be delivered not later than November 23rd.
A Tees-side Registration.
The registration is announced, as a private company with a capital of £8,000 in £1 shares, of Blue Baud Bps Services, Ltd., an undertaking working services in the Middlesbrough district and limited-stop services between Teesside and London and elsewhere. The directors are Messrs. J. P. Taylor and J. F. Taylor.